In defense of notorious "Mercy mains"

It’s almost like spamming the same thing over and over again doesn’t give any kind of credibility or validity to your claims.

We’ve been over this countless times.

STOP. THE. SPAM. (on both sides)

Very well written post that sums it up nicely. What is offensive is that every, every damn day there is at least one of these threads tying up the forums… it’s not a social activism issue for pete’s sake, it’s a healing character in a game, nothing more. When you are this fanatical over an issue is it any wonder people start using terms like “cult”? I have to wonder about anyone who spends their days repeatedly posting grievances over a character in any computer game… that is just… weird to say the least…


I think i’m mostly silly with a pinch of passive aggression :man_shrugging:

I don’t make threads.

I think you need to calm down.


Only Siths deal in absolutes.

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Well, I did specifically mention low and mid ranks. Without proper support from teammates he’s in fact a sitting duck in higher ranks of high plat and above.

Read the post - and you will understand why it keeps happening. Or just ignore it completely and make a fool of yourself further.


Reaper has been down in the dumps since the game released, and his mains are still less salty than the Mercy mains on the forums.


It’s impossible to be as salty as Mercy mains community.
They are the only ones flooding forums all day long with their salt and tears.



No, there’s 0 justification that allows people to spam, eventho they pretend they are allowed to because their favorite hero is bad according to them or they feel ignored.

You’re just so entilted at this point you don’t even realize it.

Spamming is spamming no matter how you twist the reality to fit your narrative.

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Please, don’t say that. I have explained why it keeps happening. Never before in such a long time players have been ignored. And yes, I’m counting reworks of Roadhog and Bastion, Ana nerfs and others. Read the post again, I highly suggest you do that, my friend! I tried to be as clear as possible.

I think devs said something about his rework in the future? He has been buffed a bit as of late, so I see no reason why they would voice their pleads. It’s not like Reaper has been brought down from viable pick to a joke character. But he does still need buffs, yes!

Out of 100 Mercy threads there are at the very least 80 threads with constructive criticism or questions. They aren’t spam. They are people who want to know what’s going on, who are voicing their opinions. It’s what forums are for, damn it!
I highly suggest you stop generalizing every Mercy player, it’s not healthy.


Beyblade meta.
You also forgot the fact that they reduced every character’s hitbox, but never reduced Reaper’s spread.

Also, if you knew anything about Reaper’s current drawbacks then you would understand why people play him should be rather upset.

Well, what do you expect people to talk about? The weather in King’s Row?

Forums are dependent on the subject we’re supposed to discuss. If there’s little news or depth, it obviously becomes a circular exercise.

I recall the Mass Effect 3 boards becoming a virtual battlefield between hardcore shippers 2-3 years after its release. This is nothing, trust me.


JEEZ, that was the one and, in my opinion, only time Reaper really shone in games. Wish he was useful again.

I’m not generalizing, at this point it’s not even about what’s in the topic itself, you just can’t create so many topics about Mercy on a daily basis. It’s spam, plain and simple.

You pretend 80% are constructive criticism or questions, where did you find that number? I could very well say that 80% of them are the exact same post written differently (and that would actually be more close to reality than your assessment I’d wager).

You’re not the only people on the forums, stop ruining them for everyone else because of your feelings.

I highly suggest you stop patronizing people, it’s not healthy.

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So you want them to shut up and accept the monster that Blizzard created from the Mercy for them? I’m sorry, this isn’t how it works. I think you need to calm down.


I just want people to stop ruining the forums for others which is against the CoC. If you guys are too selfish to do that you shouldn’t even be here.

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I’ve spent 2 years waiting for Reinhardt bugs to be fixed and to be discussed by the developers, but hardly got anything except more bugs, silence, vague developer comments, and empty promises. I also play Ana and spent over a year feeling severely undermined.

Then there are countless other heroes that received a similar treatment, but the players who were annoyed by it weren’t near as vocal when compared to the Mercy topic. Through all of that, I felt like a good chunk of the Mercy players showed little to no sympathy for their fellow players who were also going through similar things. I am not saying ALL of them, just a big percentage.

What I am trying to say is: we all need to work together, not against each other. We all have gone through very similar treatments, and this isn’t some kind of competition of “who has it worse”.

We need to respect each other. It’s fine to disagree but some people derail it and it just starts to get patronizing and insulting. THAT’S when both parties need to work together to nip it.

Also, there’s the right way to bring up topics, then there’s the wrong way. People respect the people who can address topics in a well-constructed, polite manner. Although I don’t 100% agree with everything they say, Titanium is a good example of someone who can present a good topic without making unnecessary jabs at the playerbase.


The forum needs more people like you and less people like Nuu.


Not Really XP

Useful feedback, actually. The only Spam is the constant “Stop making Mercy threads”.


Thanks! Sometimes I think people get offended just when there’s a disagreement. It’s ok to have conflicting viewpoints, it’s literally a part of life. I also think it’s important that when a disagreement is happening, not to get condescending with one another; that ALWAYS results in anger from both parties.