IF your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to check-out other players who are public

There’s nothing wrong with the information provided to my team by me as an individual.

Somehow you are attempting to swing this into a debate that you’ve already lost yourself in.

The issue is still about private profiles.


Set a time limit on how often you can switch.

And can we please cut the ‘trigger’ part.
Come on dude.
Not cool.

I set my profile public so my team can see.
I’m pretty sure that’s the reason many people do it, not so the enemy team can see.
Right now, there isn’t an option to only let your team see.

I’m all for my team using the information I’m giving.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s okay if they decided to get mean or nasty about it.

Not wanting others to bully people because of stats suddenly doesn’t concern you?
If others are bullying because of stats they need to leave.
Saying “it’s okay because it’s a video game and their free time” is not cool.
And isn’t a little hypocritical that they’re all up in someone else’s stats, but at the same time they tell you to mind your own business?

Also - just because things happen in video games, that doesn’t make it any less serious. you are still dealing with real humans.

It’s not trying to control the choices of others.
If all the characters that one person feels comfortable playing are chosen, while there are still others that I can play comfortably, I would rather switch so they can play a character they feel comfortable playing.

Is being considerate trying to control the choices of others?

I don’t know about you, but I play on xbox.
Otherwise known as the place where nobody has a mic or wants to use it.

Except no.
You sound very bitter over this, and are putting a lot of words in many different peoples’ mouths.

I do not want to micromanage what my teammates chose.
I want to know what roles they would like to play or would most likely feel comfortable playing.

+1 from me, this is a great idea. I’m sick of people with private profiles.

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Doesn’t mean we should be at risk towards toxicity. Maybe you shouldn’t instantly judge over level, rank, and heroes played and instead, just enjoy the game.

The comment was towards what the OP said nothing else.
I don’t check peoples profiles.

i turned my profile private because i was harassed by ppl with private profiles themselves. ppl hide their own stats and use every chance to insult other ppl.

it doesnt make sense that ppl who hide their own stats can see other stats.


I just chuckle at anyone left private.

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This is absolutely incorrect. His proposal is FAR more fair than the current system. I want to share my profile with those who will use the information to build a winning team comp. LFG doesn’t work for someone who plays main tank, off healer, and sniper, but this is something that can quickly be ascertained with profile sharing. I do NOT want to share my profile with those who ridicule others’ stats while hiding behind a private profile. Currently there is no option that allows for this, and it’s unfair to those who want to build and be able to adjust team comp based on stats. I find fair options balanced, in that you can see what you provide others. The current system actually gives special treatment to those with hidden profiles, as they get more than they give, so I assume you agree with the OP if you’re against special treatment.

Ideally, the option would not be “share only with shared profiles” but actually “share only with shared profiles on my team” so the enemy can’t use the information against us (say they have 1 player with a shared profile and 5 without, but we have 6 shared, their 1 could relay all of our info to their entire team while we only have intel on that one enemy). This would be balanced, and anyone who shares only to insult others has to be open to insults themselves.

Going one step further, I want to avoid as teammates all players who do not share their profiles, but that would not be as simple a change as these much improved profile sharing options the OP and myself have suggested.


Wasn’t saying it just towards you. I’ve run into many players who get toxic with me because of the hero I chose to main. Such as toxic GMs when they got dps’s by a diamond Mercy player. Just because my profile is not private, does not mean I am willing to put up with others’ toxicity towards my rank, level, and main.

There is an easier way to find out… they will select the Hero they want to play.

No. It doesn’t mean that all. Report that person for abusive chat. They deserve to be banned.

But everyone with a private profile doesn’t deserve to be punished because someone with a private profile is a jerk and now OP feeling vindictive.

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The issue is not about private profiles, it is about abusive chat.

Currently private profile people cannot select a group from the general population to see their profile. I would love to share my profile with only those who have not been warned or banned for abusive chat. But I can’t do that.

If you want public profile people be able select a group from the general population only to share with then that’s a special privilege. In addition you want to accomplish this specifically by adding additional punishment to private profiles. You are expecting special treatment for your choice.

Currently both sides can have all or nothing, neither gets to pick and choose which members of the general population gets to see their profiles.

So no, it would not be fair to give special treatment to public profiles by way of punishing private profiles.

I’m all for the ability to hide profiles and also for this. Seems fair.

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