We were so focused on McCree’s name change that we failed to notice you, Actiblizz, were actively harassing and silencing the victims. I knew this would happen.
The name change was a PR move designed to distract us, and we fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Blizzard does not care about their employees. They care about shushing the drama so they can silently get rid of the ‘trouble-makers’, the victims who called out the abusers.
And you and soooooooo many others will continue to buy games and throw money at their feet !!!
So just stop with all this “holier than thou” trash
blizz defenders have been out in full force lately, wonder how much theyre getting paid XD
They have huge task in defending blizzard ahead of them. But if I could sit at home and defend them for 45k a year. I’d defend them hard. Hit me up blizzard. Heard you could use defence in world of Warcraft too
Are you saying the lawsuits been cancelled…?
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What silencing? I’m not up to date.
Nah. They’re just threatening and silencing the victims so they don’t say anything bad about their precious company.
I gotchu covered
They really do just make their situation worse and worse, don’t they? I’m not surprised, just disappointed.
But if you listen to these forums changing McCrees name will save blizzard and all their employees.

Oh, they’re doubling down on the union busting? Scummy. Though, not unexpected after they hired that firm sadly.
What does this have to do with the mccree name change?
They roughly doubled-down around the same time they announced the name-change
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Yeah… all the things after the suit dropped have been at roughly the same time, it’s only been a few weeks lol.
Bobby Kotick didn’t decide to change Mccree’s name, Team 4 (aka the OW devs) did. I don’t see how it was a distraction tactic, especially seeing as how countless people have pointed out, the name change draws more attention, not less, to the harassment culture in Blizzard.
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Could’ve threatened team 4. Really easy considering the obvious connection to the scandal.
I wouldn’t hold it above them either. This is a company that would tear apart anyone and anything to have their way.
It’s why I’ve decided to not buy any further products until the upper management in Actiblizz is replaced.
The people who supported the name change are foolish. this was the blatant PR stunt I have ever seen and people act like its going to save employee’s lives? no trauma is going to be healed from changing the name of a video game character.
If you think it’s the same people that drove the name change and harassed/threatened employees, you are simply an idiot.
How on earth would it not get out to the media that the employees were threatened into making a name change?
Adding 2 and 2 and getting 7785690.
FACT: Blizzard threatened employees with coercive behaviour.
FACT: Blizzard will change the name of McCree.
FACT: Blizzard employees are upset about the sexual harassment.
FACT: No one with a brain believes that the name change means Blizzard are ‘solving sexual harassment’.
The logical conclusion is that employees did it because they wanted to and PR ok’d it.
“Threatened into the name change”… Jesus Christ.
Shouldn’t we assume that the devs (y’know, the employees who are potentially affected by the abuse) have agency if we don’t have really strong and specific evidence to suggest otherwise? If the name change was forced upon them, that would almost certainly get out, the way the document shredding stuff did.
And why would upper management coerce the devs into making an unpopular change that draws more negative attention to their big sandal? What’s the motive there lmao?
Trust me when I say it: In California, you cannot afford living there even for a little while without a job. Do you seriously think they’d take a risk of getting fired?
This company is scum and should have the worst assumed of it.
Exactly - what a ridiculous suggestion.
Even if they are pure evil, which they just might be, what a stupid plan with 100% guarantee that it gets into the media making things 1000x worse.
I’m well aware of the cost of living in California as well as the job prospects of a developer. This is an irrelevant point.
So let me play this scenario out in my head…
A group of highly paid executives come together and see:
A) Jesse McCree is one of the names in game and an alleged abuser.
B) The community don’t like this and they should break the association to appear like the “good guys” (like this is going to in any way solve their problem)
So they go to the staff and immediately threaten them with the name change. So they ask and the staff refuse, then they threaten them? (Help me out here - there is no way this makes sense in my head).
Then they walk away assuming that this will not get to the media because this is somehow different to all the other leaks to the media and for some reason these are the only employees scared to speak out now.
The reason being that they would fire them - fire employees for leaking to the press that they threatened them… while OW2 is in development, a game which is one of the only pieces of evidence that they believe in diversity and inclusion.
And firing this employee for threatening them would not have any sort of backlash whatsoever??
Help me out. This makes zero sense.
still doesn’t make much sense that we haven’t heard at least something about it if this did happen, the fact that not a single soul spoke out just seems a little far fetched imo.
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Yeah. I guess you’ve got a point, but forgive me. I refuse to believe this company is capable of anything but pure evil at this point.