In the end, I was right about RQ

Do you feel it is easier? Me personally it seems they are having a harder time.

Its very funny that even you say this. Considering that Tank balance (and some game changes as a whole) now is made to appeal to DPS players. With changes like

1.) Repeated nerfs to tank survivablity.

2.) That change to tanks to make the game ā€œfaster pacedā€ (largely decreasing shield HP while doing things like increasing Reinā€™s speed while shielding) to make the game feel more FPSy

3.) Folding the Defense heros into the Damage category (which was a great idea, but it still inevitibly favored DPS).

I know itā€™s not a popular opinion, but I think the only way to make Tanks more desirable is to make them actual Tanks instead of just the DPS characters but worse.

Thatā€™s because Blizzard just seems like theyā€™re bad at balancing. Thatā€™s why I say in theory. Role Queue means there are less possible team compositions, meaning there are way less variables to account for. That would make it easier on paper.

But regardless, Blizzard just seems bad at balancing anyway.

I really think the ā€œtanks being OP foreverā€ argument is flawed. At least in General play.

Like, if tanks where the scourge of Comp, I wouldnā€™t know, but in my experience mainly playing tanks, we were largely punching bags while the damage dealers stole all the glory.

Like, yeah, I drew all the enemy aggro and got killed leading my team to the point, but reaper pressed Q and got a 4K so heā€™s the one that gets the notoriety.

Depends if they do 2-3-2 or not.

Yeah thatā€™s never gonna work, if the youā€™re almost exclusively trying to convince DPS players to become Tank players.

The engine cannot handle a 7th player or 8th player, according to the devs.

yea because they make heroes like echo where you can burn down a reinhardt in a few seconds from max hp no wonder no one wants to play tank

We canā€™t have a situation were tanks are blantly overpowered just for people to actually play them. Itā€™s dumb when 4/6 players on a team can not stand up to the two gods on the other side of the choke. Given tanks have had a power reduction clearly the whole making them more ā€œdesirableā€ always correlated towards people just wanting to have a easy time against nearly 75% of the opposing team.

As it is, currently, without internal systems development, yes. It would be work, but it would help.

We canā€™t balance roles on equal ā€œObjective Capture Potentialā€
if they ever want to have a hope of balancing for ā€œEqual Popularityā€.

Besides which, whatā€™s the point of balancing to prevent 3-4 Tanks on a team, with 2-2-2?

Also, what exactly would be the downside to balancing Tanks to have more overall value than DPS, assuming the duels arenā€™t lopsided?
Some people would quit?
Would more people quit than deliberately choosing to not fix queue times, or make queue times worse?

Tbh, I view it as kinda insane to suggest fixing queue times is somehow ā€œoptionalā€.

Tanks being more powerful may be a bit annoying to some.

Not fixing queue times, is the literal death of this game.

Perhaps maybe OW2ā€™s modified engine can support an extra player down the line.

No one cares that you play Sym.

Everyone gets trash talked about the hero they play or like - YOURE literally not special and all those people could careless that you like playing her.

Higher rank players have a different experience than lower rank players especially when we are pushing the game to itā€™s limits laid out by the developers. If a player is playing DPS Ana or Moira they are throwing something that is rare in GM ranks. Also funny enough limiting 2 player stacks didnā€™t fix GOATs in GM either, it helped combat boosting and Role-Queue made this harder due to locked roles.

All of the issues I posted above were fixed in GM. If you are below GM and didnā€™t experience these issues. Fantastic, keep trying to climb because when you do these issues get worse and worse. The same can be said with Role-Queue dealing with queue times, as you go up itā€™s gets worse and worse.

In GM, GOATs was in practically every game with players who knew how to play the unbeatable comp, refusing to swap led to a loss, having 4 Support Mains led to a loss. Playing 4-5 DPS into experienced players who played GOATs led to a loss. Bunker comps was not replacing GOATs, if you played Bunker before Role-Queue you would get destroyed by experienced GOATs players. Role-Queue fixed this entirely.

Players at the lowest rank do not experience most of these issues while players at the top do. I and other GM players certainly should not be taking advice on how the game should be played at the top by players below GM since we have a better understanding of the Meta and how it should be played.

This is impossible to happen in competitive play as roles are locked with different SR in different roles. If the player has Diamond Tank SR. GM DPS SR and Diamond Support SR they will be matched appropriately in the role they choose. Quick play operates differently.

This is an issue with priority pass, not Role-Queue. If anything defenders of Open-Queue should be trying to get the mode into Quick Plays menu just like in Comp and have it removed entirely from Arcade. This will free up a slot in Arcade as well.

We can agree to disagree on this matter since our experiences are different based off rank. Iā€™m not rank shaming, you just clearly have not experienced top level play Pre-Role-Queue.

But they werenā€™t and I explained to you how that was the case.

But it wasnā€™t. In the last bit prior to the initial introduction of Forced 2-2-2, 4 DPS and bunker was becoming more and more prevalent. As highlighted by the Shanghai Dragons.

Apparently you do not. Rank does not dictate the knowledge of the game, as you have demonstrated quite clearly as you have relied on claims to fact and simple assertions and yet have provided no substance or reasoning other than using GM as a way to gatekeep the opposing view point.

So are you saying that it is impossible for a DPS player to queue as tank?

The rank in which they queue in does not matter, a DPS main is a DPS main regardless of the rank they are in.

This has been proven false.
Due to the mandatory 2-2-2 format, there have been several accounts, most notably from Masters and GM, where significantly lower SR players, usually tanks, will get put into higher SR games due to the lack higher SR tanks to fill up their games.

You do realize priority pass came about because of Role Q, right?

You are using rank as a way to gatekeep actual discussion even though what I say is not secluded to any single rank and you do not even know my rank.

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And is that a good thing?


Itā€™s like the devs (and by extension, the players) never really understood what, exactly, they wanted tanks to do. With DPSā€¦ their primary focus is damageā€¦ with supports, their primary focus is healingā€¦

But with tanks? Sure, thereā€™s a laundry list of answers out thereā€¦
ā€œmake space!ā€
ā€œabsorb damage!ā€
ā€œprotect the healers!ā€

ā€¦and itā€™s like yeah okay, but what is the PRIMARY focus? The role is too nebulous and that creates a disconnect between what the devs think tanks should do vs what the players think the devs want tanks to do.

Then RQ comes along and adds another complicated element to an already unrefined role and now here we are.

Worst part isā€¦ everyone still bosses tanks around like they know how to play the role any better than someone who is dedicated to that role. The animosity among and against each role has increased as well.

What a mess.

You have also not posted any proof on any of your claims either, you do not have internal data, only speculation. Developer comments have said the response to Role-Queue have been positive.

^ Balanced team compositions have been a positive response from players.

^ Dev comments how matches IMMEDIATELY felt fairer and more winnable.

Iā€™m against Priority Pass it doesnā€™t solve much. Blizzard needs to make Tanking feel better. Iā€™m experiencing nearly the same queue times as before.

A player dropping to Plat/Diamond when dropping from GM can still appear in GM games. I have experienced this. A player peaking in Diamond on the Tank role I have never found in high GM games.

If what you say is happening then the matchmaking is to blame.

Iā€™m not gatekeeping anyone, itā€™s from my experience. You are welcomed to add yours but GM players will most likely not take it with a grain of salt since you have not experienced high level play. You can think what you want iā€™m not stopping you what you believe is ā€œfactsā€. Iā€™m just telling you from a GM perspective what happened, these are discussion and feedback forums. You donā€™t have to believe me. :man_shrugging:

I can get an idea of rank from Overbuff as linked in previous comments. You can see mine as well from Overbuff.

Again we can agree to disagree on this.

As stated before low rank players and high rank player experience the game differently. What you have responded to me is a relativist fallacy to my overall experience playing in GM.

As posted here by a dev he explains reasons for longer queues and what Role-Queue should bring to the table. Role-Queue has definitely improved my experience in GM.

Link to dev comments stating feedback from players has been overall positive to role-queue:

Would you mind formatting your reply in a way that isnā€™t so confusing so I can actually see what points you are actually responding to?

Would be very appreciated

There is no pros about having 5 dps not switching in your team or 4 main healers being forced to play dps or tank to win