If you play well under 3000, system will help you climb

You have to try and play with what you have in solo queue man. If your tanks go dive and refuse to switch, try and play a dive comp. brig or doom if you’re on DPS.

Gold medals are all well and good, but if you got those medals by picking off people with no follow up from your team, they mean nothing really. You would have been better off trying to help enable your team to get picks and move in together. Even if that just meant following one of the tanks around until they stumble upon the point.

Also, Overwatch isn’t about K:D ratio.

If you truly think that you’re being put in with a bad team because you’re performing too good… Then maybe just throw a few games and some other poor sod will turn up to carry you?

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I used to avoid comp like the plague on my main account, Just did placements, I hovered in gold, plat… I’m a fairly good tank player for my SR. But for some reason, A while back I got myself an alt account and do strictly comp on it. I don’t bother with anything stats wise, I just play the game with intentions of doing my best, learning from my mistakes. I am consistently mid diamond on my alt.

Now, I been grinding comp on my main and I am starting to catch up. People put too much focus on others game play is one thing I noticed, also… It has to impede their performance getting tilted, Some games are just unwinnable. People need to learn to bounce back from those unwinnable games as if they never happened.

But one thing I will add, It does get frustrating, Getting an instalock hog as my tank who is just queue’n for them dps tickets especially if that hog sucks and I know I could do twice as much work… Those games do happen and they happen often. So perhaps people are factoring that and other variants into their 50/50 theory? Idk… I’m just playing a game I still enjoy.

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that’s not smurfing lol

smurfing is purposely remaining in a lower rank by throwing etc to stomp others

You always know who the weak link in the team is. It’s the person who opens their mouth to complain about their teammates. Good players don’t complain because it doesn’t matter. They just play and their rank will rise to whatever it belongs at over time. They know this already so they don’t care. Bad players on the other hand cannot raise their rank unless they get carried. So they are dependent on having their teammates carry them which is why they complain when they aren’t.

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Fact is that i climbed, multiple times, often with PBSR bonus so i know its not just lucky RNG. I have few accounts and climbed on all of them, on all roles and on different heroes. Currently i am climbing again on my new alt. So nice try with RNG but you failed. Its not luck at all. You can have luck with RNG only few games and thats it.

This what you gave me here is not a fact, its story. Show me the replay codes of games, then we can talk more.

Classic hero story but where is the replay code to support that?

If you used to be diamond and now cant go to even plan it looks like you were lucky with RNG before or just carried.

I dont care about stories of your heroic acts and terrible team mates keeping you down without showing the replay codes so we can check it if its true.

It doesnt matter when you play at all, i play in what ever time i want, morning, evening, last day of season… If certain time has drunk players, you will play again drunk players also.

So what? Take a coin and throw it 100 times, i am pretty sure you will have streaks too. If you are where where you belong you will keep going up and down, sometimes with streaks.

Funny because thats exactly what people who talk about rigged matchmaker think, they think there is hidden agenda behind mm and its orchestrating their fate. Its nonsense.

You dont need AI to calculate what is happening in match. PBSR is based on performance in match, its based on numbers, not based on interpretation of what happened. If it was, throwers would be banned instantly. And smurfs pushed to their rank in few games if there was AI.

But you think that only because you are not climbing. You will never climb unless you stop with that rigged 50/50 nonsense.

How do you this? I suggest to you to read my other topic related to stomps and why they easily happens even in well balanced systems. Maybe it will help you to change your mind:

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While this is pretty much true, if our tanks are playing stupid or the supports aren’t being effective, I’ll never hesitate to let them know they’re not helping.

I won’t badger people about it but I’ll definitely let them know we’re losing because (insert hero being countered/invalidated here).

Please stop playing Sigma into Monkey….

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Suppose you could correctly identify an actual weak link on your team with 100% certainty. How do you think calling them out will affect your chances of winning that game?

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Bronze gonna bronze I guess :joy:

Whenever I play, I never get leavers or throwers because people don’t leave when I carry their games for them :yawning_face:

You’re focusing so much on how you’re supposedly carrying these games, your K/D ratio and damage medals rather than the fact that you’re probably just farming stats and not actually supporting your team.

Yeah cool…. you played Ashe/Soldier/DVa/Rien/whoever and tickled a bunch of people so you got all the medals….

But when the enemy rien was pinning your rien you didn’t kill him. When your Sigma was getting pressured by Zarya you didn’t focus her down or call for team focus.

Yeah…. you probably click heads alright but Overwatch isn’t just about being a widow god.

And until you learn that. Hard stuck you’ll stay :yawning_face:

Welp…. There it is…. Another solo-player boosted by a system that didn’t promote teamwork and cohesion is now failing to adapt. If this were the military, I’d discharge you.


I’m actually very good at this. Whether it be from the hundreds of hours of scrims or the simple fact that sOmE hErOeS counter other heroes. It’s really not that hard.

I’ll simply let my team know:

They’re running xyz and we’re being countered.

They can accept or dismiss the information as they wish. I’ll still do my job and swap to the appropriate hero to try and enable my team.

And if we lose…. I lost the game knowing I did everything I could :relieved: GG Go Next


As can I, you’re not special :relieved:

Politely asking people to make the correct swaps is not toxic.

Asking people to play as a team, regroup, wait for xyz to respawn, is not toxic.

Indeed it does. But what’s funny is you automatically assume toxic behavior rather than actually REALLY knowing how I go about addressing my team/s

But you do you champ…. :nail_care:t2:

We probably don’t even play in the same Elo, and even if we do…. sounds like someone hurt your feelings once or twice :joy:


The irony is you think you aren’t toxic while being toxic in your replies to me. It’s obvious how you act in game and I guarantee you lose a lot of games because of it. I was only trying to help because you obviously care about your SR. But I literally don’t care. And you claim you don’t care either. So you do you.

This exchange has really already gone on longer than it needed to…. :joy:


You could suggest a change kindly


I do this all the time and it often works. And it helped turn around certain loss in many cases.


The only thing you learn from the Master Widowmaker player on a Gold smurf account who continuously headshots you the second you step out of spawn is how much you despise smurfs.

There’s no challenge because you don’t stand a chance against much higher skill when you’ve never attained that level yourself, and the only thing it’s an opportunity for is reporting them for being the cheater that they are.

I did take it seriously, for many, many seasons, but ultimately gave up due to the overwhelming number of smurfs/throwers/leavers on Xbox and Blizzard’s lack of action regarding them.

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You will learn nothing because thats what you already do. You see only hate and you dont care about learning or improving.

What did you do for climbing and learning the game then?


the best is when you combine it into the apple-pear

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If I’m 3000-3300 on support, why is that not enough to find similar players and ship a match? Why is it taking so long in queues to rig some hidden mmr performance criteria for a 50/50 match outcome? Same thing happens even if I’m 2400 - the most populous region of the ladder. A bunch of time in queue to rig a hard match (even harder than my 3100 games) that will test if I’m able to climb?

Again, why is my SR not enough to matchmake with? Find players around my SR, and randomly shuffle them in?

We both know what MMR is used for. To rig for engagement and inclusion. Plain and simple. If MMR exists you never need to climb, because the ranks will come to you.

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Dont ask me, ask someone else, I dont play in 3000-3300.

Also can you open your profile so I know you even speak truth about your rank?


Perdue also makes plenty of statements about their chicken and how delicious and healthy it is: but they don’t mention the conditions their chickens are housed in, or the use of steroids, or gene and hormone manipulation, or harmful antibiotics, or mistreatment by farmworkers, overcrowding, etc.

Companies lie, misrepresent reality, omit unflattering facts, and are generally in the business of making statements that put them and their products in the best light possible. I’m not sure that Activision/Blizzard have the sort of reputation where if they say something then it must be true, or that it’s the whole story…