If your bad at aiming.... Just get an aim trainer

I’m a casual player and my aim is bad but my 4k monitor has a 5-15 MS response time so no amount of aim training is going to help me much.

Tell that to the people saying moira is unkillable :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like even with bad aim, if you can just position yourself well and utilize tech, you can hit a decent enough rank.

Also, the title of this thread is the equivalent of, “if you’re drowning, just swim to the surface”. Like, no sh!t.

Sure, but not everyone has the time to seriously practice, reaction time, hand dexterity, or money for good hardware. Also, no reason for most supports or tanks to aim train. To get top 1% aim takes thousands of focused hours and decent hardware. Check out Aimer7’s guide if you want to be serious though. Source: I’m t100 in some popular KovaaK tracking scenarios.

Except aiming is not just about aim trainer. It is about analyzing movement patterns and finding your shots. There is lot of brain power involves in aiming beyond being able to flick to a spot on your screen. Part of this is based on genetics (ex. the speed at which you process visual information).

If you’re bad at aiming after 500hours of OW, chances are you’ll never be great at it (not saying you cant improve a little).

People like you are like gym bros giving advice to small guys on how to get big, not realizing it is not because they have a magical routine that they got big, it’s just because they have good genetics. Some guy can look at weights and get strong, other will lift for years and not progress beyond intermediate level.

Aiming, like getting strong, is fondamentally unfair. You can hope to get better relative to your baseline, but you should not hope to get good relative to others.

Physics also isn’t that hard for a lot of people.

When will people learn that not everyone works the same? You might be able to get better at something while others can’t no matter how hard they try. EVERYONE HAS LIMIT that they reach and just can’t get better. It doesn’t matter if it’s math, dancing or aiming in a video game.

Some people can’t get an amazing aim like others, and I don’t think saying “no aim doesn’t below on gm” is good

Sure, aim is an important part of overwatch, but is not as crusial as game sense
Are they flanking?
Do they have ults?
Do we have combos?
Have they used this ability yet?

i don’t think anyone who plays casually would think to themselves “i belong in gm”
no matter if they are decent at aiming or not.

This game was released in 2016… You can still be a casual player even with 500 hours.

Ahahaha bronze player happy now.

But no, just someone does not understand that accuracy is part of this game. Somewhere you need more, somewhere less.

Am in fact playing casually.
Did in fact get to Grandmaster when I tried.

Played heroes that didn’t need a large amount of PRECISE aim- aka, Main Tank.

Aiming isn’t hard. It’s just time consuming, and some people just don’t want to do it. I’m one of them. It’s boring to win because I picked Widow and am the best Widow in that specific match.

Ah yes
Cause I’m sure aim trainers sure will help with heavily arcd projectile heros!

Sadly, I don’t think this is possible. For snipers to have a lot of enjoyment, for example, it necessarily ruins the enjoyment of a lot of other people. If you’re getting headshotted by Hanzo’s (pre-nerf) super-fast, silent arrows that have huge hitboxes and clearly didn’t actually hit you in the head, while you’re enjoying running around the point just fighting with the enemy team, that’s going to be less fun.

If dive heroes are very strong, it ruins people’s enjoyment. Backline and the aforementioned snipers now don’t get to have a good time. But if counter-flankers or Bastions are too strong, it ruins the fun of the dive hero players.

I’m not sure there’s a way to make one segment of players have fun without it coming at the expense of others.

They’re nerfing barriers and cc again even after they’re in an acceptable spot.
They want to turn it into just a shooter.

I mean that is a good indication of when things should be nerfed. The devs clearly overtuned Hanzo for his job and he did feel like crap to play against. I don’t mind advantages and I think Moira should always have a larger than normal hitbox.

The problem stems from when the advantage is far too great. Moira’s aiming hitbox is absolutely ridiculous when you see the difference with tests. Brig still counters Tracer(even though she could use a slight defensive buff) but she doesn’t instadelete her from the game like how she used to.

Moira can similarly have an advantage versus Genji without needing a hitbox that’s the size of the moon.

Honestly, if Moira could get her beam reduced in order to get some more utility elsewhere, I’m totally down for that. Hopefully she’ll still be effective against flankers, because that’s part of her point, but then it’ll give me something more to do with Moira.

Brig, well, I just want her Repair Pack nerfed so that power budget can be funneled into her barrier, and we can get back a smidgen (Bri-gen?) of her old utility.

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I would be shocked if they just lowered the beam without adding damage or giving her some type of utility. To me an experimental card change is because they’re going to get creative with it.

I also don’t think they’re going to lower the beam as much as some of the doomsayers are thining.

We’ll see.

You know, honestly, I think a big difference-maker that they never seem to have considered is making her leech more noticeable. In the chaos of a team fight, especially with so much visual clutter, it’s actually pretty easy to miss that Moira has her beam on you half the time. Making it much more noticeable would do a lot to quell complaints, I feel.