In what way were the Tanks "super buffed"?

sure you have sure you have

You can, however boomers in blizzard who are responsible for balance cannot… sadly

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Depends on rank. Diamond and below rein tends to perform a lot better because people are really bad at focus fire in those ranks, also supports tend to be super uncontested letting them use resources to keep rein up instead of being worried about themselves.

There’s that somewhat famous clip of a rein peaking a corner w a zarya bubble unable to finish a fire strike before bubble gets popped and he dies. 700 effective hp gone within like less than half a second.


I think its because Blizzard keeps calling them Tanks and not Brawlers. Blizz knows more people will leave as soon as you make the name change, but personally I think Blizzard should just pull that bandaid off already so the wound can properly heal.

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Cause getting focus fired by 6 enemies with two damage boosts and an ult still kills him. A bit excessive to think anyone should survive that (ehrhmghnnrggg Bap).

It’s weird how you have to spoon-feed logic to these people, and they still don’t get it.

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Perhaps don’t peek in the situation? Rein isn’t special here

“Don’t peek.”
“Don’t contest.”
“Don’t play the game.”


Use your eyes and read what they said smart one

Use your brain and realize there is times you got to peek even if it isn’t smart or leaves you at a disadvantage. You absolutely can not be passive for long at all in this game.

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Yeah, these responses are really weird to read. Like, these big, slow, giant targets are supposed to be hiding in cover until the enemy decides to get close, apparently. Definitely the fantasy “brawlers” should be embodying.

I don’t get how you can watch that clip of Sombra soloing Rein from the OW2 gameplay demo from this weekend and think “Yep! This is what people are gonna wanna play!” When even the announcers during that demo (the one allegedly about PROMOTING OW2) are discussing how quick tanks were dying, maaaaaaybe there’s something to these concerns.


That’s really why I think this is so weird. To put it in perspective, if people just said “Yeah, tanks die fast, but I think that’s good for Overwatch”, I’d find that to be completely respectable opinion to have. Instead people are saying things like this:

“Just get pocketed!”

Even though you’re the 500 HP character who’s supposed to do the protecting and not wait for protection.

“Tanks JUST got super buffed!”


And my favorite

“Tanks don’t have to tank to be tanks!”.

All of that is just weird to me.

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Well, the equasion is simple. Tanks are the stronges role in the entire game, always been like that, that is why goats were a thing, ds were a thing and tanks were defining factor each meta. Loosing one threat such as off tank in ow2, they’ll become even stronger, cause now you need to deal with one less threat. Tanks would be buffed in ow2. Supports be more focushealing one tank in ow2. = tanks would be op as allways were.

Sometimes you dc for a second and you don’t have a choice but run out into the open.

As I said before, I can only assume people are intentionally smoke screening instead of just engaging with what I said. One person is going “What? Reinhardt dies fast!? You’re lying!” even though Rein dying astonishingly fast is one of the most notable things about him.

Then, you have the second guy going “I’ve never gotten punished for fire striking once in my whole life so therefore you’re entire post is invalid”. Ok. Cool. You’ve personally never been punished fire striking. Meanwhile, even the pros get hard punished from time to time, and you can watch an infinite stream of footage of Reinhardts all across ranks from comp to quickplay getting punished for it.

Sure. You’re the one Reinhardt who’s never been punished like that. I believe you. Regardless, your personal opinion doesn’t matter since we’re not talking about you specifically.


So you peek while the whole team is focused on you specifically through a Baptiste ult?

How could losing one tank make tanks stronger? If one tank being removed will make takes stronger, and tanks being strong was always a problem, then it stands to reason that removing tanks is a bad idea.

It sounds like removing one tank will make tanks both stronger and weaker at the same time, and that doesn’t make much sense at all.


Yeah tanks looking pretty pathetic from what they showed in that OWL trial match.


explained in quoted post. you overcomplicate simple things.

No. Even if I’d agree with that, there are still more pros than cons. You need better role understanding, I’d recomend that guy Twitch , watch some unranked/bronze to GM he make daily bases. also on y2be if some vods are not available there

You make it sound like charge might as well get removed from him. It’s only a feed move, right? Never any occasion to get value with it, nope.

A cancellable charge is pretty insane, imo. It’s actually hardcore gap-closing mobility that way, and his hammer is no joke. It’s probably gonna be like the Honor and Glory cinematic, with Rein skating around bashing stuff with the wind in his hair. No damage to block from dead enemies, right?

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