While a neat idea (rename it stasis field or something) that would infuriate healers, and we have enough teammate-infuriating abilities in the form of Mei.
Well, in all seriousness I don’t think it’s a good idea, since it limits the skill to a very specific use. No point in having a skill on cooldown of its only use is blocking ults and the occasional burst damage. It’s practically useless anytime else if it doesn’t help against general damage.
All it needs is the 1hp threshold. And maybe 125HP.
Making damage more effective vs the field itself and reducing the HP inside would make it weak enough.
Well the trick is, they could lower the cooldown on it to something more like 10sec or even 8sec if it’s more of a utility, instead of almost an Ult.
As for GravDragon
StormArrow melting Tanks is a problem that should go away. So Hanzo should get value elsewhere.
GravDragon would be a medium range attack capable of killing DoubleBarrier and WannabeGOATs. And being able to keep those kinds of compositions in check…is very important.
Like, those specific ultimates would be even more useless against Bap, meanwhile Bap’s ability is crippled into uselessness against everything else. No, this is not the way to do it I don’t think.
Also, why for the love of all that is good do you want double barrier crippled so much that you would support gravdragon?
I thought you were in favor of things that require skill/a brain
Because I don’t see GravDragon being a problem if you nerf Hanzo to the point that he’s not meta, and with Dive being dominant, it’s pointless to wait until you can build up a Grav to make a push.
One big team whipe doesn’t matter if Dive could do the same thing 3 times over in the time it would take to build up that much Ult charge.
Put simply. Devs need to start taking the position that “Anything standing in the way of fixing queue times, doesn’t need to be meta”.