Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

For lower/mid ranks she was.

yes and thats because ana has a skill floor higher than mercys, doesnt mean ana wasnt more powerful when you were good with ana just because low ranks were garbo with her

I don’t don’t get what you are trying to say to me?
I agree Ana was more powerful due to the higher skill ceiling therefor was used more in the higher ranks, while Mercy a low skill ceiling hero is used more in lower ranks.
Which is how it should be.

So what?
Unless I’m missing something o_o

Thats just wrong
 beyblade, tank and even later during dive Ana was a much more prefered pick than Mercy. Saying high ranks dont count is just
 I dont know if I should write that so I dont. The higher ranks and pro-play make up the meta which literally shows the rest of the playerbase “how it should be played”. At least if you want to get better and win more.

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Because this is about Mercy, an entry level hero who “skilled” players should naturally stop using more than Ana the higher you go.
Not that Mercy should be trash, just not a preferred pick.

That’s a good contradiction we have here.


If you take it out of context of rank, then sure.
Taking specific words out of a post without context is kinda dishonest.

I don’t understand

I though higher ranks didn’t count.

That makes no sense at this point.

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“Ana was never better than Mercy (only in high ranks which don’t really count)”

“Because the higher ranks had the skill to “counter” the Mercy by “click her head lawwwl 4head”
Its not that she wasn’t a good healer, its that Ana (as she rightfully should) was the better option.”

Its two different situations (rank)

I don’t get what you are trying to say either

Ok, so first you say

But then you say

Again you are abusing statistics. Low goldies don’t learn, do they? Maybe that’s why you think the game should be balanced around gold,silver,bronze.

People are talking that they want mercy WITHOUT GRANTING MERCY invulnerability on res. The statistics you have picked up are AFTER this patch that gave invulnerability to Mercy and after the Ana butchering (the only other main heal at the time).

Could you be so kind to reply to me. Because I’m sick of calling out your bullsh*t and you staying silent until you find another Mercy thread to bump your not-matching-the-time-frame statistics. And all that because you have been proven wrong.

These are the appropriate statistics for the time frame we are talking about:

(nicolas has posted them)


That was in regards to the second paragraph, not the first sentence.
She talks about how Ana was superior in high ranks, which is irrelevant (maybe the word wrong was the (irony) wrong word to use

So where’s the problem ?

Ana was better than Mercy in the highest ranks, while Mercy was better in low ranks, as should be an “easy to play” hero.

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The higher ranks are irrelevant? We should just remove Tracer then, since she isn’t used in lower ranks, only in higher ranks and therefore irrelevant right?


Looks like the dive meta after Winston Shield buff (his pickrate in GM).

So how about the Mercy 1.5 with immortality and with Ana not being potato? xd


You said it was a contradiction, which was dishonest as you took it out of context.
I was only replying to say it wasn’t.

Difference - Zarya still has that ability. It is just 2m shorter with a slightly faster ult charge due to her charge wind down being buff, and it is just as buggy with who it does and doesn’t pull in and when.

Widowmaker being better than Torbjörn on higher ranks doesn’t count. Torb is op in Bronze, that’s the only place where balance counts—when nobody can aim.


It’s almost like godtier Ana isn’t in the game anymore.

I can agree with that but like I said Ana was better than Mercy.

@Topic: Mass-rez never was OP and I think pre-rework Mercy would have been easier to balance than the current mess we have.