If you want better teammates - earn them

Let me put it this way - both you and rest of team are expected to die. You are merely distraction for enemy team, so my pocket does their thing.

So I do not want under any circumstances to remind enemy team, that we got 2 more players.

i wish it were just as easy to climb as you said. but theres a reason the 1 percent are up there. they are just good at the game. not everyone can get past 4k

I genuinely have gotten a few tips from watching those videos. Yeah, he does laugh and make fun of stuff that some of them do but occasionally he will throw out a good tip or two for them.

then not my thing. now I wonder if those bronzes wanted to be in his videos.

Yes they are bronze because they enjoy being smurfs and making the game unfun for many players. Well I hope they get what they deserve and end up fat, lazy, cheeto eating, brandon loving, losers.


Sorry thatā€™s not the way overwatch works. You climb to diamond and get silver players on your team. Letā€™s not pretend like overwatch actually has ranked brackets.

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Letā€™s not pretend it doesnā€™t. It just seems we have low player numbers so you have a wide range in some games but Iā€™ve never seen a diamond player and a silver player in the same comp game.

Absolutely, when i did that stupid, when i was drunk, i was getting like 28sr a win and losing like 15 for a loss.

It was like the game was like, wtf are you doing here, go back to where you belong.

I haveā€¦ It was beautiful. Our Mercy was the silver. Finally, I won the good teammate lottery. It was a slaughter. They never came close to taking first. I was truly the happy teabag in this story.

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Iā€™ve seen a silver in a diamond game many times itā€™s really not that uncommon to get someone on your team 3 ranks below you. 2 ranks below you is more common yeah but thatā€™s still a ridiculous skill gap to be putting on the same team, especially for the most team reliant competitive game in existence.

My point is opā€™s post is just straight up not true. Iā€™ll admit my peak is high diamond but you are NOT rewarded with better team mates for climbing. Maybe if you can get to gm than yeah youā€™ll get better team mates, but Iā€™ve still had diamond tanks that play like theyā€™re Reinhardt put shield down on front line and tickle rein zarya with lightning gun.

Almost every other competitive game I would agree that the higher you climb the better your team mates and opponents get, but not overwatch. It mixes ranks with a massive skill gap, loads of smurfs and just overall poor matchmaking. In reality itā€™s just a cluster fudge of all different skill levels in every game.

You think anyone asked them?

No, of course, just wondered if was something like ā€˜ā€˜coaching bronzesā€™ā€™ and he asked in stream, but considering the answers is not like that.

they do, they submit the clips to his discord server ! itā€™s all in good fun :grin:

Then I should apologize, thought is was a random streamer picking up random people mistakes :slight_smile:
while personally I will never send a single one of my clips to him lol

naw, flats makes sure that people are okay with it ā€“ he has a certain channel in his discord server where people submit replay codes and he only uses those codes. very rarely does he switch to another personā€™s perspective, iā€™ve only seen him do it when the other person is hacking or gamethrowing

i get that tho, iā€™d be too embarrassed with my gameplay, even if it is semi-good

It sounds like you are claiming exceptions are the rule.

Players make mistakes at all ranks because we are human but I definitely get better healers ON AVERAGE in plat than silver.

Every elo in the game ideally has a pool of more or less equally skilled players. You climb by consistently out performing that skill bracket regardless of your team. If a person is really good at Reinhardt they will climb consistently in the games that dont have unlucky factors like smurfs or leavers because they are the best tank in that lobby. As long as youā€™re teammates arenā€™t boosted the majority of your games will be in youā€™re favor if you deserve a rank higher because you are factually better than the players on the other team and your teammates are more or less equal to the players on the enemy team.

Iā€™m sensing a feedback loop hereā€¦

LMAOO this is the WORST take

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