Ignoring the one and only thread

Thank you!

In just 6 months this atrocity has happened to Bastion. I can’t believe that people still think some heroes with perfectly fine stats need changes first when there is stuff like this going on.

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No it just means that they created a feedback thread back when they did an enormous rework on a hero that was more significant than any other hero in the game and people keep posting in it. There is no Dva megathread.

Guys, we have Jeff from the future in this thread! Say hello to him!

Because its a quarantine, not an actual feedback thread.

They just dont want to hear about it anymore

As sayed again no one ever sayed Mercy needs changes before other heroes, we already established some time needs to pass

There should be a mega thread on Torb. I find it incredibly ridiculous that people are getting reported for a select few HEROES. I have not used him in a while now , I might pick him up in QP tonight just to see if I get a suspension. I will also make sure I play the hell out of him with complete intentions on winning.

But people keep demanding it and complaining that nothing has been done yet. There are just so many repeat posts that I can’t even tell if people want it right now or not because half the time it’s a thread like this one.

Nope, I just pay attention when the developers tell us things. Like that they believe Mercy is fine. Which I agree with.

Well this is not the case, we are okay on giving priority to other heroes but we would like more transparency with the devs

Excellent, this thread is for people of the present tho, or for the past in your case. Please let us do our thing and i’m happy for you that you can already be in peace with your desires. Thank you for joining us.

The dev comment wasn’t even that long ago though right? It’s not even a month old.

That point has been addressed already

Yeah you addressed it but it was a very weak point. It’s in the past but 14 days is not long enough before you consider it obsolete.

This is what I was talking about.

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This is not true. She was never a must pick pre rework.

Her strongest point before the rework was after Ana got nerfed and dive came into play. She was the only viable main healer, but now we have Moira.


She literally had a 14% pickrate before the rework. She’s got below 9% now.

Oh no no, lol, that has nothing to do with the devs quote, it has to do with a user telling something he considers absolute even when he can’t know it, dw

There is some really good feedback in there, I do agree, but a lot of it isn’t helping at all.

The devs should acknowledge it more, but the thing is, the forum is a minority, which makes the thread a minority in a minority.

It’s a weird situation😂


And this is true, i’ve never claimed we are the 90% of the players or something like that, lol, but we have indeed a problem and not enough consideration has been put in it… And that consideration is something they have told us it was given us trough a daily reading, something which we never asked but it was obvious it couldn’t be made… So we are asking now to have some actual consideration in a more realistic way tho…

What would you like them to say👍

Can you link me to the website where you got this information?

Whether it was that high, it wasn’t because she was a must pick.

If the enemy had a Mercy, you didn’t have to.

She was the strongest main healer AFTER the nerfs to Ana, as I said.

If Mercy was theoretically to be completely reverted now, she’d most likely be a bit behind Moira considering the meta is triple tank + support right now.

Mercy has always been the most viable healer (baring her suicide rez in season 3) due to her consistent healing and low skill floor.

Mercy will always have a high pickrate, as long as she isn’t classified as a troll pick.