If you want better teammates - earn them

Nah I just know when I’m talking to crazy people. I’m going to sleep night.

Well when I play well, I gain way more SR than I lose and this normally happens consistently when I am below my rank. My accuracy is high, number of solo kills are high and my damage numbers are normally better than my team mates and the opposing DPS.

When I get to my rank, my performance and SR gain/loss starts to stabilize.

If I drop to gold I gain 30+ sr per win and lose around 18 per loss.

This happens consistently for me.

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So you’re a smurf? No wonder you made a thinly veiled git gud topic.


Even if a player is statistically likely to benefit from leavers in the long run, it doesn’t commonly work out that way.

Example A: player is a smurf and frequently causes players on the other team to leave.

Example B: player is a troll and often causes players on their team to leave.

What are the statistics involved with getting one of these players on your team, or on the enemy team?

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Lol no - sometimes I go on a loss steak like everyone does.

When I do placements, it sometimes puts me in the rank below I finished last season.

Nice try though.

depends how many games you have

Ok, lets say 150 games played.

arent smurfs examples that u can carry a whole game by your self in low ranks

For trolls its 5 that you get one, for the enemy team 6 that they get one, same with smurfs.

With smurfs if your team gets one, there is 6 people on the enemy team that might be tempted to leave, if the enemy gets one, there is 5 people on your team that might be tempted to leave.

So you only consider your true rank to be whatever is your peak rank? Cool I guess that makes me a master player


So basically it’s completely random and has no statistical value.


Keep playing and climb, you seem to think that those around you are undeserving of their rank and you alone are. Those around you are also trying to climb, sometimes even harder than you.

Its a wash at worst and its people compensating for their own rank by looking outward instead of inward. At best its to your favor.

By no measure does it ever work against you unless you’re looking at one game and only one game. If you look at the bigger picture in the long run it doesn’t matter or works for you.

Or they are actually trying to derank.

There 5 chances that your team will get one, and 6 that the enemy will get a deranker. In the grand scheme of things the ONLY variable that is constant is you and this variable is to your advantage at all levels if you truly deserve more than what you currently are at.

Couldn’t care less about chances or “grand scheme of things”, since both apply only on really long term. Which has little practical application.

Yeah that’s called the MM being a joke. It’s hard to define a rank when that rank has 5 different skill levels playing together.


If you play 10 matches and you’re not in GM than that’s normal, even those in GM didn’t reach it instantly. Classic Rome wasn’t built in a day example. If you didn’t earn your rank, do you deserve it?

Who said I would continue trying with such dumb chances?

I already had such experience with chances in MMO games, where even if common sense tells you, that 90% chance of success should be 9 out of 10, it manages to fail multiple times in a row.

I deserved everything I got, no matter ways I got it.

the thing is though ur team should always have an advantage since they have you since you belong in a “higher rank”

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If you don’t put in the work than of course you won’t be in a higher rank. If you’re fine with not reaching your rank you’re capable of reaching that’s a decision on your part, but that’s not to say there’s a problem, that’s by design and the only way that the system can be measured. How are you going to get a match maker capable of instantly determining your true rank after 10 matches?