If you could rework Mercy how would she work?

Am I missing something? Because that doesn’t really change anything. Mercy’s damage is objectively less consistent than other supports’, and she’s worse at directly defending herself.


Well, it’d depend on what her ult is, really. If she were to get mass rez with invuln again, she maybe wouldn’t need an E now. However, she’d still have the problem of too much weight in her kit being placed on rez, and people would still find the invuln frustrating. But if mass rez were nerfed, she’d likely be pretty weak without an E, even with the GA hop. If it were something entirely new, then it’d depend on what specifically it would be, but I think the goal should be to move some power away from her ult and put it elsewhere in her base kit, which adding an E accomplishes.

Um what happened to this thread?

Other than that thank you guys for the suggestions, for a 2nd rework, I would definitely make rez at least a part of her ult again, make her do 60 healing per second again, and replace dmg boost with adrenaline shots or something.
Edit: I came up with this a hour ago.

I think the problems started with invuln. What I think they could have done was, instead of making her invulnerable when she resses, her HP would be fully restored. She wouldn’t be immortal, but it would help to survive mostly, I think.
Tbh anything but this version of Mercy sounds better lol.

Yeah, invuln was sort of the start of the whole mess. It certainly didn’t need an entire rework to solve, though.


I guess you’ll never get it.

Mercy’s damage per match is a direct result of her kit being centered around sticking on allies.

You’re missing the fact she’s able to do 100+ DPS on any given target if she’s accurate.


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Most of us aren’t Animetic…

Sure it didn’t. The problem is, they didn’t even tried to tweak Res. The maximum they did was making her unable to Res in spawn (pretty fair, but other ultimates could have that feature cof cof Dragonstrike cof cof). But then, straight to the rework…
Is so disheartening to see the mess they contributed for.

I think the problem with taking her invulnerability away is that she has to fly into the middle of her recently-killed team to make it work, and with her team dead Mercy is taking focused fire from all surviving members of the enemy team. Even if we’re talking about a tempo rez she still has fewer people to cover for her and the enemy will try to burn her down.

I made this post because they won’t though.

Um, evidence? I’m going to need it. :slight_smile: Keep in mind that I want mass Resurrect with tweaks and a whole new e ability; in other words, a rework.

Well, that could incentivate to not Res after a fight after all, and incentivate more tempo rezzes. I do agree with you, but tbh, I’d rather deal with that and feel like I’m doing something than to play this trash version of Mercy.

On that we are agreed. ;p

This is the discussion that should have taken place months ago.

Ideas that do not involve Mass Rez. FINALLY.

Props to OP. I too would be interested in hearing ideas that don’t involve Mass Rez as far as increasing Mercy skill ceiling and funness while adhering to a 1 button press per 1 person rezzed paradigm as we have now.

Mass Rez, REALLY, should be moved on from at this point. It’s been almost a year.

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All this text is filler.

Yes, she’s able to. And Soldier 76 is able to do 171 DPS. But that realistically doesn’t happen, because potential damage is not the same as the realsitic amount of damage done, it’s the maximum damage possible. Soldier 76 has spread after a few shots, meaning he either has to shoot in bursts or miss some shots, which lowers his realistic DPS unless he’s basically hugging his enemy. Mercy’s gun has incredibly slow projectiles that are difficult to lead and easy to avoid, which lowers her realistic DPS. She also has few opportunities where using her gun is efficient and isn’t detrimental to her team.

Why exactly won’t mass Resurrect come back? That’s what I’m asking. (Specifically, what’s wrong with the rework idea I suggested?)

Please take talk about Mass Rez somewhere else. Can we try to keep this thread just a discussion of ideas that DON’T INVOLVE MASS REZ!? Please? Not have it devolve into a discussion about mass rez like so many threads like this do? Just give us one? Please?

And that’s why you’re playing Mercy. The hero with the lowest skill floor in the game.