If your bad at aiming.... Just get an aim trainer

Just go out and buy more software to improve at a game you already spent $40+ on.

He said “CSGO guns” which means that we’re not going to get some pixel precise, super hard to control recoil weapons. That doesn’t mean it’s an endorsement of overly generous hitboxes or noobstomping mechanics. The rest of the post clarifies exactly that.

That sentence was crafted very carefully for the people who would throw a tantrum if he just flat out said “I want to inject skill into the game”.


Still like i said, skill is not always aim it seems in this game. And her skill change dont have to be focused on it, especialy if its experimental change for now. They might work on her survivality, or orbs, or just some range changes, who knows at this point.

I mean I agree with you. Especially this part

Winston, Rein, Brig, even Mercy now are all heroes who don’t require heavy mechanical aim ability but they require a lot of timing, gamesense and positioning to actually do well. It’s pretty easy to throw the game on all of these characters simply by not performing an action at the correct time.

The Moira comment however I believe(and we’ll see when the PTR is out) is directly related to her “gun” and its overly large hitbox. I don’t think they’re going to make it some pixel perfect CSGO type hitbox but I would be shocked if they weren’t toning it down from the ridiculous level that it’s at now.

Aim Trainers aren’t that reliable. It can frustrate some people, like me. Low key a perfectionist when it comes to this stuff. Well, I probably just hate using Kovaacks or whatever it was spelled.

As I’ve played more on pc I’ve used Kovaak on the side too and do notice my aim getting better. But Idk how much that has to do with that game or just naturally building muscle memory in OW.

For Moira, yes, it seems something is in the works but the quote I’ve seen doubled down on the team valuing “A mix of skill deltas across heroes.”

People expecting more based on the mysterious Moira change might be setting themselves up for disappointment.

Maybe they gona make her have shorter range so she would have to go closer to the target, when agains many heroes it means easier time dealing with her, with some minor changes to other stats she have?
As i remember they didnt wanted to make any reworks before OW2, so it might not be that much changed, maybe slight change to how wide it is who knows.
And isnt it supposed to be experimental card not ptr?

-Removes Symmetra’s lock-on
-Removes Symmetra’s Shield Generator
-Removes Torbjörn’s Armour packs
-Removes Resurrect
-Wants faster-paced game in general

It really seems like the game is heading in a more shooter direction rather than set up defences and make a unique roster… oh well c:

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Yes, there are many changes like that, but it was clearly posted that they not planning to make everyone run with gun in this game.

This is the cushion to soften the blow of his next sentence. If he thought the current skill delta for Moira was fine there would be no reason to touch her on experimental no?

I don’t know what it will be exactly, but I have full confidence it will be tangible enough to not be the braindead experience it is now. I also don’t think they’re going to flat out nerf her. She may very well see increased damage or self heal at the cost of the damage not being so guaranteed.

Add Briggy’s changes to your list, Mei nerfs, Reaper nerfs, etc. Buffs to Tracer, Genji. It’s pretty clear what they’ve been doing.

Hmm, maybe time to make moira heal herself of % she is healing insted of dmg then? Would be interesting to see them run to people to heal them insted of dps solo flanks. XD

Not requiring aim isn’t a problem, we have multiple healthy heroes (who the vast majority of players are perfectly happy existing) who don’t need it and it allows for unique mechanics and play-styles that otherwise wouldn’t exist. There also are legitimately people who no amount of aim training will help and having such heroes makes the game accessible for them.

But lack of aim requirement does need to be compensated else where on the hero and high value can’t just be given for free. Moira is an outlier on that score and hopefully the upcoming changes will put her in line with similar heroes.

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Increasing or decreasing the skill required to play one hero isn’t indicative of a new philosophy with increasing skill across all heroes.


I sincerely hope we get to a place where this doesn’t need to be explained to people. Even if we have to drag them there kicking and screaming.


I just wanna enjoy one of the last heroes I play who isn’t D tier.

I get that Moira isn’t as hard as say, Winston but maining Winston in 2020 is a bad joke.

I don’t think people’s “enjoyment” should come at the expense of other people’s enjoyment. It seems like with the introduction of Brig(who is very fair now after her changes) and Moira people are okay with basically deleting the flankers from the game.

I don’t think they’re going to dumpster Moira, Jeff flat out said that’s not going to happen. Nor do I think they’re going to require Moira to have some Soldier 76 level of tracking to hit people. But I do think they’re going to make her a lot more fair for the average player, which is not a bad thing. I also expect to see some buffs maybe even to damage if they tone her hitbox down.

If your enjoyment solely comes from having an advantage over the average player I can’t say I really feel sorry for that.

OR BUY NEW PC because jeff no wanna fix cpu/gpu usage (fps drops i5+nvidia 2060.

Also you need off/onn reduce buffering after alt+tab or you fps start will be really bad. Also you need normal mouse (or aim will be hard because sensor will be fly away)

P.S. you need stable fps (at least 100)

And yet Moira is being changed so other people can have fun.

I don’t see Moira as some outlier as far as unfairness goes. Hanzo has wallhacks on cooldown and One-shots on his primary, Roadhog has 600 regening hp and a one-shot combo. I don’t think either of them are a problem, every hero gets to have their own form of :cow2: :poop: that’s Overwatch, right?

I used to want Moira to be more like Winston and Rein but after so many of my heroes have been through the grinder I just want to keep what I still have.

My enjoyment comes from weapons and playstyles I can’t find in the loot shooters I play. I’ve gotten to try all kinds of beam guns but Moira captures the feeling of draining essence so well its awesome. If Moira’s weapon loses its personality I might as well never play her over Baptiste.

Aim trainers are all about gradual improvement over a period of time, usually weeks. You won’t be better overnight, and you won’t be dramatically better in just a few days. You could instead spend those few weeks training in the game and have nearly the same effect.