If you didn't believe it before, believe it now

You don’t. You get players like that at any SR, but your mind is looking for excuses for why you lost and sees a pattern where there isn’t one. It’s human nature. You’re not going to notice those players very much in the games near your average SR where you win or have close losses. But once you’re 100-200 SR above where you really should be, you being out of your SR combined with another person is going to make it that much more likely to lose.

Your theory is completely disproven by shared accounts. It’s the individual player that has the imaginary cap, not the account. Share it with someone even 200-300 SR higher than you and that peak will move 200-300 SR up, like magic.

I’m not sure you understand. A single player with two accounts can’t have a single ‘cap’ because the system doesn’t know who the player is, just what account is being played. If the same person gets different quality matches between different accounts in vastly different tiers, then we have to assume that the system is treating those accounts differently.

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Its an unfair and unbalanced very flawed system because it should put players on both teams with the same MMR and not based on SR because SR does not reflect their real skill level.

The MMR of the enemy team should be 2200 and the MMR of your team should be 2200. If that were the case then the matches would be fair but instead the matchmaker uses SR because your SR is Gold 2200 you get grouped up with and against players who’s SR is 2200.

It just makes it seem and appear to be fair when both teams have an average of 2200 SR but in reality the MMR of both teams can be very far apart resulting in a one sided loss because the MMR between players on either side could be 1000+ difference

But they don’t.

1000 MMR different is extreme situation.Majority of games is build with people around same MMR. Only games with groups are kind of unbalanced. In numbers and MMR of course. I know that reality might be different and player with SR 2500 can have 2700 MMR and actual skill of 3500 player.

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I agree with this. I play Solo que so I find myself getting grouped up against an enemy group. They don’t show groups anymore but when I see an enemy team with a bronze player, silver player, and a plat player all on the same team then I know they are a group.

Even though my team has all low golds of Gold 2000 we lose badly even though the enemy team has a bronze player, mid silver players and one low plat player. When I look at their profiles (if they are visible) i can see that half of the enemy team are all on win streaks with 80% or higher win rates on heroes they play and have 30 more wins on record than losses. On my team I can see that myself and other players on my team have 40% win rate with more losses than wins on record. To me this appears to be unfair and a forced loss.

On the flip side, when I do win a match its easy because those same players from the enemy team I lost to are now on my team and I win even though I am no better or worse than the last match I lost to.

It makes it seem that I have no say in winning or losing because it appears to be who is on your team and who is on the enemy team. The team with more experienced players who play at a higher level than their SR says wins and they win even if there is a leaver on their team. That tells you how much higher their MMR is than ours as a team is.

For example, it goes from impossible to win to the next match being super easy from match to match with only 20 SR difference between the two matches. How can 20 SR lower than the last match be harder to win that the match where you were 20 SR higher?

We end up winning super easy with only 20 Gold elims, and only 8,000 damage in one match only to lose the next with 64 elims and 27,000 damage. I did a lot less and won a lot easier on one match and in the other I did a whole lot more and we ended up losing.

There was only a 20 SR difference between the match we lost badly and the match we won easily. How do you explain this happening over and over and over again? One match you win super easy and the next is impossible to win? The match SR is only 20 SR difference between them. Seems like a huge skill gab between the two matches even thought the SR is only 20 SR difference.


Are you sure, because your post average is 18 times a day since you joined, your created topics not included.

I mostly write from my job to be honest .D

Or in the morning when I wake up and still in bed.

Like this exact post I just typed this in like 12 seconds on my time, its nothing, because I usualy multitask multiple things. For example now I type while listening this:

Which literally can never happen so long as people like your ‘friend’ are smurfing far below their actual skill level.

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Fair point.

He was doing it as a last gasp to enjoy the game and feel impactful before he left for Valorant a year ago.

When I told him about my 6-5 Vokskaya win in gold with two super well organised teams, he couldn’t believe it. Apparently only 10% of gm games had that kind of teamwork. How sad is that?

Expecting randoms to group up is a recipe for toxicity. Game needs guilds.

I still remember a recent Chipsa vid where he’s trying to carry his team and he loses as a tank swaps to Hammond for no reason. He was pretty bitter about it.

As to him smurfing, if no mmr bull crap, he’d have Climbed faster out of gold, but he got given humps to drag him down, to make “matches fair”. Hence losses where he scored 90+ elims…


This is true and it happens to Me many times like 15 loses in a row 12 loses in a row etc.

When i rankup i %100 got forced losses.

2 days ago i lost 300 SR in a row without a single win.

It is not about git gud i m already…

At that losses i played with totally throwers leavers people who start blaming since we are waiting for start at base.

One of them stay afk at base before match start cause of high level support picked ana he thinks if ana is high level and still ‘’MASTERS’’ that guy dont have enough skills to play ana and he stay afk at base.

Imagine what kind of losers was at my team…


Please see the below video of a McRee Smurf on our team. I had unwinnable match after another unwinnable match. Then I get this McRee and Ana on our team and we had the enemy stuck in spawn.

The matchmaker finally decided I was too low so after this match I started getting these smurfs on my team and win rather than having to fight them on the enemy team and lose. After such an easy win not only died I get a lot of SR for an easy win because I did only once but also ended up getting more smurfs on my team over the course of the next few matches resulting in even more easy to win matches.

Sliver 1900 McRee and Ana smurfs on my team.

Video Share code: HJGKG0

Press the N key on the keyboard and then select McRee or Ana to watch from first person perspective.

Our Lucio kept getting killed over and over again but we still kept the enemy team in spawn and we were still winning 5 v 6.


Pretty sure you missed the sarcasm …

Also pretty sure xion and or prometheus will watch that reply and tell you it wasn’t actually a smurf. I have better things to do and am happy to take your word tho.

There’s an explanation for this. Certain strategies, playstyles, etc. are only effective at certain skill levels/SR ranges. For example let’s use Reaper frontlining to dish out tons of damage. Because players in in Gold (or whatever rank) don’t have the coordination or awareness to deal with that Reaper, he will win games by doing it and climb to around Plat. But once he reaches Plat people will start knowing how to counter that playstyle, so he will drop back down. The amount he drops can increase due to tilt.

Tl;DR stuff that works in lower ranks doesn’t always work in higher ranks so if you climb by doing stuff like that you will lose games and probably tilt which causes you to drop more until you’re back where you started.

Most ranks have stupid skill variance. Silver historically has extreme skill variance. 1800-2200 has pretty much always been the one person can hit head shots and the other cant hit stationary turrets since the dawn of time.


While, I do agree the Sr system is far from perfect or fair, I don’t know if we should go as far as saying it “forces losses”. Will it put you at a disadvantage sometimes? Perhaps. I’ve been stuck in low to mid gold for almost 8 seasons and I just now hit platinum back to back on two separate accounts with the same three dps hero’s being situationally played. Is the game suddenly deciding it wants to let me win after 8 seasons or did I finally get good enough to carry myself out of gold? I’d like to believe I got good enough to carry myself out of gold, once can be a fluke but I’ve done it twice in a row now(on console btw). You have to get good enough to carry.

Climbîng out of gold is so ez that i wonder How can anybody struggle

After watching the replay, it is obvious that the McRee and Ana were much more skilled than anyone else on either team. The question becomes, why did the MatchMaker choose to include them in the team composition. If I were playing against them, I would find the match unfair because those players should be outside of my skill tier. I would also wonder if my team was supposed to have some ‘ringer’ that I wasn’t aware of or maybe was throwing.


I can confirm that I was stuck around 2400 as well. I was around 2300-2480 and then I eventually got back into platinum. I say back because I had 2746 and then lost 700 sr.

Took me 2 weeks or so to get back into platinum.

Something has changed in the matchmaking again. What previously took <60 seconds is now taking 3 mins.