If you didn't believe it before, believe it now

I didn’t believe it before, whst argument gere should convince me exactly?

The magic number for you is whatever your stats say it should be save for short term random factors like throwers. And these days the only throwers I see are when the team tilts someone into throwing.

I’ve gone 900->2800 with 2 losses and 1100->2700 with 0 losses. 5+ accounts peaking within 50 SR of each other.

The system gives you games designed to nudge your SR towards your MMR, which is determined by your stats. Land more abilities, do more damage, do more healing, get more offensive/defensive assists, etc. And you will get better teammates and worse opponents (yes, forced WINS).

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The magic number is different for everyone. That’s why no one can agree whether it’s rigged or not. Every player sees something different, because the matchmaker is trying to make matches with THEM in it.

But i still think the system does handicap the games if it thinks you don’t belong, based on your stats.

So, it’s rigged, but in different ranks for each player.

You could say that the system is just putting you where it thinks you belong. But i don’t know if that’s a good idea. It’d be like saying a certain football player has to make the playoffs because his stats are good. So, you pre-determine his fate based on his past performance. Now what if you said “That player does NOT belong in the playoffs?” yet he’s doing pretty much everything expected, you make the games harder for him just so he doesn’t reach his potential. Never has a chance to play in the playoffs and prove himself.

Edit: wtf, started my post the same as pyah above, didnt even see that.


time to see the “there are no forced losses” comments this forum never gets old lol

This Xion player claimed he had proof that there is no forced wins in another thread, once they were asked to provide it they backtracked and stopped posting. Just ignore them they post on here all the time and just argue their personal opinion vs yours. It’s just flaming and trolling opinions, don’t reply to them.


I’m kinda new to these forums but if you read his posts it’s mind boggling how he’s still allowed to post here.

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I’m not sure it’s purposeful or just highlights that MMR is not a good metric for a game like this. Could be either.

If you do well for a couple of games your MMR goes up but you’re only 30-50 SR up, so you the next game the matchmaker will match you with people in a similar level but attempt to level out the MMR hence you get muppet teammates.

Although Blizzard do not release the specifics of the system and it’s all just conjecture on personal experience I too experience win and loss streaks and find it super hard to climb specially in solo queue. Many many other people have this experience too, considering that it’s definitely a problem at some level of the game design.


I threw an account to silver. I climbed back to Diamond in a few hours. I threw it down to silver again and go back to plat (2800s) in very little time. It’s my play-things-I-don’t-usually account for the most part.

You tend to float +/- 250 SR your true SR.

For the most part, I’m high diamond/low master as I swing 3250-3650 mostly on this account.

There’s been enough statistical analysis and people ranking up low accounts multiple times that the only way to think there’s “forced losses” if you thought only specific people got them.


I can’t find the post about the whole “50-50 THEN SHOULD JUST GO BACK AND FORTH”

Literally, do a binomial distribution. 50-50. Or flip a coin a thousand times.

GASP. Runs of “heads/wins” and “tails/losses” happen! In fact, if you ONLY saw alternating heads/tails, that’d be an indicator of faked data. Statistics professors will assign students mundane projects like that and then show the class who faked their data and didn’t have the expected runs to happen.

You can dunk your SR several hundred points. I peaked 3700ish and dunked down to 3200. For like 8-9 seasons, I’d breach masters and float around 3500-3600.


I see you didn’t bother to read any of the posts as no one said anything even close to your reply.

I started in bronze and climbed all the way to GM. SEE there’s no issue there. Only that’s BS, is personal experience and anyone here can make up anything they want to satisfy their own argument, or apparently just make up the opposing argument and try to tear it down from there.

So you’re implying you’re playing on a much higher level that your SR suggests, yet the system in specifically targeting your account to hold you on said SR?

You mind giving your account so I can climb it? *Yes, it’ll be boosting. But boosting is exactly proving ELO Hell is BS. And no, I’m not GM. I’m only low Diamond.

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Some people think in a such small scope they fail to see the big picture. Algorithm works for everyone. It’s not a single player game where the game can intentionally make ridiculous NPC’s to make you fail at a random point. It is really hard to make an Algorithm than can influence player behaviour, something that these people are basically implying.

If the algorithm was so shallow to “make someone who is having win streaks, to have lose streaks after”, then EVERYONE would be affected. Aka everyone would stay still in the same SR. But people climb, and it is not a myth.

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Yes, because everyone has different skill :smiley:

Stop pretending you are new to these forums lol. I get it, you dont want people to know who you truly are because your forum history is going against what you claim, its fine. But dont lie about it so openly omg.

If someone is saying that its rigged, burden of proof is on that person. All I can do is provide yt links with multiple people who climbed from bronze to plat+ without issues. Which other proof you require? Because nobody can obviously provide proof that something so imaginary as “rigged matchmaker” doesnt exist. If you or anyone else is claming it does exist, you have to proove it. If you for example claim that one of your account is forced to be in certain elo, this can be easiyl disproven by someone else playing on it and climbing easily.

It sounds like you have a mental health problem. You’re throwing around conspiracy theories and telling people who they are and aren’t. You point fingers, then you ask people for burden of proof in their statements.

I’m sorry but we can’t help with any of your issues. I really don’t know what you’re talking about, and hope you get yourself looked after.


Its not that difficult to get out of bronze-gold, Send me a request ill coach you

You see what I mean, hey. There’s has also been tonnes of data posted in threads like this, a clip where you’ve tanked your SR and then ‘climb’ isn’t an accurate representation of the issues here, and they have still posted nothing but a clip from a professional coach.

They quote me saying that they have stated they have proof in other threads but backtrack and leave the thread when asked for it, but do not address that, instead they start to put the blame on all of us again rather than just linking the so called proof they have. It’s bs and they have no proof, just wait till they start to ask about your rank because that’s of course valid info in this issue discussion.

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Have you considered that you were part of the problem?

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I"m not sure what they’re saying is true, considering how low the SR gains are on a win you couldn’t get that many games in a few hours to jump 1000+ SR. A single comp game can take 20-40 mins.

Furthermore they’re arguing against points that were never made.

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This again, blah blah blah, forced loss, blah blah. It’s just the MMR/SR combination tha is faulty from the ground up. This has been proven over and over and over again. Go out, buy another new account, play your best characters, whoever you are the best at… and you will sit a solid two teirs above where you are now… and stay there with no problem. If you are more than than two steps up from where you are now, you would be able to hard carry (provided you follow the year+ old advice of getting good with a dps) higher anyways.