Illari's problem will never be her damage

She’s currently a top 2 support lol.

Even with dive getting played.

I have no love for illari, but 5s is too little imo. I think something like ~25 seconds would be better.

Which is not uncommon from Baptiste metas. Baptiste himself is horrible to pair with as dive synergy. He’s not a Kiriko or Ana which have traditionally been really great pairings for pretty much any team synergy combo.

Baptiste excels in generally spammy compositions like Sigma based tank or possibly pairing for rush. Illari is no different exception. She supports rush and dive comps poorly, but Sigma is one of the best performing tanks right now which is Illari’s arguably best tank pairing.

Pylon provides just enough sustain that in most situations, it’s favorable to DPS instead of personally healing someone with RMB - unless they’re critical health.

Depends on who you’re fighting and who you’re healing, and whether or not your next shot can do enough damage to make a kill, or even land damage on that target.


I just go Ana and throw a nade and bam. Now her pylon doesn’t matter :slight_smile: