If you play well under 3000, system will help you climb

The title, way too many players is stuck in the rigged matchmaker state, thinking system is working agaisnt them. It is not, it is actualy opposite. If you play better than others, system will help you climb with better SR results from games.

Even if you play less impactfull heroes like Mercy. I am currently on alt on the edge of bronze/Silver and i am not losing more than 23 and i am not gaining less than 25 SR. Most of my games. Some games i lose only 16 and next game i gain 27.

Its all you have to do, play better than others. Forget nonsense as forced 50% winrate or rigging, it will get you nowhere. Instead use your time to get better at game if you want to climb. If you convince system that you are better than others with your performance, system will help you get higher.

And before some salty forum users come and comment like “but you are on alt, you smurf, you are already higher and what not”, it doesnt matter, i climbed just like that when i wasnt higher yet. I know former hardstuck bronze players who climbed just liked that also. System always helps when you are truly better. Really better in game, not just in your head.


Yes and no. Your right that the the matchmaker will help if you do better than you peers, but It’s difficult to be better than others with a bad team unless your playing at a rank a lot lower than your actual SR. If you have a death prone team you can only do so much to up their survivability and your healing with be horrendous since they don’t live long or scatter and die a lot. Neither will you make much impact 1v6ing the team unless they are far worse than you. In which case matchmaker will judge you to have performed poorly because you need to do better compared to those of the same ranking not the members of your team.


If you have bad team mates, it doesnt mean you will have bad performance also. MMR will affect your SR in long run btw. Game knows i generaly play better than others in my games so even if i lose game with bad team mates while not having good performance on my own i still lose less.

I for example lost 5 games in row in high bronze, even with that my sr loss was below average sr loss.

I play mercy and when my team mates just feed nonstop, i just usualy heal and keep myself alive and thats enough to have good performance. There is no reason you should be dying nonstop with others if they never group up. Low death count and providing value whole match is the key.


It’s not so cut and dry, which is why I said yes and no. On the optimistic side, yes you can do well still regardless of your team, especially if you play far below your rank in which case it’s not an issue. Though this isn’t guaranteed to happen even if you are more skilled than your teammates, because this is a team game, you can be held back by your team just like you can get boosted by them. Your team will play a big part in your performance, if not then your essentially saying you can go 1v6 and climb so long as you do better than average (which you won’t go far maintaining better than average numbers 1v6ing).

You can be better than your team and unable not make up for the accumulated errors or your team. constant Feeding from spawn/not grouping would be a prime example of this because the best you can do is follow or wait for 1 member and hope to 2v6 and unless you are playing at an SR lvl far below your own this will severely handicap you even if you are more skilled than your team members or those in your rank.

Also MMR largely will not account for player utility, it only measures numbers, being a system ai and all. Playing a character like brig is harder to get high MMR than something like Zen will.


You put the work in you will climb.


I think that might be not true. Every hero has its own KPIs to measure performance. Therefore comparing Brig with Zen is like comparing apples to pears.


What I mean is Brig utility in terms of CC (Booping and Bashing) although it can be helpful and have value, the value cannot always be accurately measured by the MMR system. Cases it might would be if your boop secures a kill, however booping or bashing Ball has varying value that is highly situational and beyond the MMR systems ability to measure (an AI that could likely would be too advance to develop simply for the sake of MMR calculations). Brig being a character who specializes in utility means a lot of her value is incalculable.

Whereas with Zen most if not all of his value can be derived using the damage, elims, healing, orb modifier numbers.


Certain heroes have advantage in pbsr, for example zen yeah, its a lot easier to start gaining a lot of SR on him than on mercy for example.


Both do happen to be very tasty :yum::yum:

Absolutely…. If a smurf goes to Silver/Gold and rolls kids on Tracer as opposed to Genji, they’ll get more PBSR because Tracer has a higher skill floor in comparison.

Genji is also significantly more popular so there are more wanna be ninja clowns than there are wanna be athletes turned secret agents :sweat_smile:


That is not truth, how do you think, what leads ppl to higher sr? You cant influence on how your team will play with you, the only thing you can be responsible is how good you play. Individual skill is the whole case up to diamond. Good aim for dps can carry you up to diamond. Good gamesense with tanks can carry you up. Same for supports, but it matters what you choose to play there. If team is doing not good, you always can fix their mistakes by yourself and play around them. There are such a lot of tools like hero switching, shotcalling, performing well to change something in a game. What I quoted is very poor mind set, will lead you to hardstuck. You should believe that you are the game changer, that you are the difference maker. All you need to do is define what is your win condition for current match, may be it is just to keep alive your main support, or your dps is carrying, so enable him, may be you are the problem and should change your hero, what enemy does. All this mental tracking can help you make a difference in any match. But you can’t win them all. Most of players in middle ranks are playing on autopilot, ow requires to be proactive in game.


Thought you meant the actual match maker.

I still remember losing 16 games, won 1, lost another 10. Dropped 600 sr. Unwinnable games. Had a diamond fruend duo with me on his gold alt. Said the game was hard af.

Then I go 44 kill streak with Moira. I practice some ffa with Lucio. Go 22-0 and 15-0 in 2 games.

Suddenly crushing back up the ranks.

Then passed my old record sr. Then I win 10 games in a row that were super easy and my team clearly favoured to win. Just felt too easy tbh. Why were these games easier than games 800 sr lower?

Felt off, for sure.


Welp i caved and followed this. I bought an alt during the sale happening right now. We’ll see how it goes! Looking forward to the game placing me far far away from where i’m at haha


Matchmaker isnt exactly related to my topic. I mostly talk about PBSR system, not matchmaker.


Hold on there, I said it’s difficult not impossible. Besides the statement you quoted is a true statement just by logic alone.

Okay, difficulity is a part of a climb, what’s the point of topic? Having hard time in comp. is normal thing. But still, listed above, can make it easier for you - clean mindset.


Point of this topic was to explain that playing better results in system tryig to actively help you if you are bellow 3000.

Nobody needs to be two ranks below smurfing to gain more SR per wins. Just playing better than average player in your elo is enough.


And I agreed with that.

I was talking with this guy, read the references.

I know, i wasnt trying to argue with you, i just wanted to share reason why i created that as you two talked about it :slight_smile:

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Well I can guess at the point (it’s not my topic). It would seem that it’s to tell players that so long as you perform well the game will help you climb which seems to be indicative of the SR boosts you get when you MMR is significantly higher than your MMR.

I only responded because the post felt a bit ego drunk. It assumes that players don’t know basic information and brags about his own progress, ironically excusing the details which are made against him (which are relevant) all the while the post itself seems to promote a no excuses attitude. There are smaller points such as the imperfect mmr calculations and climbing through pbsr possibly being harder for some characters that are relevant.

Yes, but you replied to me like I wasn’t replying to other person, who seems like disagrees with you.