Is this what the devs wanted?
so what r the heroes…
I sure hope not. The fact that people are saying “this is the most diverse meta we’ve had” is actually blowing my mind. This is by far the most strict meta we’ve had ever. Dive had a much more diverse hero pool (not counting MercyMeta). Triple tank was in a better spot as well, as all tanks were viable then, along with Ana, Zen and Lucio.
I can tell you from memory because of how often I see these characters.
In order (at least my best attempt)
This is what the community want
Even the OWL is more diverse than ladder.
Jeff said that niche picks are okay. So… yes?
At least dive is dead!
even mercy meta let some “strange” picks like mccree, orisa, hog… shine outside of their designated maps
this is just the same scenario repeated over and over again. and god help you if you don’t play any of the 6 heroes in that comp
inb4 golds say those heroes are fine (reaper is trash in all situations)
That’s the positive about the current patch they’re running. That patch didn’t have the issues we have now, which is Hanzo being a must pick. Him being a must pick means zarya/Hanzo winning every big team fight. That means you need Zen for trans. That means you need Mercy for dmg boost.
True I forgot about reworked Hanzo. I heard the pros do not want to play against Hanzo 2.0.
Silver, they’re not fine
Like, in Mercy meta even, hog Orisa was good, DVa Winston was great, and Rein Zarya was OK. McCree was playable, Hanzo was playable if you were good with him, Widow was decent, solider was decent, Junkrat became a bit broke, Tracer was good, Genji was good, etc. Now, you can’t play Genji or Tracer, Hog/Orisa is really only good on Ilios:wells, Winston DVa needs REALLY good comms. Lucio is awful, Ana is still awful, and Moira isn’t even that great anymore.
Which is why I’m confused as to why people are upset that OWL is on a previous patch. The game is much better in that patch than it currently is.
I know I just posted, but I want to point out how funny the forums are.
Days before the Hanzo buff and S10, they said, “just play Pharah, Brigitte can hit her”. To which I responded that she will most likely bring in things like hanzo/widow more often, so Pharah will be much harder to play. I was hoping I wasn’t actually going to be right.
I guess people were too caught up that Brigitte is OP and she was going to be in every game.
Not to be rude, but as someone who is in top500, why do you care as a silver player? You don’t play at that rank…
And of course GM will always have specific pickrate, we are the highest level of play and thus we tend to pick meta heroes and/or heroes which are super good if you’re mechanically skilled (which is why Widow, Tracer, and Zen are such high pickrate at GM usually. GM players have the skill to get maximum value out of them).
And contrary to what Overbuff pickrates say, I rarely see people in GM being yelled at for playing an off-meta hero. There are a few Sym one tricks in GM, some sombra mains, etc. If you’re in GM, it doesn’t matter who you main, you obviously are good enough to be there and so we won’t complain about your hero pick unless it’s absolutely hurting our team.
Also GM only makes up 1% of the playerbase. The pickrates for heroes there will be totally skewed.
Why shouldn’t I? Besides, the way the meta up there is, indirectly changed the characters people choose down here.
its actually 10\28 but thats still pretty bad
the heros below 2% are
bastion, torb, reaper, mei, sombra, sym, soldier, doomfist, orisa, pharah
14\28 heros have below 3% pickrate with the highest being roadhog at 2.55%
ana, junkrat, mcree, roadhog
to get 18\28 you need to go up to 4.16% pickrate which is genji moira lucio winston
Only one of them is played 4 hundredths of a percent.
Not even half the cast is usable lmao. That’s no where close to dive, where in S7 the bad picks were Sym, Torb, Bastion, DF, Reaper, Mei, Ana, Sombra. Now, it’s all those + more.
Edit: forgot a few words