If you want better teammates - earn them

Considering fact, that system uses my measured work against me, I got no motivation to put in more work.


100% agreed, thatā€™s why I refuse to play competive AND refuse to put in effort to win. I will play to have fun and if I win great, if I lose, no biggie, but if the reward to winning is more difficult matches where I have less sway over the match, Iā€™m not going to swap to counter or if Iā€™m being countered. Iā€™m going to enjoy the match and winning/losing can come second. But this almost means that Iā€™ve never climbed above masters, even though I probably could.

Whatā€™s likely happening is that in reality most people are climbing. But they wrongly assume that they arenā€™t because they only get 15 SR points for winning. And since we have the 33-33-33 rule, itā€™s reasonable to assume that youā€™re only winning 66% of the time even if youā€™re playing well.

That means you have to grind to get to the rank where you really belong. If you actually belong in Plat skill-wise and you start from 1000 SR, thatā€™s going to be a lot of grinding to get there with only 66% win rate. Itā€™s not that people need to ā€˜git gudā€™, itā€™s just that they get discouraged from the amount of grinding it takes to get to the level they technically are.

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ye realized after I wasted time answering his thread that heā€™s a smurf trolling, report him , stop answering him and stop feeding him.

I would say your most consistent rank over time but I donā€™t make the rules

Iā€™m plat/gold with a controller on PS4.

I always end the season playing 2.7k on 3 different accounts. My main account I never play on apart from events.

When I do my placements, it seems Iā€™m penalized for this as I get placed normally high gold then I have to climb back up again, which I just did.

Report for what exactly? How am I a Smurf again?

Is the person you replied to also a Smurf because they were once masters and are not anymore?

Or do you just simply not like what you read in this thread and are making up your own reasons to conflate it with other things donā€™t like?

This would be really really good advice if there was a shred of competitive integrity left. The very first time someone made an alt and went from silver to top 500 was the last moment the system had competitive integrity. Unless Blizzard stops alts in OW2 you can expect the exact same climbing experience. All it takes is one mistake to mess things up. Blizzard knowingly allowed hundreds of thousands.

Again, really good advice for people in that alternate dimension where Blizzard strictly and fiercely permabanned/ip ban/mac address banned, VPN banned, phone number/social security ban anyone person that made alts and took them into a ranked game

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This game is full of cry baby brats that pitch a fit when they dont get their wants.

The game punishes single player mindset and solo queue.

If you want better teammates, play a better game. Or, join up with a better team.

Thereā€™s nothing you can do with a team that refuses to work together. Thereā€™s nothing you can do to force your teammates to work together.

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Crabs in a barrel mechanics never work out in games. Designed purely to keep you playing, and nothing else.

Playing too good? Time to go against a t500 stack (which I have).

Play with an awesome team, who cooperates? Time for you to start getting stubborn 1tricks, and meiā€™s who like to wall people in spawn.

Iā€™ve seen many times, where the sr discrepancy was 1000 points not in my favor. But no, Itā€™s just Iā€™m trash s/

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An advice forum would be wonderful. Hell I think I even suggested the very thing back on the old forums now that I think about it.

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The problem with ā€œeducationalā€ videos are that they are made by people with vastly superior skills to the average person. Itā€™s like watching an ā€œeducationalā€ video with Lebron James dunking the basketball over someone and saying, ā€œAll you have to do is jump over this guy and dunk. Easy 2 points.ā€ Pretty worthless.


Not efficiently, no. It would most likely take over a month to climb to a higher rank, even if you are deserving of it. This is a team based game, if your team is not pulling their own weight, you lose. For example: I could be popping off as Junkrat, getting continuous picks, but if my healer has poor positioning or isnā€™t efficiently healing, I would eventually and continuously go down. Being down for 10 seconds for deathcam and then however long it takes to run back to the team, say, 7 times in one round (or more) could definitely throw a game in one direction.

iirc you get more sr if you win a match vs if you lose a match.

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Especially if everyone else are running in random directions.

So every video, that involves ā€œteamworkā€, can go straight into trash can, as it doesnā€™t answer question ā€œhow to make 6 random players win the gameā€.

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Iā€™ve watched a fair few educational videos, hell, Iā€™ve even sat through hours of just clips of pros playing my mains but what people donā€™t take into account is that people at higher levels, like GM, move differently than players at bronze/silver/gold. Itā€™s not going to be the same gameplay.

Something that actually is a good example of this is this video:

Kenzo 1v1ing Widows in each Rank

He points out multiple times that lower levels have different (and worse) positioning and movement.

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Problem is, we do not have any ā€œhiddenā€ tools to control movement of teammates and direct them to specific areas. In TF2 teleport works for that.


Imagine depending on randos

made by the has at least 2 friends who still play overwatch gang

Exactly. Thatā€™s why watching a pro play or watching an educational video made by someone plat or above does not help players who are hardstuck bronze / silver / gold.

The only videos that even slightly help me in the long run are Flatsā€™s ā€˜spectating a bronzeā€™ series.

Spectating Bronze Playlist - Flats

Because heā€™s actually sitting down and watching bronze games, and watching how people and bronze move and communicate, he gives genuinely helpful tips.

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no need to flex :pensive: :woozy_face:

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You really could just boil this argument down to if you want a better teammate be a better teammate


Yes it takes awhile to climb, but you will climb if you are deserving. Part of the problem is people donā€™t have the patience for it and think that if they are already playing better than their rank they deserve to be put in the higher one without the grind (assuming they even are playing better in the first place - which is not at all a given considering the great bulk of people have cognitive bias known as illusory superiority). Just as an example, if you are winning 55% of your games, you probably deserve the next rank and you are working your way towards it by winning. After 100 games, you would have won 55 and lost 45, which means net +10 games or roughly +250 SR. To get to the next rank you will need to play 200 games for +500 at 55% win rate. Obviously, you can go faster or slower depending on how often you win & how much performance boost you get (if under diamond).