: 1st tp for dueling ball. 2nd tp for bombing enemy backline. he wouldn’t have tp back in time for that with new tp : 1st tp for bomb (attempt) and better angle. had 2nd tp available for escaping the rein but messed up cast hence death (can see the animation for tp being quickly brought up but canceled; he would’ve made it too). but with new tp, there wouldn’t have been a chance at all. : 1st tp to effectively give him access to hard cover and elevation escape without hard disengaging. 2nd tp to escape the 2+ rush on him + take out widow. with new tp, he would’ve hard disengaged when he went off high ground or at most got up and had to rely on teammates to save him from winston or the subsequent rush after. defs no widow pick with new tp.
A lot of sym’s uptime is enabled by a tp cast to literally get her where she wants to be for what she wants to do AT HER WILL. It should be very obvious that nerfing that down to not be available much at all, will severely trash her gameplay in the same way nerfing mobility and/or sustain on other flankers will e.g. nerfing blink + recall cd for tracer or cd for both reaper’s mobility abilities.
that is much more impactful/severe than the numerical shave offs on the other parts of her kit, esp when the shave offs didn’t really touch any real key/important thresholds.
for all we know they legit will do this if they’ve managed to somehow put infinite tp through while somehow also actually thinking the change makes her “less restricting” and “gives her more opportunities”.
yes infinite tp has completely jaded me on how I think the devs’ train of thought go regarding sym.
The flip side shows the reverse to a massively higher extent. Previous tele was consistently disappearing before anyone could take it. It’s absurd to say it was more reliable lol. Teammates were not keeping track of tele timer, when sym players themself could hardly do so with all the constructs and timers juggling WITH also having a timer on the screen. Blows my mind you’d say it’s was more reliable for teammates lmao.
That wasnt an issue because team TP plays depend entirely on speed and surprise. If your team isnt taking it seconds after its deployed you might as well just go back to spawn and switch to a real dps hero because the enemy team already noticed that no one is at the choke point. Even in bronze.
The only thing buffed by it is like… spawn walk reduction. Thats it.
Its 3 sentries, dont exaggerate. There are heroes with way more UI clutter. Some with 2 resource bars.
Infinite TP is not a nerf. There is nothing wrong with infinite TP.
Infinite TP is a buff my Symetra uses very well. It is too bad that some Symetra players haven’t found it’s value yet…someday…someday.
Only team oriented tactic I have seen, which couldn’t be done with old TP was bastion moving from platform to platform forever, for example in Volskaya. Though it could be done almost the same way, if Symmetra played somewhat close to bastion. New TP just makes her clunky and she has lots of downtime with it
I wouldn’t count taxi a tactic, only thing that is a buff is the range increase. Attack with TP was always there, but she could give her team more choices with lower downtime if first attack failed
the biggest mistake was making Symmetra a DPS when 2 or 3 modifications that even an idiot can do on Workshop could’ve made her a perfectly viable healer. If they won’t admit that, imagine something simple as her teleporter.
refer to ranulf’s point about team tps should be taken quickly
if tp was put down for a purpose, and there’s a delay before it’s purpose/use is fulfilled, that’s delay experienced down time for sym. and if you’re having a lot of experienced down time from these delays, you’re not playing well as sym.
it’s more reliable in value because it was more frequent to cast to let sym have it more often and to let sym adapt to the situation better.
e.g. can switch between team use and individual use more fluidly and sooner.
this is especially the case when we had 2 massive tank patches shifting their power away from shields to make them move around more —> teams move around more —> where tp should be and what it should be used fore changes more often.
if they can and are expected to track enemy ults and enemy cd abilities to be considered as part of “good gameplay”, idk why we should draw the line at tp when
there’s legit notification text on when it spawns,
has chevron indicators to their entrances for everyone on sym’s team
and even has sym announcing to your ears that tp is online
to tell you when to start counting to 10.
Heck, even if they should do something about it, this isn’t a problem one should fix with the cd mechanic. It’s a freaking UI problem, put a timer icon on tp in some way or form.
Making tp infinite duration while butchering its cd (and consequently butchering he ability) is like trying to solve visual clutter problem from shields by deleting all shields. or trying to solve the issue of reins unexpectedly dropping shields letting damage hit his team, by giving literally the same cd mechanic to rein shield. like it’s excessive, ludicrous, and hero killing. Fix the UI problem with a UI solution.
this REALLY sounds like a you problem. many sym mains have been managing their structures just fine. just because you can’t doesn’t mean every sym player should be tied down to your level of structure tracking.
uuuh no it wasn’t. tp is either used for the team or used for herself. old tp being more frequent meant that she could switch between team use and individual use quicker and more often, i.e. less selfish and can better suit the needs of everyone.
rather than now, were you either hard commit to 1 personal use or 1 team use for very long periods of time i.e. either 1 excessively sym selfish use or 1 excessively team selfish use.
expecting sym to reserve her engagement, disengagement and burst-combo-enabling tool the majority of the match for the very few situations where the team wants tp is highly unreasonable.
the “new tactics” infinite tp opened up was literally just a few tp spots and that was simply due to placement range being increased by 5m and nothing to do with the infinite duration AT ALL.
but rather what it took away was many opportunities for sym to either escape, flank for new territory, flank for picks, grab a sneaky angle, block auto-aiming enemies, etc. simply because it’s no longer available enough to grab such opportunities.
I’ll stand by it, TP was way more fun before the infinite change.
I’m playing a dps not a support, why does Sym has to be reduced to a TP bot for her team ?
It makes her more niche than what the rework intended.
A dps has to be somewhat self sufficient, the original TP made it so she could use the ability for herself AND for her team kinda like how Sombra’s hack works
Sym already relies on her team to make space so much if she wants to do anything, that TP doesn’t help at all.
Also what new strategies ? Everything people do right now is also possible with the former version.
The only thing that isn’t possible is putting your TP at spawn all game, really interesting tactic.
Why are you dying so much that the small decrease in time walking back actually makes a difference
But jokes aside if you are leaving your tp behind or just chilling by tp then you lose most flexibility. What are you actually gaining that couldn’t be done before?
infinite tp kills aggressive sym playstyles adding a ten second cooldown to the ability makes her so boring and passive.
three turrets, teleporter, primary charge, and ultimate timer when up. You sound highly ignorant of the hero, and no it wasn’t utilized by ones team before it was even worse for team using it and the range was lower which was pretty significant for choke tele’s