In defense of notorious "Mercy mains"

I said both sides need to stop… Oh whatever, you guys made me regret coming to the forums everytime for the past few weeks.

I can’t even find a decent topic anymore about heroes I’m interested in but who cares, it’s all about Mercy and some people feeling ignored.

That’s why we can’t have nice things, people end up ruining them.

Keep spamming and upvoting each other, it’s all you can do instead of trying other characters or to get better.

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Already showed it wasn’t spam.

I play Mercy because I enjoy her core gameplay, and for nostalgia. I play games to have fun, which, currently, Mercy is not. I don’t want to just ”play another character”. I want to play a consistent, universal healer who’s whole purpose is to assist her team.


Speaking of heresy …. :expressionless:

The forums in a nutshell…… :frowning:

All you really had to say is this. There is no reason to hate on people just because they enjoy a character. Hate the character all you want, but it’s always crossing the line when you hate on players. Anyone who does that, well their opinion is automatically made ignorable because they’ve demonstrated they can’t participate in reasoned discussion.


You showed nothing, it’s spam, it’s written black on white in the CoC :

  • Making non-constructive posts :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements :ballot_box_with_check:

You like to play only Mercy, fine but you’re not the only players on these forums, not everything has to be about Mercy because Overwatch isn’t only about her. If you don’t want to play another character which is a key feature of the game aka flexing or you don’t like Mercy anymore, then I suggest you find another game, you’ll do everyone a favor, including yourself.

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Did you… not read, what I posted? Here:

Forum Moderator (You know, the ones who made and enforce the CoC… XP) saying that useful feedback consists of the Mercy posts, as they are saying “Hey, I don’t like this. Mercy has been drug through tar, feathers, hot coal, and then put through a meat grinder. I feel like (idea, be it Revert/something new) would be better.”


Again, you’re not on topic, feedback is fine, spam is not.

Just because it’s feedback doesn’t mean you get to create 30 topics a day about it.

Stop using excuses and own up to your behavior.

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It is very on topic…
I have literally show to you, twice now, that it is not spam.

Um, Yes? General discussion is meant for feedback and all things pertaining to Overwatch as a whole. Be it 4 or 400, it’s still not against the rules to post feedback.

I’m not using excuses, I’m using my brain to interpret given information to come to a logically sound conclusion. It’s rather fun! XP

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Let’s agree to disagree, keep ruining the forums for everyone else, once you’ve driven everyone away it’ll just be some vocal mercy players liking each other and screaming into the void. Surely that’ll be fun.

The “Mercy spam” isn’t 2-3 forum users making topics nonstop.

It’s thousands of unhappy players making a single thread expressing their grievance once in a while.

That’s not spam. That’s a common complaint, and a sign that a part of the game needs fixed.


Are there really that many Mercy mains here? :o

I could believe it. Mercy has always been the most popular character on the forums, even on the old forums. At one point, there were three of me. XP

I’m the only one left, now…

I miss them…

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First rule of message boards: if the mods don’t delete something, it’s not spam. Your backseat moderating won’t change anything.


Bruh. Thousands is a conservative estimate.

I’ve seen posts that preface with “Hey I’ve come to the forums for the first time for the sole reason that I’m ticked off about what’s up with Mercy.”

We’ve lost a bunch, though. Many of them have stopped posting over the past year, and I’m assuming that they did what they had threatened to do and left Overwatch for other games. You can only put up with dev/mod shenanigans for so long.


I said both sides need to stop… Oh whatever, you guys made me regret coming to the forums everytime for the past few weeks.

Both sides include you.

I can’t even find a decent topic anymore about heroes I’m interested in but who cares, it’s all about Mercy and some people feeling ignored.

Create one! This is what forums are for! I did - why can’t you?

That’s why we can’t have nice things, people end up ruining them.
Keep spamming and upvoting each other, it’s all you can do instead of trying other characters or to get better.

You are among the users who posted the most here. None of your posts are constructive or add up to discussion. Perhaps you are one of those you hate so much. Think about it!


Making up rules, that’s new. Good for you.

I guess that’s why so many topics are locked everyday.

The thing is, it was the same people who dump on Mercy mains now who were mad about Roadhog and dumped on him then too; I’d know, I was one of the people defending him frequently on the old forums. I was heartbroken about his nerf, initially. I don’t play piggy but I thought it was unfair what they did to him because some people can’t play around hook (although, tbh, the hitbox on that thing going through floors was busted but that alone being fixed to me was enough). Ultimately, I think his situation was similar to Mercy’s except that it wasn’t dragged out over an entire damn year. If people weren’t sympathetic, said people should learn some sympathy, that’s the whole point of OP’s post.


Anyone who would be sympathetic is being driven off by the more… extreme of the group. Who wants to be seen standing up for the characters with some of them more eccentric banner wavers wandering around trying to hijack every thread.

Posts like Titaniums are great and offer a lot of insight. I actually really like their posts and a lot of the discussion offered.

Post like “Boycott Mercy” make me scoff and think that the OP should be forum silenced.

It’s the latter people notice the most. Sadly.


Honestly, thanks for this. You understand.

One day, Jeff was just like “Mercy Rework!”

No one, expected it, no one asked for it, it just came.

I mean, you can say that people didn’t like playing against it but people say that for everything. bomb, getting half your team in stuck in a GravDragon, watching you and teammates die when EarthShattered… Honestly everything in the game has been called frustrating to play against and a toxic mechanic at one point.
For these things, that players are frustrated playing aginst; are people expecting for a ult rework? What about Zarya? Genji? Rein shatter? No. Is anyone asking for one? No. 99% they just suggest nerfs/buffs, not a full rework.

And Mercy’s character and gameplay appeal to a lot of people, she is a peerless, smart scientist, a healer, angel who can bring her team back from the dead. Thus, that is one of the main reasons why she is picked a lot and one of the most mained/one trick heroes compared to heroes like Bastion.

After destroying what these Mercy players perceived Mercy as, including a good portion of her gameplay, in addition to reasons why they picked her up in the first place, she suddenly gets so many nerfs and a great portion of her kit changed…

Everyone deserves the heroes they play, their mains, their one tricks to feel fun to play.
Everyone deserves to be satisfied with their heroes identity and gameplay, especially if that is what got them to put hours into that hero in the first place.
Everyone deserves their hero to not be the biggest troll pick or must pick.
And Everyone deserves to not get hurled with toxicity for trying to better a hero’s state through suggestions.



It’s basic common sense. The mods are clearly OK with these threads because they stay open unless they develop into a full-on flame war.