In the end, I was right about RQ

I was probably not around then, what was it like?

What would that way be?

Unless you mean regardless of RQ people still want to play DPS.

Sadly we cannot fix human nature.

Can it be in a good state now?

Well I am not saying it is bad. Yet despite my dislikes I like it more now.

I always found that funny. The thing I dislike the most about it came to true, at least to me. However at the same time I play RQ more than OQ.

One thing I was wrong about RQ is that I would absolutely hate it.

Not at all

I’ve seen a lot of invalid data. Plenty of it.

emphasis, tho, on invalid

I haven’t ignored any of it

but ultimately, invalid data doesnt support any claims

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Instead of looking at data try looking at opinions. RQ being more helpful than bad is a valid opinion.

You do not need data to like or dislike something.

Well, it was a mess, we had threads which literally got so full the forums couldn’t handle it any more.

Blizzard super messed up dealing with it, and a lot of the support / dps differences can be taken right on back to that mess.

It was a big deal at the time.

well, it was that to play DPS you had to be willing to throw your team under the bus.

Think games of DPS chicken, where you didn’t have a tank, and only had one support, and so, the people most wanting to work as a team couldn’t play DPS.

It sucked pretty hard. The term Flex meant - would play tank or support if the other option was losing in spawn, Flex also meant not playing DPS.

Of course all that would go out the window after the first or second lost team fight, as everyone would switch to DPS anyway.

Yep. I mean, a LOT of human nature is pretty good. I have a lot of time for Humans in general :wink:

There have been times when it was balanced. So, yeah I think it can get there.

Yeah, it is funny how that worked out for many people.

I have enjoyed RQ, for the most part, and I don’t enjoy openQ, but, I will fight for the people who do, to have it continue to be a thing.

You only call it invalid to ignore it.

Others call polls evidence, which supports a claim.
We had polls from different groups, and they roughly came in with the same amounts…
Others call the Blizzard stats release ALSO evidence, which also supports the same claim.

Funnily enough, they ALSO came in at roughly the same numbers. Interesting that. It is almost like they are both measurements of a base truth.

Then we get the top500 stuff, which… ALSO points to roughly the same numbers.

The chances of them doing so, if there wasn’t a base truth they were measuring would be INCREDIBLY TINY.

We USED some to make predictions, which absolutely came out right.

We scienced the hell out of this, and you ignore it because you don’t like the results.


not at all

if I had ignored it, I’d say nothing at all about it…that’d be ignoring it

in any case, invalid is invalid, period

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Part of the problem is that the reoccurring feedback was “Stop this damage creep” which meant that we started to see more nerfs instead of buffs (just in-general) and because the metas’ recently have been based around tanks, tanks have received all these nerfs to try and change the meta

And they also have taken so ridiculously long to buff DVA, I miss the days I could play her every game without being asked to switch or flamed for doing so

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This is / was the issue and is still an issue.

2-2-2 should have never dropped without a HUGE rebalancing of the entire game. It should have waited for OW2 probably. But they dropped it randomly and the meta has been so meh since its release.

How do you say that? The game has decreased in players, pros have said how bad / stale the meta has gotten, and people don’t even want to watch it as much - Twitch views / OWL views are down.


This. This is why myself and I’m sure many others were against it. It wasn’t that 2-2-2 was a bad idea, per say, but we didn’t trust the devs to implement it in a way that would be not horrible.

And we were right.


Like half the tank roster is in the best position it’s ever been in, while the other half got balanced to be on par with the rest of the role.

Can sit in a choke with an infinite supply of respawning shields? No.

Do you actually have to land your abilities and coordinate with your team? Yes.

Will it take time to adjust. Of course!

But both of those things make the game more rewarding and dynamic to play around.

Pros were complaining about stale mete’s since the game’s release. If anything 2-2-2 enabled the game to change slowly with small consistent changes.

The story of Overwatch, summed up in 5 words.


More like Hog/Ball/Zarya/Rein are fine, but Orisa/Sigma/Winston/ are a mess.

I guess I agree, I used to be fervently against it. But then I took the advice of all the detractors and just played tank and support and honestly? I almost forget it is a problem. No wonder nobody cares about the queue times. It is kind of like a paradise for people that aren’t dps mains. Lul.

It depends on how you define flex. Flexing was a practice that hurt the game more than it helped as most people are not as good as they think with every role, which has been since proven by different SR for different roles.

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Gotta provide some evidence to support this claim…

Dunno how that’s a problem of RQ, but anyways…

Noooope. RQ was never the end - all solution for all of Overwatch’s problems, nor did it receive the appropriate balancing, which was also a problem that plagued 1/3/2…

Despite that though, RQ’s positives overall outnumber and are more significant than its negatives, but of course it’s totally fine if you personally believe otherwise.

You think the game has the same players or more? Wut?


I have no idea. No one shares this kind of data with us, so how should anyone know?

It is more or less just common sense that once something peaks, it trends downward.

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Oh okay that’s what you mean. Yeah of course this applies to Overwatch in general but what we don’t know is whether or not RQ introduced a new, smaller peak, or it slowed down/accelerated the decline for example.

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I define flexing is being able to play multiple roles without any preference. Now you are unable to do that due to being locked into one role.

There is “flexing” with queue times, just not during a game.

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So at the time RQ was launched there was a peak in interest, but after that it basically flatlined. People just aren’t talking about the game anymore.