Illari's problem will never be her damage

It always has been, currently is, and always will be her pylon.

An automated healing turret that can have a near infinite uptime because the illari can put it in uncontestable locations unless you practically feed your brains out to go in their backline to destroy it, will ALWAYS be the problem.

Not only that, it allows the Illari player to not have to actually worry about juggling between choosing to damage or heal as much as other supports, so then you get the Illari who just spends 90% of the game doing damage and ends up out damaging half the players in the lobby because she doesn’t actually have to worry about healing anyone.

Pylon is a moronic ability that should not exist. Not only from how broken it is just based off design alone, but how it enables unhealthy gameplay in which (a lot of the times) dps players will go to this role not knowing how to play support but will just lock the damage support hero and do nothing but DPS whilst never actually supporting anything.


i mean she can redeploy her pylon when ppl are shooting at it, or when it is healing someone
torb cant do that, TORB. come one if torb cant relocate turret cause its firing or being fired upon ilari shouldnt either, its just wrong

You’re under the assumption that it is impossible to kill a target being healed, which factually false. Using just a Damage-role hero, Pylon will never heal it’s maximum possible amount, and many Damage-role heroes can do twice to three times the damage that Pylon can put out.

Moreover, you’re also under the assumption that Illari can simply ignore healing demands just with Pylon, when that’s just not possible. Pylon can only heal one target at a time, and at a very minimal amount; there’s no way for Pylon to cover the damage from Reinhardt’s Firestrike, or Soldier’s Tactical Visor. It’s just not possible. Math can prove this.

No, she cannot.


We can sit here and play ignorance but we all know that shooting someone getting consistent healing will always be harder than them not getting healed at all.

People miss shots. The automated healing turret does not.

Plenty of them do. And even if you DO need to heal with right click, the HPS on it is so high that takes so little of your time to do so, so again… right back to dpsing the illari goes.

Yeah if the person getting shot is a total bot that doesn’t know how to use their movement keys and is standing still in the open

And correct me if I’m wrong but he never said it was impossible, he just said it’s a poorly designed braindead free value ability, which it is

Of course it is, that’s why we have the Support-role.

Yep. But that’s also why they widened the shots to make it easier to hit moving targets being healed. Maybe attempt to frame your arguments toward tackling the issue from this angle instead of complaining about healing.

Illari needs to aim that beam on a moving target and it lasts for three seconds. Assuming Illari has a 40% hit rate with that beam, that 115 healing per second turns into 46 healing for one second. Less than what Mercy covers in a single second, and rather competitive with what her healing Pylon provides in its limited sphere.

Sure, and if you’re not capable of tracking the movement correctly, you should probably play a hero with lighter or more forgiving aiming demands. Granted this is hard to do on the Damage-role, but there are other roles.

Ehh, Mercy’s healing and Lucio’s healing is pretty braindead too. No aiming, no ammo management, just press a button and go-go infinite healing. Trying argue that Illari is someone unique in this regard isn’t really unique given that other Supports pretty much operate on the same principle.

No one is complaining about healing?

My entire argument is that pylon is a horrifically designed ability. Idk if you’ve just missed the entire point here or what.

Cool! People still miss! The automated healing turret, does not!

That’s why the beam is usually reserved for the tank and the pylon worries about squishies…

And with the 115 hps, the Hp bar still goes up rather quickly even if you aren’t 100% accurate. So again, right back to dpsing.

Through the dps passive, mercy only heals 44hps.

Pylon through the passive does 40 hps.

Illari’s beam with that 40% accuracy and dps passive does 36 hps.

Comparatively, zen heals 30hps. Which is 26 hps through the passive.

Comparatively, kiriko (who’s in the top 50 meta) does 60 hps through the passive. Also having a healing that homes into a target if she knows how to track them with the crosshair. (And if you can hit with moira, you can track a healing target on kiriko.)

Because you are complaining about healing. Specifically, Pylon’s healing; it’s the only thing it does.

You don’t complain about the other devices with their infinite values like Torbjorn’s Turret or Symmetra’s Sentries. They do infinite damage, and in the Symmetra’s, provide an infinite slowing effect.

No, you’re complaining that someone camping around the Pylon is a problem, not that someone camping around turret or sentries is a problem.

If you say so. I see plenty of people die under Illari’s watch when they never use that healing beam to spot heal. And I’m always outhealing Illari’s as a Tank and never need their healing beam; because they’re usually really bad at it.

Pylon’s reach is limited and locked to a specific space. Moving it requires risk and occupying space that you’re hoping won’t get taken or threatened. Should pylon shut down, you’re locked out of your second source of healing for more than 10 seconds, and Illari doesn’t have any area-effect healing to compensate for this loss. So Illari’s RMB has to be used for more than just healing Tanks.

Uh-huh. Lots heroes don’t have that much health so it’s a quick spot heal.

Yep, but I wasn’t interested in framing the argument over the Damage-role passive, because we’re specifically talking about healing, and not in-combat healing here.

Yeah, sounds about right. Kiriko’s not really difficult to track or aim to heal with, but the greater distance between you and your target, the longer it takes for healing to approach and recover from a loss of health. Ideally you want to be within… 15 to 20 meters; but the closer the better.


My issue isn’t with the healing. It’s with the pylon.

Ok let’s use our brains here.

The turrets need LoS of enemies to get value… the enemies need to be able to see the turret for the turret to do anything.

Pylon, does not. Pylon can be put in uncontestable locations in the backline where enemies can’t physically shoot it without borderline feeding in the process to get rid of it.

They are not comparable. You trying to compare the two, just shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.

As an Illari player- she’s not OP by any means.

But they absolutely should re-tune her pylon.

Let her reposition it after only 5 seconds (MAYBE 4)

But nerf the cooldown to 15/16 seconds

There needs to be a meaningful gap in time for capitalizing after taking down such a vital resource, which absolutely costs you resources to contest in the first place. Yet in the flip side, proper pylon upkeep should be rewarded and also a tad more flexible so that the game of cat and mouse with the pylon is how you remove her advantage. But once you remove it, you’re set for a decent chunk of time, just like with suzu or lifegrip.

If this nerf is too much, they could give her back her fire rate charge buff they reverted partially, or they could buff healing beam so she isn’t dead weight too often as a support.

But once you look at it funny it magically makes “pop” and it’s destroyed.

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Illari can do this thing where she places it in an uncontestable location and now the only way you are going to destroy it is if you swap heroes to a character who can just mow through their backline, destroy it, and then leave in one piece.

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1000% agree. Torb and his turret too. Torb wouldn’t be so bad if the range on a lock on auto-work by itself with 0 input (therefore 0 braincells) from the player type ability wasn’t so bad. And imo it could stand to lose some dmg too. No reason why torbs turret shouldn’t get the sym treatment, as a tracer player I used to despise syms turrets but they do TINY damage now and she feels much better to play into. As any character.

Gut abilities that don’t require player input. Imo.

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Well its a good thing we have 0 other things in the game that can have auto aim healing with near infinite uptime as long as its not destroyed.

in walks mercy, lucio, zen


I can’t tell if this is a point to try and disprove something I’m saying or if this is you saying those things are also a problem.

Finally someone who knows what makes Illari strong. Most geniuses here think it’s because she has more range than Cassidy.

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Zen is probably the most similar but at the end of the day, the healing value itself is lower and he doesn’t have an actually strong healing ability outside of his ultimate. Illari’s beam is very strong and I will die on that hill

Lucio’s uptime is mostly on speed. It’s not uncommon to have super low healing numbers on Lucio at the end of the game

Now we get to Mercy who is basically a mobile Illari pylon lmfao. When she’s healing she is contributing nothing. When Illari’s stationary Mercy pylon is healing she is dealing a lot of damage and also farming her ult in three different ways. 1. doing damage. 2. healing with beam. 3. healing with pylon

My point is “get over it”

Ya I do agree with you at times it can be very annoying. I have a special hated with pylon as when I play mercy, no one on my team ever shoots it, and since Im mercy I have to swap to my gun to destroy it forcing me to stop healing or DB, but thats more a issue with people then with pylon.

But my point is get over it? Like you have hate the ability all you want, but it sounds like your hated is similar to mine, more at the player then the ability.

For example this part

That you having issues with players.

It apears you dislike when people dont play her how you think she should be played and that her kit enables that playstyle.

But that isnt something unique to illari or something easily fixed. You cant force people to play a certain way.

Take lucio heal bot, I dislike lucio heal bot, as I think a good lucio should do a mix of heal and speed. But that doesnt stop people from healing on lucio the entire game. His kit does allow him to do that.

Or Take mercy, I think triage mercy is her best/optimal playstyle, but her kit does allow pocketing.

I just get over it because I understand that isnt a hero issue but a player issue.

You can change, remove, rework a ability, but that wont stop people from playing heroes in different ways.

For example, if you remove pylon that still does not stop people from picking illari and not supporting and going full DPS mode.

If that makes sence

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They should just make the pylon auto break after 7s, reduce the pylon cooldown and increase the duration and range on her healing beam. Fun for everyone

Well, almost everyone. But no one cares about the muh Illari is better than Cassidy because bigger range crowd

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