Illari's problem will never be her damage

No… sym can’t deal with pylon. The ability sits in the enemy backline. No sym is going into the enemy backline and just living for free lmfao. Even with tp you’re getting focused out.

That’s why sombra is the only one because she gets to be invisible and escape with tp. No other hero is doing that

Are you the same moron who didn’t even attempt a discussion with me before just insulting me for playing doom and refusing to elaborate on why I was wrong?

Are you? I would love to know. Because you continue to prove you don’t come here for discussion, you actively dodge it, whilst insulting people.

2 quick orbs from 30-40 range say otherwise.

Why do you insist that I have to be there? Maps are long. I can literally just pop them from afar. There is no magical location for a pylon where it can heal and be immune to damage.

I can access almost every point of the map with TP. Why do you think I am going to suicide dive a Pylon?

Dont be daft.

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The pylon being in the enemy backline says otherwise.

Because that’s how pylon works!!! LMFAO like???

See what I mean by you play against bot illari’s. If you put it in your backline, behind multiple walls, there is NO WAY for someone to break it without actively being in your backline as well. And it can still be in LoS of the team to heal. Hence why sombra is the hero to do it.

Like what are you talking about?

Right. Torbjorn’s also more vulnerable while it’s doing damage, and healing in general is a very safe job.

But even Torbjorn players have to be rather creative on where they position the turret so as to maximize its value unless they want it destroyed constantly. There’s the also the fact that Pylon can be more creatively placed. Turret needs a platform, Pylon can be placed virtually anywhere.

And it is balanced under those conditions for those very reasons. Pylon has less health, heals less comparatively, and has a stricter re-deployment time over turret. Pylon also can’t be repaired (but it has shield health so it warrants some limited recovery).

Certainly, if Pylon is healing for too much that’s a warranted complaint, especially for players with bad shots. But those arguments aren’t being made here, and it is still possible to out damage its healing even now.

Perhaps ironically, Sombra can Hack Pylon for 10 seconds to lock out its healing, and then after those ten seconds, destroy it to prevent Pylon from doing its job for 25 total seconds. It’s far more crippling to keep it locked out than destroy it if you were playing Sombra.

This, of course, relies on Illari not re-positioning it after a hack.

Yes, I’ve already stated sombra is basically the only hero who can reliably destroy it but again… that’s one hero in one role. Being forced to counter swap or else it’s unstoppable, is NOT good design.

Its immobile.

It has to be within line of sight of the enemy heroes.

I can TP behind their backline.

Why do you think I have to put myself in any danger to destroy pylon?

I have destroyed dozens of pylons without getting any damage. Because I am far behind their backline orbing it down.

??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Pylon does NOT need to be in LoS of enemies

Yes and like I said you will be promptly dealt with before you get two shots off on that pylon.

No one is just letting you do that for free. And that’s IF it’s in an open enough angle for you to tp behind and be able to see it.

That’s great. Good players punish that.

If you are that far behind, your tp is not going anywhere near back to safety. If your tp can reach safety back with your team, then you are not that far behind and can get punished that way.

Illari would be more engaging and fun to play if her shots could heal as well. That’s what is fun about Ana and Bap… I would delete pylon and make her work like Juno.

The issue here is that Illari doesn’t have a problem. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s something to be fixed. Illari’s pylon is a great addition to the game.

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Oh welp guys, wrap it up. Since Zekki here said it let’s never touch the game again since literally any problem this game will ever have can just be chalked up to “Oh you just don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad!”

Like dawg… ???

An uncontestable automated healing turret that can have a near infinite uptime that basically only has one hero counter is not a well designed ability lmfao.

go sombra, shoot like 5 shots + throw virus at pylon, tp away.

Could say the same thing about you, who made you the arbiter of what should and shouldn’t be in the game? Learn how to destroy the pylon and it goes on a hefty cooldown.

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Yes this has already been established that sombra is a good counter (and pretty much the only counter).

That’s only one hero, in one role… that is not good.

Fair point. Not trying to justify pylon, just trying to give advice.

No one. You don’t need to take what I say as gospel that’s completely fine lmfao. It’s my perspective on the game and what the game should be. I don’t like brainless free value abilities that have next to no counterplay. That’s always been my stance.

That’s the PROBLEM. The only hero who can reliably break it is sombra because she can be perma invisible, set up to attack it, and then just launch virus at it + a couple shots and it’s done for.

That’s only one hero in one role. Every other character can’t do jack all about it without straight up feeding in the process. It’s completely out of LoS and in the enemy backline. Not to mention even certain heroes can’t do anything because it’s straight up out of range, so even if they DO manage to get it in their LoS, it won’t matter.

And if the Illari sees it’s about to be in danger, she can destroy it for free and just replace it without the cooldown.

It has a near infinite uptime for a reason.

I don’t play Sombra and I’ve never had any trouble destroying Illari’s pylon. It’s only hard to destroy if you approach battles like 16th century cavalry battles where teams poke each other until they die. Take off angles, flank, or dive and it goes down easily.

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I swear you guys gotta be going against the worst Illari’s on planet earth. Like I don’t think you understand what I mean when I say uncontestable pylon locations.

If you are that far in their backline to be able to destroy it, you will be shot at in the process or are you just being ignored? Like what are these players you guys go against that let you just do that for free lmfao.

It’s not impossible to kill someone being healed by a pylon, but the illari with her nuclear sized gun hitbox will double dink you before you do enough to kill her.

honestly her boop on top of that makes her broken. she does great damage and healing sure, that’s whatever. but man, adding a 100% uptime healing ability along with a very easy “get away from me” ability that creates a lot of distance makes her a super safe character.

nerfing her boop & removing the 100% uptime aspect of pylon (lasting 5s max) would actually make Illari balanced.

Illari is in a better state than she used to be. The hit due to 250hp losing her a 2HKO really ruined her ability to dual other heroes because she couldn’t secure kills before say a support interrupted. Having to land another shot is a pretty steep requirement to kill confirms.

She previously got hit by a -.05m reduction on her weapon size which previously made it easier than usual for her to get kills. However, ALL heroes got buffed during the projectile S9 change, so many heroes are on par with Illari for weapon size. She no longer has that advantage.

She even had her effective healing cut on herself making her easier to kill. With the healing reduction it effectively canceled out the healing buff she got on pylon/primary.

Illari has a bunch of weaknesses baked into her kit which keeps her from usually being a super dominating hero. She’s incredibly poor for dealing with dive hero compositions since pylon away from her immediate vicinity is just going to get gunned down losing her a massive portion of her utility. Pylon accounts for nearly 50% of Illari’s healing value.

Her short range and long cooldown make her suspectable to dive metas as well. They could have arguably reduced the healing pylon change. She was one of the few heroes post S9 that got a raw healing buff.