Ignoring the one and only thread

Overbuff trend data was what I was looking at, but I’m sure omnicmeta also has it.

I would accept anything actually even that they are ignoring her for the time being only because they need to have addressed all the other heroes in need before the end of an ETA they have, or something similar to it. At least we would have something, right now we only have one sarcastic comment of Jeff that only tells us he has never read a single line of that thread since the first weeks of it… As most of the topics after those weeks have been around changing and not buffing, lol…

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I see, and I understand👍

Well, good luck Plarpoon, hope we see each other again some time.

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Well, have a nice day Jellyandjam! you are good fella!

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Is this good enough?


I’m looking at omnicmeta right now, the stats are the month before the rework hit live:


As you can see, Mercy is not tier 1 in plat+ (which would be must pick).

She was tier 2 in the lower elos, but as I said, this is because she was, and still is, the easiest and most rewarding healer for the lower elos.

In GM she was tier 3, which is the second lowest.


I hope they look at her. Even if she’s still picked alot her ultimate still isn’t very good. It’s just you can heal everyone a bit better now or chase down that sniper with ya pistol lmho

Here you go

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Looks to me like Mercy was a must-pick for 99.0% of the community.

And only less than 1% of the top players she wasn’t a must pick, but still very highly used.

Well yeah, some QoL improvement could be made

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I hope so, lmk if another response is made, which I hope will be eventually…

The best would be some answers that actually answered anything in that thread and not the same two “revert plz” he read 4 months ago

I don’t know how many times I have to say this.

Ana was trash tier, so Mercy was the best main healer.

Zen + Lucio was the optimal duo though.
In GM she was either picked by Mercy mains or picked to pocket a Pharah, because in GM they can make use of duo off supports or even Ana.

She saw next to no pro play time, she was only picked with a Pharah.


I really wouldn’t mind a revert but… since that’s unlikely maybe they’ll think of a better ult such as 5seconds of invincibility for your team in a certain small radius or something a but more interesting like the ability to carry a teammate. We’ve seen that her wings can get bigger for her to do more anyway…

The “official response” they gave (which was originally in a Nerf Brigitte thread that got off topic and got merged) made it painfully obvious that they didn’t read any feedback.

The reasons they gave for “Mercy is Fine” (aka pick/win rates) was completely off-topic from what Mercy fans were complaining about: a disappointingly low skill ceiling and lack of immersion when using the Q and E abilities.

The Mercy fans complaining on the megathread know she’s balanced/viable, and want her to stay thay way… but they want it to be in a way that’s challenging and rewarding to learn. Mercy’s E feels awful to use, and is very black-and-white with when/how it’s used. Valkyrie does all the work for you. And what do the devs have to say about that???

Nothing, apparently.


So your entire argument about Mercy not being a must pick is based on ~0.5% of the playbase?

And ignoring 99.5% of the community?

except it’s being used to throw things in there so people aren’t just “still posting in it”

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Revert means rolling back to a previous patch entirely, even if they’ve put mass rez back in it’s entirety but with LoS and blockable by barriers it wouldn’t be a revert. And that’s the most similar thing i can think about, so i guess everything is still possible!

I knew you would have come sooner or later! ahahaha you are the best!

I’d accept anything if it actually acknowledged the problems being had
“we know there’s some difficulties being had but we do have things more urgent, she’s on our to-do list though somewhere don’t expect anything soon though”

Tha’s it.


:smile: Thanks! I didn’t realize I was missed, but the warm welcome back makes me happy!