If you want better teammates - earn them

The problem is people don’t have the time or mental capacity to deal with the other team mates who aren’t pulling their weight.

If one team mate underperforms, it brings the whole team down a notch. Everyone needs to be on the same page, and it’s hard to do that when everyone and their mothers solo queues instead of forming a functional and communicative team.

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Focusing on your teammate’s “underperformance” is just ignoring the fact that there exists an entire different team on the other side. I have literally not heard once anybody mention the enemy teammate’s underperformance in 5 years. Yet, you have 5 chances for someone to underperform on your team, vs 6 chances on other team. Odds are in your favor.

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I am in Masters, when do I get better teammates (mostly supports) that cross heal? I can tell you over half of the other supports I get paired with are 10000% boosted cause they don’t understand cross healing and position pretty badly.

Have the quality of my games gone up? Sure, but when I have to say non-stop into the mic “Heal your other support” and then get told “You can fend for yourself” it makes me realize that climbing doesn’t actually just mean better teammates at all.

If I drop to gold, it takes me max a week to get back to plat.

And I am absolutely certain I’m not diamond with just bad luck.

I can’t answer that for you in lowly plat. All I can say is god speed brethren

See I used to think that but I don’t agree with this. It’s been 5 years everyone who’s been playing that long knows how this game is supposed to be played and the teamwork involved solo que players don’t want to check their egos that’s the issue

Remember, this is a video game for a profit company.

Unsurprisingly, it’s easy to climb when you’re playing in a rank 2000sr below where you belong.

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That is the best analogy i have heard on the subject yet.

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I got super drunk one day and fell to gold 2400, took me all of 4 hours to get back to 2900.

The difference between 500sr is pretty big, while I agree you have less individual impact in OW, it is very easy to get to your real rank if you deserve it.

You can literally go up rank with a minorly -50% winrate, IF you are deserving and play enough games.

Before I click on it, is really something to help, or is just something to laugh behind bronze shoulders and create a clickbait content?

I highly doubt of ow streamers these days.

And how many games is “enough”?

Climbing means learning to exploit game mechanics to your advantage. I am confident, that if I would pocket GM smurf long enough, I would be in GM.

As for “why no cross healing” - if other support is attacked, trying to help just puts me in same bad spot they found themselves in.

By op’s logic, my team doesn’t deserve me.

enough to average -18 vs +22, to create a 48-49% win rate so as few as 10, maybe more if you arn’t doing so well? below diamond anyway because of performance thingy, sr thing.

imma try some quick maffs. -18x5=-90? and +22x5=+110… 110-90=20 then minus 1 more loss, 20-18=+2 sr for a 45% win rate i think. (it’s 45% right? haha)

So technically you can maintain a 45% win rate and climb, slowly, but a 48-49% win rate will be a larger gain after like 50 matches.

Just gotta actually deserve it.

I would also say if you when I’m playing at a rank below, I get 30sr per win so I know for sure I’m not meant to be there.

If you are not getting more SR per win than per loss, you are probably at the rank you should be.

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The fun part is when you’re on a winstreak and suddenly you get the most awful teammates you’ve ever seen, people in diamond playing like they are silver.

The narrative is not about difficulty, mindset matters only and power of will. Everybody does that 1st time. If you don’t think that all of your enemies are a bunch of worthless pepegas, you will never climb. And there is no such term as belonging to some elo, cause there is no limit for improvement. If you use the term “belong” don’t even bother climbing. But instead, better think about what makes that guy 2000k sr above and what proves that of him being in lower brackets. Emphasize 4k gameplay and the difference between each elo he does and apply on yourself.

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*unless you play a hero that objectively has little agency over their own value such as mercy :^)

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In a same rank, there are different level of people. Some good and some lees good.

And the trolls and smurfs…so games ate random.

You get thé team you face and 5 other random that play with you and have to get a decent level so you get a team with good synergie.

They must at least be as good as ennemy ream.

Then you find smurf to play in duo with. Works almost every time.

This is highly incorrect.

If I am not getting cross healing from the most basic of things (chip damage that is adding up), and I am forced to take a health pack I am saving for when I get dived, then it isn’t a them problem.

If I got to use my bionic nade, or regen burst on 75 damage added chip damage, it is a them problem.