In what way were the Tanks "super buffed"?

I actually don’t. I mentioned how these skills are great, and they’d actually be perfect if Rein got some actual buff to his tanking, but he didn’t. I mentioned them to point out how they’re actually the OPPOSITE of tank buffs, and can be situationally bad.

Maybe in 1 v 1s, but in literally any other scenario (even 2 v 1s) you really shouldn’t charge to close the gap. You ESPECIALLY shouldn’t charge away from your team because that’ll just get you killed and your team will be down a tank. In a game with one tank, that could cost you the whole teamfight.

Isn’t that the cinematic where he recklessly charged in and got his master killed because he had to bail Rein out of trouble and sustained a big injury? I seem to remember that happening. Anyway, that’s exactly my point there.

Charging is a gamble by design in a lot of cases, and you really do risk the whole teamfight when you charge in. That means you’re not going to do it most of the time, you know? Even if Rein doesn’t go sailing past, he’ll still be away from his team. He’ll still expose a gap that the enemy can exploit.

Are you sure you’re not confusing ‘were buffed’ with ‘will be buffed?’

We’ve only seen a handful of balance changes and with only 1 tank you can expect all tank heroes will be getting adjusted before OW2 goes live. :slight_smile:

Think about Rein’s new charge like he’s Winston

No. People are literally saying “Why are you complaining? Tanks were just super buffed!”. Not “will be buffed”, but “are super buffed”. I mentioned this in the OP.

Can’t. Winston gets to put a radial dome out to cover himself 360, then literally fly away from damage. With Reinhardt, charge will still have to have some kind of start up, and even if you have supreme control, you can still be easily shot by someone with average tracking.

Besides that, Winston can shield and attack. If you dive in with Reinhardt, you have to choose between shielding one side of you while getting no damage done, or damaging the enemy, hoping your team follows up, and greatly risk your own death. Even with the passive that allows him to give less ult charge, he’ll still be feeding a great deal.

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I know…I quoted you saying it… :rofl: :upside_down_face:

Well I’d simply ask them to point to the source if this is the case rather than make a thread on it. :wink:

arent these two confirmed to be staying as is?

That’s what I’ve been saying. They had this huge reveal of one-tank-per-team and all they showed was Rein with double strike, charge cancel and nerfed shield, Zarya with new bubbles (which don’t actually have two charges) and… that’s it.

Only to delusional Genji one-tricks who still think shields are OP, I guess.

As per the usual though, you shouldn’t charge with Rein unless it’s a good idea. Unlike the usual though, Rein’s charge is much more menacing and the times when it’ll be a good idea to use will be greatly expanded because of the newfound brakes.

When it’s not a good idea to use it, Rein still has access to his firestrike to contribute to the fight, as per the usual. Again, unlike the usual, Rein will be able to contribute that way twice as often now.

Rein will work just fine in the new game. If they made Overwatch a functioning game on release, I’m sure they can make Overwatch 2 a functioning game on release.

Staying, sure.

As-is, that’s ridiculous.

I’m thinking something like the minimum stun duration reduced to 0.25sec, instead of 1.5sec.

And the antiheal reduced to 50%.

At least 50% of everything said in the forums is false. That’s the answer.

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Ahhh yes… the classic cover by blaming. Nice to know it’s not dead.
To be fair, what you are blaming as no support is called “over extending yourself.” As you gain skill you learn how to avoid those situations so you don’t have to resort to blaming.
The one exception to this, that I fully agree with, is the statement about the rest of the team hiding / being bored on the payload with a confused look on their faces. lmfao. That’s when it’s appropriate to call them out for a lack of support.

But, the rest… yeah, no. you have no leg to stand on with it. A pocket healer (which is effectively what you are asking for) is not what supports are for. You are one of 5 others that they have to keep alive. Try playing a support role some time, and learn how it works.
And, as Hammond, Genji or Winston, you have the mobility to get to all of the packs. Learn the maps, so that you can function properly. If you are going to overextend, know where the nearest health pack is at all times, so you are not getting your supports slaughtered with you.

And, I say this as the guy that mains Junkrat and is right there behind you when you’re playing Rein. And, as the guy that has died too many times as either Brig or Mercy, trying to keep you alive as you extract yourself from the mess that you got into. Most others would say “get gud” but, I really do get it. And when I play Rein, I keep it in mind… (He’s my tank choice, too.)
Even good Reinhardts get themselves into messes… and there’s only so much that your team can do to help you. So, you don’t bash them for your mistakes, and realize that you’re not the center of the universe… This isn’t a WoW Mythic Raid. Sorry, not sorry.

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Pretty sure i heared somewhere they said thosr were “fair” CCs and wont be seeing many changes

@ every single person saying “Rein doesn’t die in a single firestrike animation”

Boiz. anyone with as many Rein hours as me will tell you outright that even if you pre-load the firestrike animation before peeking, you can still get deleted before you have a chance to duck back. Anyone denying that this can/does regularly happen is smoking something special.

Someone in here was saying something about Soldier (pocketed) has to break barrier first… Bud, no he (or any other poke DPS) doesn’t. We’re talking about during the animation where the barrier isn’t up. Beyond that, a decent soldier (or any other poke DPS) is going to be holding an angle you can’t block without exposing yourself or your team to the rest of the enemy team. Stop ignoring these things. Yes, the smart option (as Rein) is to back-off and concede space in trade for safety/sustain but in the meantime, you’re eating dinks that can absolutely melt you if your supports aren’t paying attention/being harassed.

There’s just SO much fallacy flying around this thread it’s nuts.

That being said, no, I don’t think a 2nd fire strike is a death sentence. Why? Because more often than not, I don’t die in that one firestrike because I do things intelligently. But you can’t sit in here and outright deny that it’s possible and regular.

Charge is charge, cancel and extra traction don’t change the fact that long-angled, deep charges are suicide missions. Smart, short-angled charges are and will continue to be the only safe way to use the ability. Sure, you may encounter situations where you can bait abilities in favorable situations but overall, a lot of Rein players should just keep that ability un-bound.

There’s talk about a healing debuff while in combat/shortly after taking damage. That, that is hugely terrifying and couter-intuitive to the idea that tanks should be these intimidating brawlers. Why should I be afraid of something that can’t be effectively pocketed through my damage, especially if I have the ability to out-range or off-angle their damage once they’re close? If anything, this should be the concern of this thread, not Rein’s ability changes.

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1.5sec minimum stun on Sleep Dart, is longer than Mei Freeze, and longer than McCree stun and Brig stun combined.

The maximum stun duration, that doesn’t need changes.

But 1.5sec minimum stun duration is absurd.

You dont have to convince me of it

I think sleep dart and anti are literally the worst and most opressive CCs in the game, ive said this so many times

But the devs think they are the “fair” CCs if wjat ive heared is right

So idk what t

Nobody is saying it can’t happen

I’m saying that if it’s happening all the time, you’re doing something wrong

Well the 5sec stun is fair.

If you can land the shot, and your team can control their fire. Great. That’s earned.

But landing the shot, with zero fire control and the duration the is the longest non-Ult stun in the game. That’s just dumb.

The way you worded that may be the source of the discourse then. If you agree with me then you know you don’t have to do anything wrong for things to go wrong lol

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Oh I know, “right place at the right time” syndrome is my favorite

Even still, there are some here that seem to have it in their heads that Rein can only put his shield up or else he dies instantly no matter what. Those people are clearly doing something wrong when they play the character.

Both fire strike and charge are made to sound completely worthless around these parts

I’d lean to the fact that it’s hugely frustrating to die in-animation because you peeked, got discorded, and ate world-ending spam. That frustration may be skewing their perception of the actual frequency of these occurrences. No, it’s not every fire strike gets you killed but I’d argue it happens at least once if not multiple times in a game.

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