I'm curious about the numbers of people who are staunchly against Role Queue

yeah, i would love any type of actual valid data of feedback from players for major changes like this

i personally hate role queue with a passion. i used to play support and tank mainly, i just filled for whatever the team needed. and every now and then if those roles were fulfilled i would get to try out some dps :slight_smile: the game was fun, we did a lot of meme games like all supports or all tanks, and very very rarely did i run into the infamous “team of 5 dps.”

now i play mostly tank bc i like to play with friends and i feel bad for making them wait any longer than they have to. if one of them goes tank i might dare to queue for support. and if i queue for support i can’t do my classic move of “if i really want to win i can switch to zarya” i used to love doing. i never get to touch dps anymore, even if i go down to qpc it becomes clear it is not the old qp. it is dps overflow queue where the infamous 5 dps teams actually exist way more often than in the past. it also just puts you into way worse quality games in general bc Arcade.

so yeah. it killed a lot of the fun for me


Exactly. A limited season of pre-role queue ranked OW would give a clear understanding of where the numbers lie.

if roleq would fix anything. But it fixes nothing. If a player dedicated as damage dealer, he will lock hog as tank an throw your game against meta tank line up, or go full dps bap. So we still have 4 dps comps most of the time but with additional q time for actual dps players. We didn’t even get rid of goats playstyle, mei just replaces 3rd off tank slot, which she always be. And all cooldown based with lack of shooting. It is like shield-shield-wall-immortal-feed-farm window, use window who farmed it faster that one wins. What a bore.

The fact that entire roles weren’t getting played indicated a balance or design issue. Heroes of the storm barely ever had this problem because all roles were fun to play and adequately balanced.

Also, on the grounds of creating a perfect competitive environment, it is at least somewhat understandable for comp, but why qp? And even for comp: teamplay is a skill, so why not expect it from your players? If a balanced comp is better, then those who flex should rise out of the ranks of those who don’t, right?

Also, who decided on 2/2/2? And why that specific composition?

The less right balance decisions they make the more players are going to be against role lock because they’re after a refreshing experience more than anything

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Don’t make a game that encourages those behaviors in the first place.

Or rather, make a game in which those behaviors are less destructive. Overwatch has always been too team reliant, a concept that simply will not work when 6 randoms play together.


its suicide anything different then 2-2-2. role que is good as a 1 trick dps player.i dont even know which rank is my tank or support didnt even played but dont want go back like 3-4 dps in game or 6… i can wait 10-15 min for a good team which 2-2-2…


Do you remember the quote. “Chill bro it’s just quickplay.” Because I remember it. It became so normal it gave players the right to not try. Quickplay needed it more than anything.


Agreed. So they added structure. When you have 6 random people playing together. You can’t expect everyone to be willing to work together. 2-2-2 makes it so it’s not needed. That’s a fix. They fixed this huge issue.

I don’t like it because Role queue feels like an unnatural change to the game meant to mask Overwatch’s core issues which is built within the game itself.


It has turned into tankwatch for me. And boring as hell given there’s no reason to wait 15 minutes to play a 10 minutes match on dps.

Not to mention when you play dps, you get morons playing tanks who’d never push or say: wait for the first pick before going in. After getting the first pick, they’d shield the choke.

Followed by: dps aren’t doing anything.


So, what do you suggest those who just want to have fun to play? And how often you also went 4th dps? Btw, I’ve seen people going 2 2 2 in quickplay even before role queue when you chose a healer or tank. But guess what? It was “always 5 dps”.

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I think it was a net positive, but I find myself playing QP classic much more than I expected. The reason is I miss the flexibility of hero choice mid-game. If I was a healer, say, but our Mercy was handling that well enough, I liked to be able to switch to another role if the game called for it. If you’re getting Hanzo’d or blasted in the head by Widowmaker, and your two DPS are incapable of taking them out, I enjoyed being able to switch to Winston or Genji at least temporarily. Now I feel stuck in the role I chose. There are positives and negatives to that, but I miss a certain feeling of freedom even if it often had disastrous consequences with teams that just didn’t want to play the game “right.”


Don’t argue with fun. Because I find 2-2-2 to be fun and you’re more than ready to disregard me.

How often did the game end with anywhere from 3-5 dps probably 66% of the time. Not to mention we had 2 off tanks and zen. Like it’s not just 4-5 dps. It’s nobody caring to heal. And nobody cares to be to big guys. I love dps but I know how much I hate having a lot of them on one team.


Well, quickplay was supposed to be: quick. Not 8 minutes wait time simulator for an 7 minutes match. I’m saying that as a tank main (who also happens to spend 80+% playtime on tank.)

As for quickplay vs comp, you aren’t meant to take quickplay seriously. I haven’t played it in ages. But when I went to quickplay classic, I was having fun. And I’m not alone. Otherwise, you wouldn’t get maximum 3 dps team comp there even when nobody is obliged to play anything other than dps.

Do you know the reason double shields were never good before? Multiple dps. A solo tanking Orisa/Rein with 3 dps would make that team comp nowhere near as good. When Sigma wasn’t available, if you would go Orisa+Rein, you’d do nothing. Nothing has changed but suddenly Orisa+Rein is more than viable despite shield nerfs.

Maybe I’m wrong. But I didn’t see 3+ dps comps in 66% of the times. More like 10% in comp and those matches are more memorable. I won multiple matches with 4 dps and a lucio in a 5v6 match. Let me know how many times you’d do anything when someone leaves now. You know for a fact it’s better to leave and save time.

In ranked (which should be the factor for balance) you wouldn’t get 6 dps comps in more than 1 in 500 matches probably. Players would switch according to what they needed. Now, you get people who have no clue what to do in tanks. And no amount of incentives will make people play something they don’t want to.


Well, when I went to qp classic, I remembered why OW in its core was a fun game.

The assumption now: you’ll have to be good at countering everything. Like they’ve got widow, play ball/winston (not like they don’t require your teammates to adjust to fast gameplay). You’ve got to know counters to all heroes. That’s bs if you ask me. Not even pros know how to do that. More often than not GMs can carry in lower tiers because of shotcalling.

I love role queuing and I think people problem is the queue times but reverting it would just make the play experience terrible with unbalanced team comps.
But with 222 theys slot more pressure on each role to perform as well but that’s a good thing in my book

The queue times are the real issue that most people take. If they did not exist, I doubt that many people would be super opposed to it.

Not a fan.

I don’t think losing the creativity, varied comps, on the fly swaps, increased queue times, and completely losing the advantage of being a flex player are worth what we gained.

I was and still am much more in favor of a ban system instead.


This. I sort of quit playing OW as a casual QP player right before RQ, read about RQ, and wrote it off immediately. Recently came back to the game to try out RQ and I feel this is forcing a type of game on me that I don’t want to play, one that seems VERY different from the original version of Overwatch I purchased in May 2016. I am here to have fun and blow off steam at the end of a hard day of work and other obligations, not pretend to be some sort of professional player.

I’ve found refuge in Quickplay Classic for now, but the queue times there aren’t nearly as fast as non-RQ QP queue times were (1-2 min compared to 5-15 sec), and often you are just playing with the same handful of queuers anyway.

I might just end up quitting the game for good without a better solution in place. That’s how bad RQ is for someone who just wants to have fun, win or lose, playing the heroes I feel like playing at that moment.