In the end, OW2 is just a monetization update

The people that have brought the battlepass and OW2 skins have enabled Blizzard to take the game in this direction. Why develop a different gaming experience when all you have to do is introduce a shop and shiny skins, the lemmings that fell for this crap should be blamed as well.

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ā€œRedefining a sequel.ā€

They suuuuuuuure did.

Glad i wasnt the only one who saw that they removed more from OW than they have added to OW2

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And just to put the cherry on topā€¦ I was arguing with people about moving to F2P way back when they first announced it.

ā€œBuT iTs FrEe, CaNt CoMpLaIn AbOuT fReEā€

Yes I can, cause I would have gladly paid to have what we had rather than predicting this exact scenario.
F2P can workā€¦ but itā€™s a model that can be abused to only benefit the developers at the cost of the quality of the game.
Devs start focusing on only the things that bring in money (skins and battlepass) while the game itself gets completely neglected other than doing the bare minimum to try and not lose itā€™s player base.

It exactly why we are missing features and content that was in OW1.
Itā€™s why it took them 9 months to add back in all of the maps (maps we used to have before)ā€¦
Itā€™s why heroes were getting pulled from the pool to fix bugs over and over and took a long time to add them back in.
Itā€™s why we couldnā€™t even see the average rank for the lobby of a game for 9 months.
Itā€™s why we didnā€™t have ā€œon fireā€, portraits, group finder.
Itā€™s why the match making is broken.
Its why the ranking system had/has bugs for 9 months.
Working on or fixing these things do not brin in money to Blizzard in this F2P model.

We still donā€™t even have all of OW1 content in OW2 now. We have Over Watā€¦
3 yearsā€¦ Should have had all of this when OW2 launched for godā€™s sake, let alone still not having it now.

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Im of the opinion too, and especially since they are trying to have a blizzcon.

Anyone else excited for it?

Not me :wave:

Wonder what they will announce. Some epic trailer and a hand off of the game company to MICROSOFT.

bets, anyone? :dollar:

Bet they get booā€™d off the stage again. :laughing:

If anything I am going to bet they are going to WITHOLD PVE past blizzcon and wait until the following rotation of maybe even NEXT YEAR before PVE goes out.

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Anyone also thinks that Blizzard is becoming more like EA? History really likes to repeat itself, doesnā€™t it?

Same story, different company. Spore for EA and Ow1 for Blizzard, only difference is that Ow1 got it sequel - Spore left forgotten.

Idea for Blizzcons:

Throw tomatoes or cans of tomato soup. I know it sounds radical, but for them boos can mean nothing. Just let them know what they became. There are no more than garbage they made. NOT EVERYONE of 'em but most.

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Ding ding ding, give the guy a prize.

Honestly could make a quick buck selling rotten tomatos outside of blizzcon


In the end, OW2 is just a monetization update

It was like this all along.

Some deluded people stated it was an ā€œearly accessā€ to OW2 of some sort (or something), haha.

In a way, Iā€™d agree with them, It could be considered as an Early Access to the new monetization with F2P.

They tested it for 3-4 seasons to check if we were stupid enough to take the bait and accept a poorer version of Overwatch with an expensive shop, realized we were and went with it - took away half the PVE content players were most excited about - sayonara.

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Iā€™m just tired of games asking hundreds of dollars from me for a full experience or because shopping is part of the gameplay aspect. Iā€™m just really tired of bad practices ruining games. Games that require DRM and completely reduce the performance. Games that, through one launcher, require you to download an entirely different launcher to play. Games asking more higher prices but always come out broken for months by TripleA studios. TripleA studio games being completely DoA and abandoned.

No thanks. Iā€™ll go and pay $8 for a game from 2016 that plays better and looks better than a game in 2023. Games that have love and compassion behind them and treated like art rather than someone trying to sell me an overpriced used car.


Most western games nowadays want games to be money printing machines rather than actual games

We basically have triple A mobile games nowā€¦

Its so sad seeing how it ended like this


They borrowed the gacha experience from someone else. Itā€™s not just a western experience.


not even mercy can rez and save this game


They had to get rid of OW1 otherwise no one would be playing this. Even though it got stale for 2 years it was substantially more enjoyable than whatever this season is


ā€œI swear if Blizzard screws me over three more times Iā€™m definitely leavingā€

ā€¦Every Blizzard customer.

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Funny that, with the recent terms of service, nope you canā€™t :slight_smile:

Its almost like they knew

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That change was a sign of fear.

Either they have realized that eula holds no water in court or someone has already tried to sue them.

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We saw it coming. Early. But everyone seems to forget.

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You mean to tell me experienced gamers who have seen things take a turn for the worse with monetization schemes, as well as large companies taking over and turning IPs to garbage were right all along? Iā€™m truly shocked

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