Ignoring the one and only thread

When you’re the spokesperson for an important topic it’s important to word things in such a way that doesn’t promise anything specific, or people will screech at you for not “keeping those promises.”

If you put yourself in Jeff’s shoes you’d realize that the only acceptable answer/response to that thread is something that is extremely simple backed up by statistics. If he said so much as “it’s on our list of things to look at” people will just constantly bother them for updates. They released only a few details about symmetra - one of the least popular heroes in the game, and I’ve already seen countless threads asking for updates since what, two weeks ago?

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Parts of the D’va community complained with D’va’s rework but that hate died down quick so that it’s most assuredly not requiring a damn mega-thread
and D’va and Mercy are similar in over all communities around them so take that as you will

YOu want a change that isn’t an over all buff? Okay
Valkyrie Nerfed to 8 seconds, chain beams reduced to either 15 HPS or 7.5 damage boost , passive self heal no longer buffed while in Valk
Primary Beam now heals for 150 HPS or 50% damage boost

Ressurect replaced with Angel’s Call
10 second cooldown instant cast
Targets GA target, either provides a 50% damage shield or speeds up spawn timer by 25%
Evolves to provide immunity or ressurect during Valkyrie.

they have given mercy players an answer. thats all they need. besides, they can play other heroes. my top 3 most played are trash and mercy is in a great state so i would think about other characters instead of trying to make a good character perfect while other heroes are worse than utter trash

Yeah that’s true, but as a figure of such height in the company he should know better then us that telling they must cover all the heroes they have in program is preferable to saying absolutely nothing and making a thread more and more poisonous for the whole community by the day only because of lacking care…

meanwhile bastion continues to be ignored, and unlike mercy has been trash the whole time outside of junkertown, and that brief session of transformers in season 4

Thank you for your feedback but it’s not the topic of the thread, i never stated that they should fix her before other heroes…

Again, thank you too for your feedback, but that’s not the point of the topic

he certainly wasn’t cautious with when he worded that Mercy response
“Hurrdurr pickrates, she’s fine” even though that’s literally nothing to do with the problem with the massess having, suggests he hasn’t read anything in that thread.

and now they’ve got a thread that is lying to the faces of an entire angered part of the community by saying it’s being read, even if you THINK it was ever being read it’s not anymore which means it’s nothing but a silencing tool, brushing a problem under the rug instead of admitting “It’s far away but we know there’s an issue here”


They literally gave an official response two weeks ago.

No, just no. There’s a fine line between a company “Not listening to customers” and customers “Holding game developers to ransom.” Balance is part of a game like this and we as players need to accept it happens.

Mercy is arguably an ‘easy’ hero to play mechanically, healing/damage auto-aims and she’s incredibly mobile. In addition she doesn’t really need to ‘fight’ the enemy unlike other supports even taking ‘combat’ (and to that extent, aim) out of the equation for the most-part.

I think the vast majority of Mercy mains who rose to high ranks in comp one-tricking her have realized it’s quite tough to do the same with other supports so are fiercely clinging to their ‘safe hero’ which is why the mega-thread has lasted as long as it has.

This ‘fun’ excuse that’s pandered around now is weak at best in light of my previous points in this post and if we’re all being honest we know why most Mercy players won’t swap off Mercy. :thinking:

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That has been linked already at the top of the forum and has already been addressed

You’re proving my exact point. He didn’t say what you wanted, therefore it’s not an acceptable response.

You stated:

he said something that LITERALLY makes him look ignorant. as if he’s never actually read the feedback at all.
am I not allowed to be furstrated when it’s clear the lead developer isn’t even reading the feedback and then the mods on the forums still use the meta-thread (which is no longer being read) as a silencing tool


I don’t see how you can consider having fun to pale against your previous points, anyway, i’m pretty sure that for a company with their experience making better the QoL of a hero while maintaining the balance should be possible. And that won’t harm any other hero player.

It’s he committed himself to even the slightest indication of redesigning Mercy, you know that they would go nuclear with demands.


Or maybe what you haven’t considered is that they’ve read the feedback and they just don’t think any of the ideas are good or necessary?

And like I said, you don’t need to read the feedback on a regular basis. Jeff has a full time job that doesn’t need to include reading through another 500 posts that say the exact same thing from the previous week. Yes there are some unique ideas thrown in, but you’re making it sound like it’s time critical that the devs read every suggestion and bring it up at the daily team meeting in the office or something. If they have no plans to even address Mercy in the near future, there’s no reason that it’s important for them to familiarize themselves with every thought and post that Mercy players come up with.

well the rework was a failure so people are nuclear regardless.


well… almost 90’000 posts it already seems kinda like a “nuclear” to me… And many are pretty saddened by the devs actions too… so i won’t go so easy to say that the method he chose was the best to “contain damage”. But that’s my opinion i guess…

The rework leaves some people unhappy, but even those people admit she’s very balanced.

More like 10-20k people stuck in a echo chamber.