"If you're so upset about Mercy, just play a different hero"

… Whoops

Lol I got my numbers mixxed up. 120 was the number I used for the other Valk idea where the beams were merged together and she used the pistol with the other one.
No I’d go anywhere from 140 to 200. But the chain beams cannot go above 40 HPS…

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Anything. She’s too high in pick rates and that means she needs to be nerfed. Why you mad that I said it? Maybe they will nerf her healing per second back to 50.

I’m not mad I’m just puzzled that you think that mercy has anything left that warrants a nerf. Her healing was buffed to 60 hps for a reason, there is no justified reason for another nerf. Just because shes the third most picked hero doesn’t mean she’s in need of a nerf.
Idk maybe she’s just more consistent then the only other two main healers


Well just have to wait and see what the Ana buffs do for her. If it’s not enough then Mercy might see a nerf.

This is all around false. :man_cartwheeling:

Ana needs something very substantial, not these flimsy buffs that they’re giving her
She needs either a more reliable way of self defense, or more survivability, she needs to have someway to heal herself without wasting the bionade, etc.
Just because ana isn’t in a good spot and Moira isn’t useful on every comp doesn’t mean that mercy should be nerfed as a result.
Mercy is the most consistent healer, as well as the easiest to flex onto.
If a dps main has to play a healer, they most likely play mercy since she isn’t very hard to understand. They won’t do as well as someone accustomed to play mercy, but they’ll do ok.
Because of Mercy’s consistent healing, she’s used a lot. Even more so with mass rez gone, and an ult that does everything for you.
Ana needs buffs.
Mercy doesn’t need a nerf just because Ana is lacking behind.

Lol you keep trying to defend your point. Personally I don’t see Blizzard taking the “smart” route therefore Mercy is going to be nerfed in the near future.

Mercy has already been nerfed several times and probably will not be getting nerfed in the near or distant future. :man_cartwheeling:

Every damn day… seriously?

Most picked healer = up for nerfs

Pickrates dictate balance so Mercy is up for nerfs by that means.

I know they often go by pick rates and win rates when it comes to “balancing” heroes but I’m pretty sure last time they spoke up about Mercy in particular, they think she is in a good place. That’s their opinion. It’s also mine.

I don’t see how or why they would nerf her now. Her pick rate will probably always be high, not because she is OP but because she is a favorite and is more accessible than most heroes.

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But they’re isn’t even a reason to nerf her at all?
Pickrates don’t always mean nerf x hero. It’s a case by case issue.

Well yeah, because if nerfcy gets another nerf even though the majority of people I’ve come across believe she’s balanced, imma be disappointed. There’s like 6 healers, and half of them are main healers, and only one of them can offer consistent healing.
You could nerf her, and she would still have a high pick rate because of what she brings to the team can’t be offered by any of the other healers.
And you haven’t really told me what mercy has in her kit that is op and needs tuning.

^^^honestly what I’m saying

There is never going to be a time where all healers are played equally. SooooooooooOooOOOOOOOOo…
When you nerf mercy into realms of unplayable levels of uselessness (which is what it would take to get her to lose her popularity) and Moira becomes the most played as a result, do you nerf her? Then, when she’s nerfed and ana becomes most played or zen or Lucio or Brigette, do you nerf them too?

If x is picked over y and z, you don’t nerf x for that reason alone, you investigate why x is so popular. If you nerf x because they’re most popular, then y becomes most popular, then z, etc.
But hey whatever.


Well they have been doing that so… I’m not sure what you are talking about. Brigitte most played support is getting a nerf. Ana least played is getting a buff. Eventually Mercy is going to get nerfed because she is quite strong even after being pelted with several nerfs.

Do you know why ana is least played?
Because she can’t survive by her self consistently. She can’t heal through barriers. Nano boost isn’t very useful outside of a few ults. Granted the buffs aren’t in the right place imo but still.

Do you know why Brigette is getting nerfed?
Her shield bash is causing way too many problems for the tanks of the game.

Its the why that’s important, not the pick rate alone. Pick rate is not the end-all factor, that’s just a result of something else.
Hypothetical situation using your logic:
A is the most picked healer out of 6 healers
A is a fan favorite and incredibly popular, but is extremely balanced, as nothing in A’s kit needs changing
Nerfing A is going to change nothing much because characters love playing as A and if your intent is to lower her pickrate even though A is balanced, nerfing A will have terrible consequences.
You nerf A, but you continue nerfing A because the first nerf doesn’t make A’s pickrate go down. A is just too consistent in their method of healing. You need a bigger nerf to cut their pickrate down
Backlash from A mains. B becomes the most picked because A is useless now.
Continue on and on.
People get nerfed because something in their kit is doing too much, and that makes their pickrates go up, not just having a high pickrate. Understand?

Now, specifically with mercy, she’s so strong because of her healing consistentcy. Sh doesn’t worry about ammo, she doesn’t worry about aim, she just heals.
That’s why she’s still so strong, because consistent healing is incredibly powerful. If you take that away, mercy is literally useless.
For example:
Give mercy like 100 ammo with a 1.5 reload.
The down side of this is that her consistency is reduced with nothing to offset it. This nerf would be accompanied with a higher hps, to balance it out.
Because consistent healing isn’t overpowered, therefore doesn’t need a nerf.
Edit: ah forgot to mention that the devs said that they believe mercy is in a good spot right now. That’s why nerfs to her state as it is would be accompanied with buffs, because blizz thinks this is her balanced state

Considering Mercy’s pickrate only began to surge once Ana was gutted and then put in a meta where four of the 6 members of the team hard counter her, I’m inclined to think it’s something else that’s keeping her this high, when her cosistency is all she really has, over all her healing is lower then Moira’s if the Moira is halfway decent at managing her resource (not hard if you use healing orb)

It’s rez as an ability that’s keeping her there, that’s it, denying that first pick is an awful idea for a hero and should be thrown out.


Sure thing, I thought that too, but I have no replacements for it

A replacement for rez?

Angel’s call
10 second cooldown
When used on a living target it provides a 2 second shield that halves all incoming damage
When used on a dead target it will speed up their spawn timer by 25%
This ability can evolve while Valk is active to provide immunity or be an actual rez

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