If you didn't believe it before, believe it now

Since the game release, the winrate is forced. Based on your performance, the game decides a ranking for you and forces the winrate to always stay at 50%. In theory this system is great, but the features to measure your performance are not representative, so you are evaluated based on literally nothing. Another thing is that you can exploit that system, there are several examples of people playing only the way bli$$ wants, only to be boosted by the features. So is GG, this is bli$$.

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Nothing is forcing you to have 50% winrate, Except you and your skill.

How, if winrate is forced to be 50%?

This is a reference to the matchmaker attempting to construct a match where both sides have a 50% chance of winning. You’ve admitted this is the way it works before, why the confusion now?

I was talking about two different things. Teams have usualy 50% chance of winning, sometime 40/60. Matchmaker is doing that. But I was talking about winrate in my reaction to kulken.

Winrate is not important. Matchmaker is using MMR to create balanced games, he doesnt care about individual winrate on certain heroes from players.

I just wanted to show you a few screenshots from my last weeks. As a lot of people don’t believe in win and loss streaks, I would like to somehow prove, that they are a real thing.

https:/ /ibb.co/W0kR3hj
https:/ /ibb.co/3dWQt7j
https:/ /ibb.co/jJN7Y1T

Happens all the time

I dont think there is nobody who would not beleive in loss or win streaks as its completely normal thing which can happen, just like you can have 6 on dice 10x in row.

If anyone is against something, its “forced loss streaks”. And few screenshots is really not proof at all for that :smiley:

even if I would have posted 50 or 500 screenshots, you wouldn’t admit the slightest that there is something “off”.

So who cares :smiley: It is what it is.

It’s almost as if you have a faith in the matchmaker. By the way, is MMR a single digit number?

reminds me of a flat earther.

How exactly do leavers on their team say they are a 2200 player?

I hope you do realize that screen cannot ever be proof for that right?

I often talk about it in that way but no, I beleive devs said its more complicated formula, not just simple number.

it doesn’t matter. because you will never accept any proof :slight_smile:

I said it multiple times, created few topic about it too. If you have forced loss streak, record it and let it to be analyzed by others.

uploading hours of gameplay for you to watch? nitpicking on every minuscule error while forcefully turning every detail against the uploader? ignoring and talking away in endless discussions the fact that you get potato team mates at a certain point? arguing over the realization that a diamond player would have easily won that game?

Edit: The problem would be, that you would also have to watch at least 10-20 won games from a winning streak, to compare the playstyles. So your “offering” is more or less unrealistic and unsolvable, if you are halfway sane and also have a job or a family…

there is literally NO way that there would be a neutral analyzation, that wouldn’t turn into a “coaching” nobody asked for (while totally derailing the original issue). we are both to old for this farce.

if you don‘t experience these streaks, just be happy to play in a less smurf/thrower infested and rigged elo :wink:


Classic excuse as always, because people know they didnt play good and thats why they lost. They just dont want to admit it. Thats why nobody will record it.

Btw there was one guy who claimed forced loss streaks are real and he is stuck in bronze with diamond MMR and game is keeping him in bronze even when he plays good and game is giving him smurfs on enemy team to match his skill. He is streamer, we actualy found his stream.

I watched few games and he was several times throwing those games. ON PURPOSE. just one example I was able to experience.

Counter question: What would have to be in the video to convince you?

the way their dumb competative system works is you need to play at a skill level of 1-2 elos higher than your current elo inorder to counteract the matchmaker rng and handicap based matchmaking. 2 elos higher if you want to climb. 1 elo higer if you want to stay in the current elo. if you play with the appropriate skill level for the elo you wont over perform enough to counteract the rng and hadicapping and you will lose sr.

you can’t just be in a skill bracket and play with other players of the same skill level. that would be too simple and common sense for overwatch’s grind based gambling game.

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Games should be pretty much one sided so matchmaker enforce the loss. As many people believe people marked for loss are placed together so thats why it should be one sided. Smurfs on enemy side, posssibly leavers on their side… obvious things.

I would look at every game and give you my honest opinion. I would like to know your ELO and analyze the games if theye were winnable by someone who is in your rank. I understand that top500 would win unwinable game for gold player.

Come on go for it. You posted screeshots, give me replay codes from your forced loss streak :slight_smile: Dont be afraid. I believe you wont cheat and not provide only certain carefully picked games.

Step 1: Pin the codes in your loss streak
Step 2: make screenshot where I can see these lost games win pins
Step 3: provide the codes(i guess si can see them from pictures too)

I am sure you would be able to cheat this somehow still but I believe you wont.