🤔 Inconsistencies in Symmetra's HP compared to other DPS of similar range

I am not ignoring that, I literally said I agreed with you that she needed additional health. I love it when you trigger someone so hard that they either stop reading your entire posts or blatantly ignore key details. I just do not agree with your overall reasoning, fam.

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The orbs travels incredibly slow whereas Mei’s icicles are hanzo-arrow speed which makes her good at range. Mei and Doomfist also have reliable disengage mechanisms whereas Symmetra does not. TP is often too easily destroyed if she decides to take the risk. Reaper has health regen.

Bastion is a ranged hitscan hero, but incredibly huge hitbox and close to 0 mobility.
Torb turret has range but he himself has no mobility.
Doomfist is a melee hero with a bigger hitbox than Sym.

But since Mei and Reaper can have 250, Sym should also have 250, maybe only when she ults. She gets 50 extra shield health.

I would love it if they added on 50 more shields for her. Let her be a little more durable.

Both Sym’s orbs and Mei’s Icicles have the same speed, check the wiki, 20 m/s, Hanzo’s arrows are 26 m/s

Also, Sym’s are probably the biggest projectile on the game while Mei’s are almost pinpoint

Edit: nope, I misread lol, Mei’s are 120 m/s but still, pinpoint sized, however, Hanzo’s arrows do have a travel speed of 26 m/s so while Sym is in fact slower, Mei’s also faster than Hanzo by a TON

Her orbs are bigger plus explode on impact, and her turrets are strong too especially when their clumped up when you send them through a TP or spread them out enough to where unless a charter has an aoe they can’t killed all of them without taking serious damage. Again, she just has more options at ranged than those character combined with her tinier hitbox. It’s the same reason Roadhog has 600hp and Zarya has 400. One is easier to hit than the other and both have diffent sets of skills, therefore, they get more HP. You wouldn’t argue that just because their both tanks they deserved the same HP. The same applies to DPS. It’s why Tracer has 150, Soilder has 200 and Mei has 250. A better comparison is needed if you want to suggest Sym should get more HP.

I wouldn’t say Mei has a “reliable” disengage method. Ice block and wall can sometimes save you but they are not reliable ways to leave a fight compared to Doomfist going “YEET” around the map. Sym also has huge projective orbs that have splash damage and mei’s is smaller and needs to be close because her gimmick is the freeze people. Sym prorboly does need more HP but the Bastion/Reaper/Mei comparasions aren’t fair because of their toolkits and hitbox sizes.

Well… I’m not sure where you get that info but It’s impossible for hanzo’s projectile speed to be 26m/s. Just pick hanzo in the training ground, stand at 30 meter mark and see if it takes a whole second for it to hit the bots.

And yes the orbs are huge, but they are mostly used in a really close range. Of course you can spam them at chokes, but that’s just for ultra charge. You’re unlikely to get a kill unless you’re reeeeeeaaally lucky.

For comparison one more time, Pharah’s rockets are only 35 m/s, be it as it may, the registered numbers are there and you can find them on all the wikis

I agree that the Bastion, Doomfist comparisons are unfair.

But we’re actually talking about getting a kill. Spamming orbs at distance is not going to secure a kill for sym. She needs to get close too to do damage.

Mei can do that, with the 250hp, it’s likely for her to freeze and hs before getting killed. If she cannot, she cryo and gets support.

Same for reaper with the insane damage. He can wraith away.

Sym seems to fell short at this. She may need something like Torb’s Overload, because I think right now, she needs too much support to be able to do damage. She’s just not very reliable.

I honestly just want her beam to be about 3 meters longer and a faster tp setup time. She would be perfect then.

Okay. I read it. And 26m/s is when you don’t hold left click. If you hold left click and release it, which is when you need to hit a ranged shot, the projectile speed is 100m/s.

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Sym has the longest range of any dps.
She has 290 health.
Can be at 4 places at a time.
Has the highest mobility of any dps.
Has some of the highest dps of any dps.
Has a small hitbox.
Has one of the faster ults in the game.

No, she doesn’t need more health.

there you go! my bad

Freezing with Mei is hard too because you can be booted or the enemy may move in an a way that makes it hard to get a headshot sometimes. And Reaper is garbo right now even with wraith. Torb is the only thing I do agree with. I think Sym needs faster start ups for her abilities.

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Why isn’t Symmetra’s alt fire 100m/s like Hanzo’s? Why does he need to be 5x faster for the same damage, without even having splash? Why does a character like Mccree get to have 140 bodyshot hitscan damage a second, even when people consider him bad? 140!? Pharah has the most similar attack to Symm’s secodnary, yet she gets changed to 35m/s while Symm is stuck at 20, slowest projectile tied with Moira orbs and Orisa halt. Still at 120 lousy damage while other DPS characters get alt fire moves that do 270 damage or thrown explosives that do 175 damage.

I just wish her kit would keep up with everything else, they are severely gimping her.

Make her gun generate temporary shields for her. Max of 100 that decays at a rate slightly slower than dooms. I would hate this so damn much, but it would help a lot.

Those three examples you gave also have hyper mobility too…

Tracer = 3 blink + 1 rewind
Genji = deflect + double jump + wall cilmb + dash
Sombra = instant permanent translocator

Symmetra = no heal, no hp, close range( you can’t track a target at 12 m at all time, median range ~7m) and her escape is a 2 second deploy predictable teleporter.

For her potential health buff, it would be 125hp+125shield, she hates disorder.


I agree that to make her primary fire more useful and viable, she should have more health. I think her health should be 250 health total (150 hp+100 shield)

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Her orbs are bigger plus explode on impact,

That doesn’t really matter when they move so slow the enemy can literally sidestep them. If you try that with a Mei there is a serious risk of death from headshot.

There’s a reason Sym has the lowest final blows of all DPS, and even some tanks.

especially when their clumped up when you send them through a TP or spread them out enough to where unless a charter has an aoe they can’t killed all of them without taking serious damage

Her 3.0 turrets are a nerf. Consider the following:

  • 18% less max power
  • 50% less total area covered
  • 50% less storage capacity

And for what? Giving them a bit of health? Lazier turret placement? Predictable telebombs that put all ur abilities on cooldown?

The devs themselves said they changed the turrets as an explicit nerf to Sym’s area control capability. They didn’t like that aspect of Sym’s playstyle.

Again, she just has more options at ranged than those character combined with her tinier hitbox.

No actually, she doesnt. Mei can do everything Sym can now, and more:

  • Need mobility? Mei wall boost is the original form of the teleporter.
  • Need to block damage for your team? Mei wall can do it on cooldown; Syms is locked behind ultimate.
  • Need to stall the point? Mei can run circles around Sym in this regard
  • Want to defend a choke? Mei wall cutting off teams as they come thru is much better than low health tickle turrets
  • Both firing modes of Mei are 1000 times better than Syms
  • And to top it off, her ult ignores Sym’s ult, which is ridiculous tbh.
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