If you play well under 3000, system will help you climb

You wouldn’t. It simply exist for the sake of the trigger/question existing. In a video game there will be a lot of redundant questions you will be asking all the time. Because if the question is not asked every single second the ai might miss it.

In the event it is false it simply doesn’t perform any calculations that it otherwise would or performs a whole different set of calculations you define.

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you are wrong, so I have to spend whole day into a game?
I just unistalled. You want me to play very boring wait for enemy’s mistakes and cds, track their ults for having a bad healer, tank or dps? I wish to have a more competitive game, where I feel real pressure rather than feeling I have to carry haddicap players to gain a rank/tier. I came from 1000SR and it is the over and over.

Your point is you will climb in one month as you might lose 10SR for losing and gain like 35 for winning, and my point is trash game, not fair for enemies to have me killing them very hard and not fair for me to feel like I must carry to win.

It is a trash game when you failing a lot you still win. When you doing your job out of your mind you still lose. that is not competitive, if they trick your mind… that is good$$$ not interesting about reaching master anymore it is the same. your tier will be where you cant carry any longer and where you can kill em all if they are bad for you to stay… GG I think competitive would be getting a master ult to win, predict enemies, get big plays as team.

Yes. Forcing people to grind makes them addicted to the game and somehow they think that means profits. Maybe there are people who still buy loot boxes? I dunno.

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You do realize that you actualy need evidence for any kind of claim like that right? You cant say say its rigged because companies lie lol. So far there wasnt any kind if proof of rigging or forced losing posted on forums in 5 years.


You mean, forcing people to grind, aka gaining skill, you don’t magically wake up and be like “Oh if I do this in Bronze, this in Silver, and that in Gold, I can hit play without grinding”
No, you have to develop skills, and yes, people still buy lootboxes, and the event skins, also OWL skins.

The only items I’m missing from the game are events that you had to watch streams, I just don’t have time for that. every other unlockable in-game, I have (minus OWL skins)


So you initially begin by arguing one of my points which you never disprove because you go off making a bunch of side points that are besides the point that I originally make. So you go on getting disproven a whole bunch As I consistently counter a huge amount of your side points until one you finally are correct on one in which case I admit that you’re correct on it, but that’s all you really wanted to be right one time. Never was it about actually understanding anything It was just about you being right and you’ve got your petty win. Redundant and you look childish in your efforts to prove it but it’s yours.

People who are legitimately GM don’t need to play through gold, plat, diamond, and masters for the sake of “gaining skill.” If anything, it makes them worse. There is no reason not to start them in GM when your data says they play like a GM.

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I hear ya. I didn’t accuse Blizzard of lying, but I was making the point that company’s public statements can’t reasonably totally taken at face value… just like the complaints of gamers can’t either! But unless a company discloses every aspect of the matchmaking system, we don’t know what they’re not telling us. And there’s a great chance that they’re leaving out the less desirable part of the sausage making process – why is every metaphor about food?? I think I need dinner… :laughing:

I just mean that we can’t assume that the part they did tell us is the complete story. There’s too strong an incentive to provide self-serving info and to leave the rest out.

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I don’t think forcing people to grind and gaining skill are really the same things. People can acquire skill without being forced to grind, and people can play games that are an intentional grind without gaining skill. Skill, grind, and playtime can be related, but they don’t have to be.

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You arent going to gain skill magically, it’s something you grind and hone, some start with better then others, other start with the bottom and end up on top, it doesn’t happen over night, it’s something you grind for.


I dont disagree, I personally think unranked to GM runs are scummy, and the host should be punished for it. But since they aren’t actually breaking any rules. nothing can be done.


I mean, Blizzard could just fix placements. “Unranked to GM” doesn’t get as many views when your run is 5 games (placements), and you start those 5 games vs masters.

If I read you right, you’re sort of saying that every instance of “grind” is a good thing, because it’s skill building. That’s not how the term is generally used when it comes to gaming, and I think the person you were responding to was using “grind” in the usual way. Grind in games generally means spending time and effort without much in the way of return; or its a game construct that’s there to make things take as long as possible – it’s padding.

I already disproved one of your claims, not only i dont like the way of you speaking to me in this topicv, but you failed to show any evidence for your claims. I will not waste more time on you, sorry. Consider me ignoring you, dont expect more answers , I dont find discussion with you beneficial.

I do now that some companies lie of coruse just as many people is, We were given some information of the years. I dont think there is something maleficent behind matchmakers. I am not claiming there cannot be. But results from playing doesnt really support that. Alteast i didnt see any evidence support that, quite contrary. I have seen countless people climbing and even those hard stuck account, when someone higher play on them, they climb also. So I dont think its the system.

Depends on what they play, most GM starts new account with heroes they already mastered. Only few play new heroes.

Yes better placement system would definitely help.


You obviously don’t read. Of course you wouldn’t find it beneficial, it only ever was about you. I’m glad the forums are openly documented to show that.

I mean, maybe pbsr helps up to 2350, but it really can’t at that point for a simple reason: It’s where every new account starts.

Whenever a player gets some ridiculous stats in their first placement game and begins an immediate large climb, those results still go on the pile of “Average 2350”. The more alt accounts made, the more those stats get skewed. It’s a giant bump of stats that tapers down the higher it goes, but in Gold? A normal Gold who doesn’t play like a much higher ranked player simply won’t see pbsr, and if the system is distorted enough, may even see smaller gains than if they just got the 25 SR for a win.

The system is deflationary; every point taken out of it now for someone rapidly climbing is a point taken out of the hands of a player in that rank who is slowly climbing.

It’s not the reason anyone is hardstuck, but it’s a contributing factor to why the grind takes so long, and that’s the biggest thing that turns people off comp. With a 55% winrate and no pbsr, it takes 180 comp games to move up a rank. Missing pbsr adds to that climb.

I’m not sure if you actually read my post, but you’ve quoted me out of context and made it look like I think the matchmaker is rigged. While I actually said the opposite.

I don’t think it’s rigged, but I do think it’s broken. And I do think people can easily get stuck at a lower SR than they should be because of pot luck team mates. Solution to this would be to award much more SR based on performance. I know this already happens but it’s far to dependent on a win/loss when a lot of the time that is beyond your control.

I honestly think If you performed above your current skill rating and lost the match you shouldn’t loose SR. As logic dictates that if you had better team mates in that situation you would have probably won.

Please explain why your own personal skill rating (SR) is lowered, even if you over-perform compared to your team and the average player at your rank, just because other people on your team under performed? After all SR does stand for “skill rating” correct? Not team rating.

Also, I’m not complaining about being stuck. I’ve actually gone up almost 400SR this season and have a 66% WR on my main hero.

I finished 2288 on support. That’s all you need to know. Besides, how is someone’s rank even relevant to a discussion about system and climbing?

What I want to know is: If I’m 3300, 2400, or 1700 (it doesn’t matter really), why doesn’t the system just finding others around that SR and make the match? Isn’t that how we prove skill and climb? “Skill rating” and beating others around it?

Why all this hidden MMR used to rig for 50/50 matches? Why have any MMR at all if it just leads to unwanted complexity, confusion, and conspiracy?

I don’t want to be matched around something I can’t see.

Its relevant because you spoke about 3000-3300 SR, which is diamond. I dont understand why when you are in gold. Maybe I did understood it in wrong way and missef the “If” there, but still it is weird to use it as example, when you are 1000 SR from that SR range. Gold is different than Diamond, not only with how people play there but most importantly its related to my topic, PBSR doesnt exist above 3000 and my topic is about playing below 3000.

I dont understand why do you ask this question when system is trying to do exactly that, to find games in your elo.

You seem to be confused about what MMR do, MMR is there to create 50/50 games, which is most balanced game possible. Its weird that you see it as rigging, like how the hell should that look like? 20/80? 30/70? that would be definition of rigging dude. 50/50 is as fair as it can get as it is exactly between 0% and 100%.

What exactly do you want?

But I can asure you that your MMR and SR is very close anyway so ti really doesnt matter. Unless you are smurfing, throwing or on new account, then MMR and SR is separated by bigger gap usualy.

Ah ok, sorry then :slight_smile:

Broken how?

Not really, I mean it can happen if you are for example on new account and placed way too low, then climbing might be bit tedious, but normal player will not be stuck in rank while being significantly better than team mates. And if you are better only slightly, climbing will take some time. Its normal and logical.

If this would be the case, people would start to play very individualy and thats not desired outcome in team game. Overwatch is team vs team game. What you talk about works great in FFA deathmatch type of game. Not in team based game. You have to realize that you play team game so loss if for whole team.

Explained above, because its team vs team type of game.

Well good for you, so you can see that climbing is totaly possible, you improved and climbed. Those who dont improve, will stay stuck. Not because of others or system, because of their skill.


Broken as in it gives you a single number and calls that “SR” “Skill Rating” this number is actually effected only a very small amount by your actual skill, and above diamond it’s not effected by your skill at all.

I think that is very misleading and the cause of a lot of toxicity in the game. Why should my personal “skill” rating go up or down because of the skill (or lack of) of the other people in my team??

You answered that with “because it’s a team based game” which doesn’t really answer the question at all. You could be a bad player and get boosted by your team, or you could be a good player and get dragged down by bad luck, throwers, smurfs, disconnects. None of which has anything to do with your skill? So why do those wins and losses effect your skill rating?

Then to have the matchmaker use this basically meaningless number to gauge a players individual skill and create groups… I’m not surprised how one sided the vast majority of games feel.

This is why I think it’s a broken system.

To have a system which rewards the majority of SR gained, for actual player skill surely makes more sense, yes? And I’ll remind you again, SR literally stands for “SKILL RATING”

I don’t believe it would cause players to go off and do their own thing. Not any more than they already do anyway.

Instead I think it would cause a player to try that extra bit harder, get those picks or that extra bit of healing and maybe even help their team in the process and turn the match around.

As it stands people think, well we’ve lost the match, nothing I do will make any difference and I’m going to loose the same amount of “skill rating” regardless, so why bother trying at all? Other team mates see this, blame them, tilt, become toxic. First team mate then starts blaming them back… And before you know it you have yourself a classic game of Overwatch :smirk: