In the end, I was right about RQ

Game still better with it than without so pat yourself on the back, I guess, and… I don’t know, move on.


I would say it’s better this way. Like I said flexing caused more issues than anything because players are not as good as they think they are. The common argument of having to “make up” for other roles/players lacking is one example of this.

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The definition changed to flexing within a role, I suppose. But I feel most people don’t particularly do that, especially if they play all roles, ironically.

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I am confused… when I saw point 1 I thought you made a mistake and realised you were wrong… :open_mouth:

I guess you never bothered getting some flex token? Well joke is on you!..
DPS Queue are like 3 minutes for me between 8pm to 12pm and 6 minute between 12am to 2am
But I do have plenty of token!
And also sometimes I team up with a people playing other roles as well…

It also made more people toxic in my opinion. As well as made people care less about other roles.

I don’t know, I’m seeing a lot more role hate than usual.

In what way?

Queue times are different depending on the person. Its 5 minutes for me with a pass. I know people who’s actually 12 or even an hour.

You trying to insult me or brag? Also a joke needs to be funny to be a joke.

I have passes, its a bad system. Nor is it anything to brag or insult someone over. We put in the priority pass system in the first place because of high DPS queue times.

You didn’t need to be a fortune teller to know these three things would be correct

But neither of these are genuine “issues” in my eyes.

At the end of the day the real question is whether or not overwatch is better with a 222 environment-

And I think most people feel the answer is yes, yes it is.

Having a consistent environment to play in is great. Players despised regular games with 4-5 dps players on a team and no one willing / wanting to swap. Not the I blame them- by all means I feel you should be able to play the characters you like, or at a minimum the role you wanted.

Role Queue was the second best thing to ever happen to this game.


maybe tank mains had too much power in open queue, so we arent used to having to share the game with dps.

definitely a stretch, but i can see both arguments being made.

Because of Blizzard’s lack of being able to think, they have made RQ even harder to balance. OQ would be better for the game right now since its clear Blizzard has zero clue what they’re doing and refuse to do anything until OvErWaTcH 2.

I am personally still against 2-2-2 and think 1-3-2 would be better for the game, but alas. RQ as a whole is undesirable to me, but I still play it because thats what the devs balance the game around.


Is it? I am still waiting on 222 specific changes myself. Maybe one day.

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I don’t see it like that.

I see it like

  1. Fix queue times
  2. Or the game gets strangled to death

If it hasn’t happened yet, I doubt it ever will. Like, when is this strangulation supposed to happen?

Slowly over time :wink:

I think PriQueue wasn’t the best plan, in that it swaps short term issues for worse long term ones.

But I tend to think the structural changes Blizzard does makes sense overall


I do not disagree, I just always feel a bit disappointed by the lack of sweeping changes, it is always so minimalist, their approach. But it tends to swing in the right direction most of the time, I am more concerned about the pace than anything. Like, I feel most of these structural changes should have been made in the first 3 months of role queue. If that wasn’t possible, maybe role queue should have been delayed to when they could react to issues that arose in a timely manner.

More or less since they created Role Queue.

But especially after that release OW2 and people join the shooter game where a 10 minute queue time is somehow “good”. And then

They are gonna have millions of new/returning players, but their ability to maintain those players is gonna suffer a lot with bad queue times.

Heck, if I was them, I wouldn’t release Overwatch 2 until they have that solved.

Since they only got 1 shot at this.

They probably did something with it and think it will work. Like, when RQ was initially implemented they knew dps queue times will be bad. And they were just like “nah we’ll slap some loot boxes in there, it’ll be fine, people love loot boxes, they will do anything to get one, right?”. So I am like 99% they have something in mind. Will it be enough, that’s the question.

Yea lol goats were already dead.

You forgot one OP, the most important and ironic fact about Role Queue:
it was made to make the matches more fair, so everyone that was playing the specific role was the same SR/Rank than the rest.

The result couldnt be far from the truth. We find people with 600SR+ in the same group and matches that have 3-4 different RANKS inside … so the matches are more uneven than ever and with more queues than ever.

Good job Blizz, you solved 1 issue while creating another 3.


People don’t truly care about what’s best though.
People would rather be guaranteed a non functional 2/2/2 composition and lose the game, than play a game with 1 tank or 1 support.

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Also, 2/2/2 was partly brought in to stop GOAT’s, right??

I play Open Queue and I barely ever see GOAT’s used. :yum: Just saying.

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