yea i agree with you its not good i just wana be accurate also to be half the cast it needs to be 14\28 which is above 2% by .55% so half the overwatch cast is still below 3% pickrate which isn’t great I guess when you consider that 10% is the highest
edit: actually if you sort by weekly op is correct, i was sorting by monthly, either way, not good
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eighteen heroes are not niche picks
Because it doesn’t affect you at all. You don’t play in GM, you’re in SIlver. And GM meta literally has 0 affect on silver, Widowmaker is super meta in GM. Is she a good pick in silver? When Dive was meta in GM, most dive heroes had low pickrates in the lower ranks. Winston was the 5th most picked tank…out of 6 tanks…
its not actually 18 heros if you want to do 18 heros the highest pickrate is 4.16% for winston
maybe i need to get the average idk if that would be more useful
however 14 heros, half the cast, have below 3% pickrate and 10 heros have below 2% so still not good
winston has a 1.44 pickrate in gm
It’s what the players want really.
If you don’t play meta, you get reported/banned.
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The same issue is happening all the way down the ladder, it’s just easiest to point to GM as there is the largest discrepancy in pick rates. Most people aspire to climb and it’s disheartening to know your hero is less viable the higher you go.
oh maybe you have different data? Im looking at overbuff OH YEA JEzz THIS WEEK sorted by this week the pickrates are MUCH worse @ op you are actually lowballing it 19\28 heros have a pickrate below 2% and 21\28 heros have a pickrate below 3%
Have you not thought that these people in the low ranks see a streamer or someone good and then want to try to be that great their first try? Or they see the meta up there and try to use it in comp? But many people are reluctant, making everyone pick different heroes that are useless with each other, forming a dysfunctional team, therefore a loss. You may not think so, but the way you guys play makes a huge difference on lower ranked players.
oh uhh no one lmao i just counted wrong haha anyway you are right
edit: oh i know what i did wrong, there aren’t 28 heros, there are only 27.
It’s not our fault that low rank people try to one trick widow because they watched Kephrii’s stream.
Again, not our fault. Low ranked players should form their own meta. Heroes’ strengths vary rank by rank; Sym is strong at low ranks but bad at high ranks. You guys should be forming your own meta, not trying to copy GM/OWL meta.
So what are we supposed to do then? Does everyone in GM need to pick every hero equally so that low ranks can form good team comps? What is your solution to this issue?
SirRocknRyan, you have a higher impact on a silver player than you seem to understand. You shouldn’t, as they can’t play like you so their meta should be different but they copy you. Just because you can kill torb turrets instantly and laugh at them when a silver soldier cannot doesn’t stop a silver rien from telling his torb that he’s useless vs a soldier. People look at how the game “should be played” and use GM as an example. They can’t really understand a lot of what’s actually going on in your games or why things work/don’t work or how to exploit it but they still think that your meta is right because it must be. I mean, you are the best in the game so you must be right. They don’t take their own ability into consideration.
I love that MS paint arrow you did there
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my solution would be for balance changes to happen more often. Test stuff out on the pbe, that would be cool. The game is balanced at a glacial pace which is bad when so many heros need looking at.
basically you are saying people get it into thier head that because a hero isn’t viable at the top levels of play they aren’t viable anywhere, right? I think that makes complete sense
Did I say it was your fault? I’m just pointing out how you’re wrong about this
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Ok I completely understand that, but how can we fix this problem. I’m genuinely curious for a solution.
At one point, I thought about rank specific balance changes
But that’s just bad for everyone
I do think the ptr should be used much more than it is now however