In GM, 18/28 heroes have less than 2% pickrates

I think if they buffed Ana and Lucio and Reinheart, and nerf Brigitte, the meta would be a lot more diverse. Buffing Rein and Lucio makes Moira more viable, not just Mercy, and buffing Ana makes Tanks more viable, without killing Dive.

The New Sym rework will make the meta a lot more different, I’m excited.

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I heard that Diamond to GM is pretty toxic from a guy who was in masters. Tbh I heard they’re more toxic than the low rank people in this game. Kinda sad to hear, but seeing streams and other people’s channels, its kinda true…

Btw Reaper needs one more Buff…the Armor Meta is getting crazy…

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I don’t really think there is a solution. Just need to educate people slowly. I’ll be frank here; most people can’t think for themselves. There’s a certain level of reflection you need in order to intrinsically understand the game and most people aren’t capable of it. Silver wouldn’t exist if they could. You don’t really need any mechanical skill at all to get out of silver so if you had the game sense, you wouldn’t be there.

I guess if you’re one of those players that people look up to, you can try and tell people that meta SHOULD be different based on your skill level.

I recently got banned for playing an off meta hero and my solution to that is coming onto the forums and typing at people hoping to shed some light on why it’s wrong. The more people I can convince, the better.

Ironically, the hero I play is widow who is decently meta at higher ranks but at diamond gets told to swap instantly.

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I disagree. I’ve climbed from gold to top200 since season 4. I also have a 3600 sr smurf. Platinum is the most toxic rank, Diamond is better, masters is alright, and GM is pretty great. I get maybe one toxic game out of 10 games.

However if your SR is right on the edge of ranks (3500, 3000, 4000) it CAN be pretty toxic since people care more about ranking up.

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Hmm, you’re right! I will try to do that!

Awe I’m sorry. Widow is my second main so I get that :confused: just keep playing what you want, screw the toxic people.

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Strange…Looking at players like aimbot calvin or XQC I’m kinda surprised they’re really isn’t much up there. You know since it kinda is obvious, Higher Rank Games --> More Stress

It’s simple, like so ridiculously simple. Smaller balance changes done fortnightly and actually using the ptr to try things out instead of just being a place to test patch bugs every 2 months.


True but all of XqC’s games are like that because people stream snipe him and throw to get attention. Most games aren’t like that.

I’ve played with XqC several times, the games were super chill and fun.


Honestly, people usually seem more chill at high ranks. They still use comms and teamwork and try hard, but they usually stay positive because they know it’s easier to win if your team is happy.

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Symmetra is so bad that you excluded her huh? :cry:

How many players total are there at GM rank and above? How many are below GM?

Good to know that it is. But one more thing…Why does reaper seem pretty useless in many scenarios? I honestly think he needs more reliability.

XD it autocorrected from sym to sum

^ This is the % released a month or so ago

It’s actually not simple like that at all. There will ALWAYS be weaker heroes. The thing is that it really isn’t a problem because when it all boils down, a hero is only as weak as your ability to play that hero. If you just let people play what they are good at, you’ll still win games. You may lose some games where your team has 5 dps but you’ll win some where your team has 5 dps. Beyond that, people WILL swap if they genuinely don’t think their pick is working. sometimes you just need 1 of the 5 dps to swap and you fix your problem.

The game is so much more beautiful and balanced than people give it credit for.

Because there is too much CC in the game that it screws him over and makes his ult useless. Also too much armor. They should buff his shadowstep mobility and make his bullets armor piercing.

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But this is the one case where the meta has trickled down to some extent through all the ranks. If anymore than 3 people commit to the Brig + Hanzo meta, its near impossible to win especially with the lack of comms in the lower ranks.

what server are you playing on, literally every sym 1 trick in my game gets insta flamed / avoided.

North America West Coast. (With all the OWL players)

lucky you, east coast is chock full of people who have no business in gm, and a lot of 1 tricks.

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I agree, because Brig is both pretty easy and too strong, so she does well in low ranks. It’s like the Mercy meta.