IF your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to check-out other players who are public

What prevents me from setting my profile to public just to check yours, and then setting it back to private? What prevents someone from writing bot which will automatically check your profiles from open account? You haven’t thought about this idea at all. If private profile triggers you then set your own profile to private, simple.

You chose to let the entire world see your profile just because you want the enemy team to know what you main doesnt mean your teammates want to

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the default is friends only but there isnt an ally one though

If you choose to make it public because you want to be helpful to the team, don’t get mad when a teammate decides to use the information you freely provided.

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Yea. There are hypocrites. And? There is no point to having profiles public at all as an option if the point of a public profile isn’t to help the team.

Either help your teammates or don’t. Don’t put special restrictions on only one group of people and pretend that’s fairness, just because a minority of private profile people are jackwagons.

Yeah that make sense its only fair.

Public is public

Player with a public profile says “anyone can see my profile”

Player with a public profile does NOT say “Players with a public profile can see my profile”

Summarizing this for you: No

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Good luck preventing people from doing that.

Some people have their profiles private because they are being harassed. They don’t deserve to be punished because of that. And them feeling like someone who isn’t being harassed and chooses freely to share with everyone shouldn’t be able to punish them for not opening themselves up to harassment isn’t hypocrisy.

Giving one group special treatment isn’t fairness.

Giving the option to only exclude a select group of people instead of the “all or none,” option to both groups would completely defeat the point of having options in the first place.

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I disagree but it at least goes both ways, If you’re hiding your profile or not don’t try to shame someone with a public profile, instead, offer a suggestion like, ‘hi ‘Y’ , ‘X’ is a genji main, he might be more comfortable with him, do you mind switching’?
I don’t think most people would like an OW with no public profiles, it’s always cool to find those symettra mains that have been holding GM since season 1 somehow, I’ve also played with a few pros/youtubers ,(RaggTagg), top500s and theres no better way to confirm it’s actually them.
We also lost a way of identifying boosted accounts/ boosters/ deranking smurfs with public profiles so to say that there’s no other utility to profiles is just objectively false.


That makes no sense.
You would have to change the names of the settings from “public” and “private” to “able to see profiles” and “unable to see profiles” or something.

Blizzard said boosting is not something they need you to detect or a benefit or public profiles.

I don’t see identifying YouTubers as a legitimate reason to have them, if they aren’t going to benefit your whole team.

I think they are good they way that they are, but that this suggestion would kill any legitimate gameplay reason to have them in the game.

I do agree that anyone tries to profile shame with their own profile set to private is a hypocrite and a jerk. I would report that person in a heartbeat, and would hope Blizzard banned them. That’s some nerve right there.

OP, just hide your profile. It seems like that’s what you want. That’s why blizz made this change! for people like you who are so invested in what other people are doing that the summation of their griping, bullying, crying, ext. ends up as a total negative in the match you’re currently playing and the game as a whole.

Stop being so invested in things that don’t concern you. What others do on their free time, IN A VIDEO GAME, is non of your business and you do not have the right to their info if they say you to mind your own business.

lol no.

Yet another “waah, want my ez info to tell people what they should be doing. Which is whatever I want them to do. Nerr!” thread.

“Then make yours private too”
Should not be the solution here.
He has a point if you don’t want to show details you shouldn’t see others.

WhatsApp has the same thing if you want to hide your “last time online…” you are not able to see when everyone else was online.

I think private profiles are a bad thing for teamplay you can’t ask in every game what people main so you don’t play their main and they play something they can’t.
Forcing more players to make them public it they really want to be competitive is a good thing.


This would be useless feature since somebody will just write bot to check profile stats from public profile.

They can just take the profiles off private for a split second and put it back on…

Private profiles is one of the best things Blizzard did in the past year or so

Those of you advocating for no private profiles prove with nearly everything you write that this was a great idea and the right thing to do

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That’s not entirely true. If you main a hero, it tells the other team what to play to counter you. We were running into a TON of Phara’s, annoyingly so in our regular 6 stack, I put my profile to friends only… and amazingly the Phara’s at the start of every match stopped. Shocking.

Its not great at all as it gives players like me a huge disadvantage. How am I supposed to know that someone is playing a hero he can’t play?
Seriously if you want to try a new hero play quickplay or make a new account but don’t play at a rating you got to with your main.

My profile is public and I can play every single hero on my SR, can you? Most people can’t and they don’t even talk, type of communicate if they have to fill they just go with it and cost you the game.

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