Incorrect Career Profile Overview and Statistics on Console

Dear Blizzard Devs,

I hope all is well with you.

I am writing to inform you regarding an issue I am facing of incorrect career profile overview and statistics that has existed currently for 8 months - since the launch of Overwatch 2.

I have played Overwatch 1 for 1000+ hours, with my 3 most played heroes being Mercy, Moira, and At the launch of Overwatch 2, my career profile overview displayed around only 400 hours, with it showing that my 3 most played heroes are Mercy, Moira, and Brigitte (which is incorrect considering many of my hours on all the heroes just went missing - including my 3 most played heroes).

To clarify further, firstly, in Overwatch 1 on August 20, 2019, I was a level 100 bronze border with 5 stars. During this time, the total time played was 498 hours. Secondly, in Overwatch 1 on December 22, 2021, I was a level 99 silver border with 5 stars. During this time, the total time played was 1,058 hours. As of today in Overwatch 2, the total time played in my career profile overview shows 499 hours.

My final level before the launch of Overwatch 2 was level 38 gold border with 1 star, indicating that I should have more than 1,058+ hours on my career profile overview. However, my career profile in Overwatch 2 displays the wrong overview and statistics for all my time played and for all my heroes, showing 499 hours - which is almost the same number of hours I had when I was in bronze border in 2019!

It will almost be a year since the existence of this bug, and we console players have been patiently waiting since October 2022 to get our correct career profile overview and statistics back someday.

I would appreciate it if this could be taken care of promptly and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you,



I’m still missing a significant amount of hours between all of my profiles. I played on all 4 systems (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch) which were all linked to a singular Blizzard ID. I had thousands of hours played, and a large amount of Sombra hours. If you combined my Sombra hours, I’d probably be pushing 1000 hours. But thanks to this garbage merge…I have 300. Like the lack of attention to this is pathetic and embarrassing.

At what point during their lie of PVE and their lie of focusing on PVP were they going to properly address this?


It seems like this bug is affecting different platforms, not just console.

Also, similar problem here. For my most-played hero (Mercy), I should have around 700 hours, but now it shows that I only have 190 hours on her.

I hope this bug report and the ones reported by other players that are experiencing this bring the issue to the attention of the Devs.


I’m amazed how OW2 keeps becoming a very bad, soulless, and watered down version of OW1. We lost so many cool features that were present in ow1 and we got broken promises on new features coming in ow2. Making games needs time, we get it, but at least value the time of the players who spent years playing your game and earned their stats!

Except, you don’t. All the hours we spent and the stats that we had earned are gone. No matter how many tickets we issue or how many times we complain.

Thanks for nothing, Blizzard.


They mentioned that our stats before the launch of Overwatch 2 is safe and that they will be recovered and restored for a duration of several weeks. However, not fixing this problem for 8 months and not giving the player base an update about it is saddening, considering the countless hours we spent on a game we were passionate about :frowning:


+1 for this, very sad to see this issue still ongoing after so very many months :frowning:


I’m going through the same thing and Blizzard doesn’t take a stand on it, I feel aggrieved. Also, some of my skins didn’t come after merging.


Blizzard has a great game on their hands, but they don’t know how to properly manage it. I wish they would take the same care that Epic Games takes with Fortnite.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: Competitive Career Statistics Page. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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I hope you can get your skins back soon!! Have you tried contacting Blizzard Support?

Your post is very detailed, thanks for your effort in spreading awareness regarding this bug and many others!


Customer Support lacks the capability to unlock in-game items, and in fact, notifying them of your issue may actually result in an account punishment. So unfortunately, the only thing we can do is to keep bumping up this issue and hope the Devs fix all the bugs with merged and transferred accounts.

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Thanks for letting us know, Azdyph.

If you have played Overwatch on PlayStation 4 and logged into a PlayStation 5 with the same PSN account, PS5 displays the total time you have spent playing the PS4 game version of Overwatch.

My total playtime hours are 2724, yet my career profile shows 546 hours only. Hope this gives some clarity to PlayStation players who were wondering what their total playtime hours were.


Hello there,

I would like to update this topic. As a reminder, even if there is PLENTY of those ones there if you search a bit.
We are at season 6 with the add-on « progression » to follow new stats and everything about every champ you play.
And on the other hand, the console stats for the career profile are still showing numbers that makes no sense. Like my Mercy winrate going from 51% (on OW1) to 27% (on OW2), with the addition of free defeats and the remove of some wins :slight_smile:
It’s been nearly a year now… and it’s still in known issues.
It’s about time to give some love for console, and fix it for REAL.




Unfortunately, it’s been like this since OW2 launched. It’s been on the “Known Issues” list since October 8th when the patch was released. They said they still have our data and it isn’t lost, but it could take “several weeks” before they can restore it all. And by “several weeks” they mean 10 months and counting :confused:


Still waiting also for this bug to be finally fixed


What’s weird is that during the Overwatch 2 Beta access, my career profile was correct - as it was in Overwatch 1. All my hours were intact and accurately tracked.

How did the career profile bug appear with the release of Overwatch 2 but not in the Overwatch 2 Beta access?


I reached nearly max level on overwatch1 and am missing thousands of hours as well and missing stats such as 30k+ players resurrected. hoping this is fixed asap as it was mentioned they attempted to fix but it didn’t work then mentioned again that it would be fixed season 8 by the earliest.


I feel you rat, it’s upsetting, isn’t it :confused:


the radio silence from devs in regard to this bug has been infuriating and disappointing to say the least. my motivation to play this game is destroyed every time i look at my career profile and see my stats ruined, and yet im still asked to spend money on this game’s battle pass, and various cosmetics. is this a joke? the devs said our data would return in a matter of weeks… it has been not just months but a full year. i expected so much more, and we all deserve so much more.


incompetence. the reason is that the dev team is incompetent.