IF your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to check-out other players who are public

You dont NEED to know that

You choose your character

Others choose their character

Focus on your own choices, rather than trying to control the choices of others

This means you can flex around other players choices, and that you have an astounding amount of leisure time

Good for you.

Worry about making your choice

the rest of us will make our choice based on what we want to play, as were are permitted to do by game rules

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Not a bad idea at all.


The Crux of it is that those that private their profiles, especially those that did so to rid themselves of toxic “Git on yur mainz”, do not care to look at others profiles. They just play and may talk in chat(s).

The only people that have issues are the judgers, themselves.


Oh yeah sure I go support so our no brain Moira main goes Dps to feed and do no damage because he is not used to playing that role = stomp.
When I could have played Dps and he supported as Moira instead (the way it was balanced you know)

If someone doesn’t do their job its easily a 5v6 yes I can fill but that doesn’t mean I am willing to give 200% so others can play whatever.
I would even rather to play support for 5 Dps if everbody mains Dps.

Why are you deciding what someone should play? Ask them what they want and go from there.

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its none of your business why any of your 5 teammates choose the character they choose

your business is solely the character choice YOU make for yourself

feel free to ask us about it, but given our experiences with micromanagers like yourself, dont expect an answer

These micromanagers who feel entitled to profile info so they can (attempt to) control the choices of the rest of the team prove to me how right Blizzard was to make profiles private by default

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Unfortunately, Overwatch isn’t really built to accomodate that mindset. It’s unrealistic to expect people to continually repurchase the game just to play heroes that they aren’t their best at in competitive.

And until Blizzard gives people the tools to shard out their SR across some kind of profile system, or even just reset their SR entirely, you’re going to have to continue to live with it.

Look I don’t check profiles of players and tell them to play that and that so I am not a judger.
I only check those who do not pick for 30 seconds and then play what ever even though I asked them kindly what they can play so I can fill.
Some do answer you and in that case I don’t care about their profile but it you don’t say anything and pick a 3rd dps, off tank or dps support and play like sh!t you are a god damn idiot.

I need a open profile for those kind of players because if you play competitive you SHOULD play serious or else its throwing. Can play Dps just a good but main tank? Alright go for Dps I am fine with that.


Like most of your type, you confuse NEED with WANT

You absolutely dont NEED this info

You just WANT it, and because of the said confusion, feel entitled to it

It is 100% not throwing, per Blizzard’s rules

If you want to make up your own fantasy rules for Overwatch, those are your rules, not ours

Really… within this post you contradict that:

And from other posts:

Just FYI, these are “judging” statements.


Today I learned my profile was set to private by default. Never noticed.

Edit: I think having it set to “friends only” by default is good. Cuts down on toxicity, and arbitrary judging.

Yeah op, as hypocritical and illogical as it seems, you’re pretty much winner by default in this scenario.

The next time someone with a private profile makes fun of your profile, just point out that fact, and you win. Something like “unhide your profile and then we’ll talk, until then, you’ve no ground to stand on”.

If they’re truly trolling you, then they’ll reply to that with nonsense like “see he sucks blah blah blah” and if they’re serious about their opinion of you, they’ll unhide their profile… but the reality is they’ll probably just shut up and you’ll both continue playing unhindered.


Why are people so butthurt over private profiles. Who really cares? It’s not just overwatch people get this way on steam too.

the why: they feel they are entitled to the information in the profiles in order to micromanage their teammates choices

this in turn is because they (naturally) believe they know what is best for everyone, better than their teammates do for themselves

LinkedIn does something similar.
When someone looks at your profile it tells you who it is and if you look at someone elses profile they see that it is you. You can make yourself anonymous when browsing someone elses profile but it means you can’t see when someone browses your profile even if they are not anonymous.

I like it because it forces people to keep their visibility not private and promotes professional interactions


Punish them by making your profile private?
Kind of like they already did? :confused:

But that doesn’t mean they’re judging you for it :confused:
Whenever I see someone with a high level (ie - silver portrait or above), I like to see what hero they’ve spent the most time playing.
Then I can go ‘huh, that’s cool’ and move on.
(And if we’re playing mystery heroes and they happen to get that hero and they’re on my team, I may or may not do a little happy dance.)

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Spend money on what???

It’s their choice whether or not to have their profile private. Some people want it private so others don’t see the ungodly amount of hours they have on their old main whereas others do want their profile to show because of that so that others on their team know what they’re getting and trust them. What’s fair is fair–it’s their choice to choose to show or not.