IF your profile is private, you shouldn't be able to check-out other players who are public

Idk why but maybe just maybe because most of the players hide their profiles?

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Maybe just maybe because they want to hide behind their private profile while still reaping all the advantages of seeing other people’s profiles. There’s a term for it: hypocrisy.


Or because it’s the default and there is no reason to bother with it?


No reason? A team game based around composition changes and hero swapping to counter changing conditions and you choose to remove the most helpful information available to your teammates for successfully doing so? Yeah…“no reason.”


And yet, it does. If you read the FULL comment instead of just judging the first sentence, you will understand the logic. Same as this guy:

If you actually didnt understand the logic having read the FULL comment, then nobody can help you.

Just in case someone is able to go through various layers of reasoning:
What the OP is saying is that yeah, Public profiles are Public by choice and we dont care who see them.
The issue is, that it is not ETHICAL or MORAL to throw BS to someone regarding their stats when you are HIDING yours.

Its like going to a Laser tag game and start shooting everyone while keeping your sensors locked “haha , i can throw BS at you regarding your stats but you cant see mine HAHAAA”.

Clear now?

And yeah, we all know many people dont do that but take into account that MANY people didnt use the profiles to throw BS and being toxic and STILL Private profiles exist so yeah, its a fair thing to ask.

PS: They are going to be set up to public on LFG so meh, just go there to avoid “clever” guys.


If someone gives me an advantage for my games, why would I not take advantage ? Its not hypocritical to not show my heroes and stats and taking advantage of someone who CHOSE to let people to be able to see theirs. It’s just not being an idiot. Just because I was smart enough to not give out information to my enemy doesn’t mean I shouldn’t take advantage of them giving it to me. If you made it public, what are you worried about ? People with public profiles I assume put them as public because they aren’t concerned over who can see their stuff. Why does it matter to people who chose to put their profile as public if they are worried about people seeing it ?


Asked for this since profiles were in ptr… please make us have a ‘teammates only’ mode!
This way the enemy cant counterpick you !


I like the concept of teammates only as well to prevent any competitive advantage from enemy team.

That said I wouldn’t be opposed to a “Public only to public profiles”. This actually gives incentive to make yours public. If you don’t you’re just in the same boat as the people you play with so it’s not unfair.

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If your tweets are protected, you shouldn’t be allowed to see public tweets (i.e., you get to see no tweets at all, aside from your own). If your subreddit is private, you shouldn’t be able to visit other subreddits.

Sounds fair? Not at all. It makes no sense. People shouldn’t be forced to have public career profiles and possibly face harassment just to see other people’s career profiles. It’s your choice whether you want your career profile to be private or public, and it’s private by default.

Besides, people could just temporarily make their profile public just to check out someone’s profile and then make it private again.

Funny how you don’t explain why it doesn’t makes sense and you just puke sentences all around the forum. You’re probably one of the people that he’s talking about.

You can read my post just above yours if you want to know why it doesn’t make sense.

Whether it would make sense or not, changing the system would not be as simple as checking the setting of each person trying to access a profile. They could simply set their own profile to public, check out yours, maybe take a screenshot if they feel like it, then turn theirs back to private. By the time they call you out on your stats or whatever you won’t be able to check theirs in return.


I was literally just about to comment this makes so much sense.
You shouldnt be able to hide behind your private brig one trick profile and bully your teammates about their winrates/sr etc


I truly hope private profiles gets out of the game or just get reworked.

It has 0 benefits in competitive and people should already have more customization on their profiles like adding your most played hero or give you the option to select which role you main (and showing your most played/high win rated hero).

I dislike people insta locking in competitive specially DPS with a private profile you cannot trust them even worse if they are a smurf.

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Do not judge someone else unless you are also willing to be judged.
A private profile is not willing to be judged.

But by this assumption, you are judging someone for having a private profile, and are not willing to be judged by them in turn.


Not really.
The problem is that Private Profile supporters (and Blizzard in part) confirm that those exist to specifically NOT BE JUDGED because of your stats, because it fuels/creates toxicity.

So setting your Profile to Private and then throwing BS to people with Public Profiles is one of the most hypocritical things you can do. And yes, it happens. A LOT.

Once again, for the hundred gazillion time : We, public profile users, dont care if you see our profile. However, if you are going to throw BS and want to “discuss” stats and switches and hero picks and you have your Profile Private, you are getting muted pal. Nobody likes hypocrites.


My profile can only be seen by my friends and I never bothered to change that setting. I never found myself looking at my teams profiles.

Yeah! That’ll teach those damn private profilers from hiding who they like to play and whatnot. This is somehow fair!


>has private profile
>wants to check the career profile of a teammate
>temporarily makes profile public
>checks the profile of the teammate
>makes profile private again

YES! this is what we need! the new private profile is just crap… and if u dotn want others to check out your profile you should not be able to check anyone elses profile!! make this happpen.