Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

Don’t matter in the context of Mercy being an entry level hero where higher skilled healers (Ana being the only one so far unfortunately) should be out performing.

The only correct opinion. :smirk:

Yet again you ignore me. Silence speaks more than your actions. Thanks for being so kind :>
I’d love it If you could gently now stop posting statistics that help your argument even tho they are out of the time we are talking about. Thanks <3

It does matter. Widowmaker performs extremely bad on lower levels but extremely well on higher levels.

Because she’s a sniper. Because she requires aim to be effective.

Guess what Ana is?

Ana has been stronger than Mercy. And every time she is stronger than Mercy, it is always on levels where people can aim. Because the game is not balanced around you being unable to land your shots.

His point still stands. Ana was trash after her continuous nerfs and the fact that dive was coming back. The only other main healer was mercy. Also did you notice how mercy was highly picked in low ranks when “god tier” ana was in the game?

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I don’t get what you are trying to say lol
Widowmaker performing bad in low ranks makes sense.
Just like Mercy performing bad (relatively to other healers) at high levels makes sense.

I’m not sure I understand your reasoning.

You first said that high ranks doesn’t matter, without any explaination.
Then you try to justify that, depending on the rank, Ana & Mercy were switching their pickrates.


I still don’t get what the hell you are going on about…

Yes high ranks don’t matter in context of Mercy balancing etc due to being a entry level/low skill hero.
Ana was better in high ranks due to being a higher skilled hero who had more payoff the better you got.
So what?

So, only certain heroes matter when being balanced in higher ranks? You know more than just golds play this game, right?


High ranks have higher skilled heroes to play.

I’d recommend you stop replying to him. It’s not worth the time. He will always bends his words the way they suit him. Conversations with him lead nowhere. Even if you ‘beat him in his own game’ he would shut up, ignore you, then go onto another Mercy thread and do the same thing he did here. He only argues with stats if he likes them, otherwise- nah. He is not worth the time you’d take to argue with him and I think we have all realized that by now.


That lower skilled ranks still play these heroes also. You make no sense. Mercy is still dominating in ALL ranks currently, whereas her old iteration only dominated lower ranks, as it should be, because that makes sense for an entry-level hero versus a 3-Star.


Ignoooore the ignoraaaance. ;3

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This is about old Mercy, not current Mercy.
Old Mercy did dominate lower/mid ranks as she should and taper of at the high end. Which is how a entry level hero should work in terms of pick rates etc
Doesn’t change that Mass Res was unhealthy.

Oh… you mean in those ranks where Mercy was only competing with a high skill floor hero for a role that is almost as mandatory anywhere other then GM.

Seriously if you can hear reports of people in diamond + calling her a troll pick and at the same time be almost everywhere below that, and then you realise how much skill ana takes to place deently and how many people who are in gold with that skillset who want to play Support and not go pew pew with their favourite DPS.

Suddenly her pickrate makes perfect sense

Got it. It does make more sense to try to balance her more around lower ranks, but not in a way that makes her destructive to play in higher ranks. That’s the hard thing about Mass Res. It was extremely rewarding in lower ranks but trash in higher ranks. How do you balance that in lower ranks without destroying her completely in higher ranks? Yes, Ana should be picked over Mercy up there, but Mercy shouldn’t be completely out of the question.

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Mercy = Torb
And = Widow

Seriously. It makes a lot of sense. At least if support balance wasn’t all screwy because of a certain,. ahem… Rework.
This is what you aren’t understanding. Mercy was better in lower levels of play because she was so much easier to play. Ana, however, was able to do more healing, making her a better pick in higher levels of play. I you’re okay with the Widow/Torb scenario, you should be okay with this one.

Blizard’s initial design philosiphy was that even the simple heroes would have some kind of skill cieling thatl et them compete at higher ranks alongside the harder heroes, so unless Blizzard have changed that outlook they don’t agree with you.

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I also said Mercy shouldn’t not be used, just in less situations than Ana.
Not advocating for Mercy to be trash tier in high ranks.

Well that falls into a different sort of argument.

Is comparing Mercy to Lucio/Zen and an F-tier Ana.

The same as comparing Mercy to current Moira/Ana?