If you want better teammates - earn them

So I gotta try harder cause someone else can’t? nah screw that. What about when someone leaves? guess it’s my fault and I gotta play extra hard now otherwise it’s my fault. You make no sense.


If you can’t carry your team than you are the same skill level as your team, thus you’re in the right rank.

There is 5 chances for your team to get a leaver (since you will never leave), there is 6 chances the enemy team will have a leaver. Leavers benefit you in the long run.

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Or you could stop being a shill, and admit the matchmaker needs work.


One person isn’t going to carry 5 other people unless they belong like 3 ranks higher.


How do you think people do Bronze to GM videos? Because if you’re good, you carry your team and climb.

People’s egos around here are just far too fragile, if you can’t climb you deserve your rank. End of story.

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You don’t need to carry to climb. You just need a 51% win rate and average stats.


Yep, so if you aren’t climbing, your not even mildly above average.

Or on an “unlucky” forced loss streak

Here’s the thing about 51% though, you will climb eventually. If it doesn’t happen, than you are where you belong.

I’m starting to see a correlation between the use of this word shill and a lack of reading comprehension.

I’ll mention it again just for you even though it has been written multiple times. Of course the matchmaker needs work.

It’s besides the point.

The match maker needing work is not a reason to flame team mates.


Still didn’t read shill.

Sorry but if I play in a rank below mine, I see it as my responsibility to carry. And it’s normally what happens.

It seems like this topic has hit a nerve. Let me play this back:

  • Malbosiiq: You are a shill for not admitting the matchmaker needs work
  • HappyTeabag: The match maker needs work
  • Malbosiiq: I still didn’t read shill

This is the equivalent of making a point then covering your ears and “screaming I can’t hear you therefore you have no counter point”.

Not sure if you realize you are doing this but it’s not reasonable behaviour. I’m hear for you if you need help.

Its honestly baffling that there can be so many people that think they don’t deserve their rank and blame it on their team mates. Here’s the kicker, you know what the only common variable in your matches are? YOU, you know the chances that you will play with the same team mates more than once? Unlikely, you know the chances that you have the same pool of team mates over and over? Never, yet even though the ONLY constant in their matches is themselves, they still find some way to try and justify to themselves that they deserve more by putting down those around them that have never met them in their life. Its honestly disgusting and sad.

Maybe if you win as much SR as you lose, which is never the case. I have an account with 54% winrate, but cannot climb. How do you explain that?

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That only applies to sub 3000.

Are you listening to yourself right now? leavers benefit you in the long run? you gotta be joking.

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He sees a 51% and thinks that’s amazing progress lol.

Statistically its a fact, there is 5 people capable of leaving on your team (since you will never leave) and 6 that the enemy will have a leaver, its literally basic math.


No this is just you making stuff up at this point.


I know you’re scared of hurting your own feelings, but the rational part of your brain has to understand logic no?