In the end, OW2 is just a monetization update

Don’t forget the death of Plays of The Game. The new system for tracking POTG is either remarkably worse or the game just doesn’t have great plays anymore.
We also gained inclusion of every different demographic as if representation of anything would make the game just THAT much better. Its great someone’s a who’s it whats it but when their control scheme makes it out of QA being as backwards as it was… like… wth is REALLY going on.

Never claimed otherwise.

There are no excuses anymore!

Overwatch 2 is just a lazy blatantly greedy cashgrab!


Well at least I don’t need to wonder if my PC needs another upgrade to run for the PVE modes. I wasn’t convinced when it ran Bride fine, but thought with the talent trees and abilities might have needed to upgrade the graphics card.

Don’t gotta worry about that anymore.

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OH yes so is Halo, Battlefield, and every other major western game company that went throught the covid blender.

you should see ubi-soft their imploding.

it’s almost like the industry could barely function during the pandemic who knew?

Well IIRC blizzard doesn’t announce loot box sales so it was someone else reporting on it. So I can’t say it’s a for sure verified blizzard report.

I couldn’t see why you would need a new graphics card for any of that.

If it can handle six ten+ ults going off at once then I think you would have been fine regardless.

Eh I could have run it at better FPS (heck at a better resolution) if I felt necessary. I mainly wanted to see what we would be getting as a finished product.

Either way my debate on upgrading for OW2 is no longer a consideration.

Yeaaaah… They said the same about Vanilla WoW. And D2. And Warcraft 3.

They only made a couple billion in sales before that. Kinda lame to to be an apologist claiming they were not making any money. Coz it just ain’t true, so no idea why you would sprout such silly ideas. Did they believe they could make more money going F2P? Certainly, but that is a whole different dimension than saying they were somehow losing money on OW1, when they were not. They chose to put in minimal effort and rather than releasing content, chose to withhold it for OW2.

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Overwatch 2 bad u broke

They’re not a charity. Just because they made a lot of money, doesn’t mean they’re going to just sink that money back into their game. Those are profits. If the game stopped becoming profitable, they need to either move on to the next process, or do something to make it profitable. They decided to relaunch the game as f2P.

It shouldn’t have been called OW2, but at the end of the day, we ended up getting more content out of it. I don’t think they were sitting on 3 years worth of content.

Its just an extremely good idea to sink that money back into the game. And when you don’t, you get situations like Overwatch 2 now. But no, nothing’s obligating them to make the correct choices for the health of the game.


And I am telling you the game was profitable. Also the way things are budgeted, you are meant to reinvest some of the sale in to the game that is how the budget for the game goes as far as profit calculations goes. The idea was always to release a sequel as well at a box price. They sloped that idea all together coz they believed F2P would make them more money. So again, dunno why this part is so hard to understand, they were not losing money on OW1 development. Not a single bucket. It was all budgeted for already, they just believed they would make more profit going with a different route. Certainly not a charity, but they made a consumer unfriendly call and by the looks of it they have just blown up a billion dollar IP, so call me back and tell me how you think that is gonna work out for them in the end, will it be “profitable”?

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Ultimately this is the result of a society that couldn’t accept lootboxes. That’s what started it all.

Feels like more of a result of corporate greed. Its been a long time since Blizzard has been actual game developers rather than making money making machines for their higher ups


Yup. Mission accomplished lol.

Blizzard out here revolutionizing BPs lol

You need to maintain your financial assets in good condition, which requires reinvesting money back into them. Ideally you want to improve them, so they become more valuable.


And that doesn’t work if people aren’t spending money on your platform. Loot boxes weren’t selling well a couple years post launch. Games also stop selling well a year or two after their release.

The way I see it they have two options. Either they just move on to their next product, or they change their monetization model.

They opted a little of both. They changed their monetization model, but hid it by announcing a sequel, which was really just a major update to the game.