How would no rq ow2 even play?

Because WoW is still an incredibly poorly balanced game where class/specs get biased amount of attention.

Tracer = mage/hunter.

Sym = ele shaman.

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Its really funny how the MoP vs WoD comparison really shows that a lot of diehard wow players dont know what is good for the game or what it needs because all they have is nostalgia.

MoP: called anime panda furry garbage that was ‘‘not WoW’’, ended up as one of the best expansions ever, introduced an incredibly rich continent and had very good storytelling, etc.

WoD: hyped as a ‘‘return to true wow’’, shilled to hell before launch by ‘’’‘true’’’’ warcraft fans, ended up as the most horrible dumpster fire of all WoW and less content ever.


yeah my guy you are smoking some good crack

Non role q beta would be literally 3 tanks / 2 supps tanks are way too powerful to not get picked over dps lol

Oben Q was the worst and still is. RQ is the best thing that could have happened

It was rare because once 2-3 people instalocked dps, the rest of the people with a sense of conscience probably went healer/tank. I don’t think “who can elbow their way fastest to locking dps” is a good system to build from. I don’t like feeling forced on healer/tank and I don’t like forcing others, either.

It’s not hard to predict they would still limit it to 1 tank no matter what so GOAST doesn’t happen.

Shower thought: what about a halfway house, where you queue up as a tank or a…not tank.

No atrocious OQ zero tank games (unless I swap to tank FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME), while the queue system is cut a bit of slack. Megatanks can’t be stacked for high ranked games. The downside is the risk of 1/4/0 or 1/3/1 games, but I’d rather that than have the game wither and die like 2/2/2.

I’ll raise my hand and admit that I didn’t like solo healing in OQ, but perhaps it would be less of a drag in 5v5.

Healing might be horrible to play at the moment, but having a no healer game would be terrible.

Role lock just killed the game for the majority of players and made it unplayable, and unfun. period.

Nope,it made the matches better. It stopped the forcing of players to play a certain role they dont enjoy or wanted to.

Most players left cuz of the lack of Content.

Lack of content made more people left the game, naturally. But in my case, starting from the release of Brigette, my friend list basically died, rolelock was just another nail in the coffin. If the game is better or not is subjective. For me i far worse, a lot. the fact that i can’t play X hero on X map on X gamemode (attack or defence) on X phase, already made the game bad. I never had problems with original QP, and the games where the comp where bad, were really rare, and most of case, those game were fun and particular for that. Basically i was golden border like before Brigette, well, the time for me like stopped. The game isn’t just the same by years for now, but ok. Now OW 1.001, it’s just an unbalancing patch that don’t add anything new to the game. The solution was to make all new heroes and all new maps, that’s what i call a new game. Extreme fanboys can’t live with that idea, but i guess even they, are starting to realize how useless is this update. From what i can say to you, i’m golden border,and when this ow2 will die, i’m still golden border probably. Will try the PvE but it will end there. I hope if the franchise don’t die with this “2”, that they will start from scratch with ow3, and rotate out all the current set of heroes.

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Well we can see there’s a no role limits tab in the beta so… we’ll see at some point.

That could be solved by assigning random select times for each player which I wouldnt like but it would stop instalocking.

A random player is chosen and given 5 seconds to choose their character.

No one was begging for RQ because RQ hadnt been invented they were begging for goats to be patched which all they had to do was nerf brig or add tank limitations.

Then they removed OQ replaced it as the primary gamemode and people kept leaving so they were forced to add it back but since its not the primary gamemode no one wants to play it and no one wants to play it untill they patch out goats either.

But if you ask most people pre RQ their favourite period in the games history its definetely 2017-Early 2018 before goats.

Sure but whatever that new thing is is superior to both old OQ and RQ.

It’d be 4 DPS and a reluctant support (Likely Mercy). Just like OW1 oq was 5 DPS/Mercy.

You’ll MAYBE see a tank here or there to run 1-3-1. But otherwise it would be 0-4-1 or 0-5-0 outside of high elo and OWL.

Role queue might’ve “killed” the game for those who wanted to queue in 30 seconds and play DPS. But as a DPS player myself, it saved the game for me. No more fighting my entire team for my role.

How lazy you gotta be to write “RQ” instead of the actual words

This is patently false. People started asking for Role Queue as early as 2016, soon after the new game euphoria wore off. The movement grew loud enough that already at Blizzcon 2017, way before the release of Brigitte and Goats, Jeff Kaplan had to address it in his main interview, saying that at that time they had no plans on implementing it yet. From there, as the time moved on, the clamoring for Role Queue kept on intensifying, with constant posts on the forums/Reddit and with multiple streamers and YouTubers joining the campaign.

Why was this going on and why did it begin almost from the start? The old “5-6 DPS” argument is often dismissed by the Role Queue’s detractors as a myth, a fallacy that the RQ shills have conjured up a ran with ruining everyone else’s gaming experience. While it is true that the instances where a team entered a match with 5+ DPS heroes were not that common, the crux of the argument doesn’t lie here, but in the overwhelming abundance of DPS players.

Analysis of queue times and open statistics sources, such as Overbuff, have rendered estimations that the DPS portion of the playerbase comprises upwards of 75%. This means that in an average match the matchmaker would toss together a dozen of players, the majority of whom wanted to play DPS. This often resulted in toxicity and animosity, with some players resentfully filling on off-roles and often switching to DPS mid-match out of frustration. We all remember how rare it was for a DPS player to offer to switch to tank or support because the fights were not going well; an Ana suddenly becoming Widow after the second lost fight and leaving the team with Lucio heals or none at all, this could be seen all the time.

All this resulted in a growing mass of DPS players to start requesting a role lock of some sort to be implemented so they could play their preferred role in peace without all the accompanying nonsense of arguing who gets to play what and the process commonly referred to nowadays as the “DPS chicken”. They were joined in this campaign by many tank and support players who were tired of constantly being alone in their role on the field. When presented with a counterargument that their wait times to get into games would skyrocket, the common response was, “I’ll gladly wait [insert a large number] of minutes to play what I want”.

I was recently looking through one of my own old threads on this subject and stumbled upon a heretofore unnoticed response by none other than Wraxu, which perfectly exemplifies this reasoning:


I dont recall any of this and I played during open queue only.
I dont remember many people complaining about open queue in the slightest only in the rare gmaes you got 6 dps which was incredibly rare.

It was about as rare as getting Zen Lucio and Genji into a pharah mercy comp.

People want to win thats why people queue competitive people wont run 6 dps.
The most I ever saw commonly run was 4 dps
And even then that wasnt common the most common was 1-3-2 and 2-2-2.

Just because you don’t remember this, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It just didn’t happen for you.

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