If your bad at aiming.... Just get an aim trainer

Practicing in game with the costum game browsers like aim arena etc. is much better.

In an fps game you might spend 10-50% of the time shooting actually shooting … Which means I’m an HR you might get 5-30 min of actual practice.

In an aim trainer it’s %100 so 20 min of that could be worth more than four to five times that.

10min on an aim trainer could equal an HR of playtime…

I play Aimlab extensively everyday (and don’t mind it i actually enjoy that game) and my aim is still crap lol
Also for some reason i can’t play it if i don’t play a match in another game first, i need to get hyped up

I don’t think that’s what he said at all. Quite the opposite of balancing a mix of heroes in the game with different skill sets meant to appeal to a larger group of people.


laughs in hamster


You can’t anymore. Light-guns don’t work on modern televisions :frowning:

I just got mine.
Apparently i’m off to valorant.

The issue is this is great in theory, until you have to balance the game for different skill levels.

You either end up with people complaining because Mercy is not viable at GM or she is OP at almost every rank.

It is very hard to balance heroes that take ALOT of mechanical skill and those take almost NONE at the same time.

Gameplay wise, droideka from star wars is rolling robot, that have two guns on the side when it stop rolling and turn to walking mode, and buble self shield around it can turn on when its set up. Isnt it reminding you of something?


The Ballistic from Metal Warriors?

Its not even an aim trainer thing, there are literally hundreds of people below Diamond that just destroy their own aim by strafing stupidly for no reason, when nobody is aiming at them, just to ADCrouch spam in case theres a “widow somewhere”.

I wish it was just “you are bad at aiming”, but its the basis of positioning near natural cover or not moving when not needed that is the main problem of OW players (yes, I’ve only seen it here).

Lucio is a very useful character at any rank and is fairly easy to use. Mercy was and would still be useful at any rank if her heals weren’t tanked - plus blah blah blah res nerfs. There’s a lot of leeway here and honestly a heroes kit might be more overall beneficial than simply mechanical aim.

That said, maybe there’s also merit in having separate balancing at each different rank. Could that really be any worse than what it is now?

I dont know that game. Hmm, yea seems also similiar to some point at least from short look on yt

Lucio is just an enabler in a section of heroes that tends to not focus on mechanical skill.

Not all heroes need to be McCee or Widow but there needs to be something that changes the raw output numbers of a GM player and a Bronze player.

ioStux is a hack lol.

But he has a point. Aiming in this game is not about just raw aim, it’s also about reading and predicting the enemies movement. With that said if you improve your raw aim you will be better at adjusting your aim more efficiently for how you predict they will move.

Aimtrainers improve raw aim so they are not a waste of time, however playing the game itself to improve is just as important.

This is absolutely what he said. If someone says “Yeah I want there to be a mix of skill in the game so everyone can enjoy it” and then immediately follows that with "Btw you know the easiest character in the game everyone complains about, we have plans to change that character in the next experimental card" what does that tell you?

Certainly like he said it doesn’t mean they’re trying to turn heroes into CSGO clones but that was a cushion to let people know the character is not going to be as easy as she currently is. He’s not trying to dumpster her but he is trying to inject more skill into the game.

I’ll let you in on a secret. These players don’t care about getting better or the actual general balance of the character. They only care about being able to use the character to dump on people at their rank. So it doesn’t matter if Moira is viable or not at high ranks, as long as it’s an autowin against Genji and other 200hp characters in Gold why would they care?


At this point he(Jeff) either doesn’t know what this game is anymore, or he meant it as a not-so-competitive FPS where you can kill even if you are bad.

“If you’re homeless, just buy house…”

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Since you answered to me, yea he said about raising her skill, but he focused his answer on guns, so still it dont mean he is planning to give her typical gun as a main weapon. Or her skill change going be even connected to that aspect of her.
Isnt winston saw as a skill hero even when he dont have to aim?

I mean, do pro players care about over all balance or their own game?
Every side is biased to their front on this. And non side is an “actual game balance” thing.

Those things aren’t really relevant.
You don’t have to be the top of the top to be able to get kills.

“on the one hand, we are a highly competitive first person shooter”