If you could rework Mercy how would she work?

Sorry, I just had to…

That’s sort of the point. It incentivizes tempo rezes rather than waiting for a 5-man (which was the more efficient strategy to begin with).

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Substitute guardian angel with valk and make ress her ult

LMAO, it takes common sense to know that you shouldn’t DPS as Mercy even if she has high potential damage because potential damage doesn’t mean anything if you’re a dedicated main healer. Your job is to heal.

Not exactly evidence but it is the most likely scenario and seems to be what is happenimg right now.
Blizzard never seems to admit it and revert when a rework doesn’t work. Look at Bastion and Mercy. Bastion was broken after the rework and got nerfed back to being the worst hero in the game. Also Mercy has gotten nerfed so many times since the rework that no one asked for and she still isn’t reverted or even reworked.

They will admit their failures and fix Mercy. It’s just a matter of when… :frowning:

But Soldier is very capable of doing close to that.

I still don’t think you’re understanding this.

Mercy’s damage isn’t low. Soldier’s damage isn’t low. If Mercy’s damage is low, then everyone’s damage is low. Why? Because not everyone can land their shots right? Because that’s just their damage potential, not their actual damage right? Despite the fact that normal players who play these higher skill heroes (literally everyone above Mercy in skill level) are able to have better accuracy to the point that if they played Mercy as a battle type hero, they’d do perfectly fine.

If mercy did low damage, how is she ever able to win FFA matches? If Mercy did low damage, how is she ever able to kill or heavily wound other supports and other heroes?

It’s not really fair to compare a DPS to a Support either. It’s identical to compare a newborn whale to a full grown T-rex.

Some people have the notion that Designers never go back on past designs and say actually this was a better direction, but it needs something else to fix the issues we had with it.

Design works in strange ways sometimes, you find that your next best design has a foundation in a design you once forsaken.

I’ve had those moments and so have my colleagues as well as my other friends in different design professions. I happen to work in Architecture where a lot of competing interests have to be satisfied and Blizzard has behaved mostly as I would expect fellow designers to act good and not so good.

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TBH I used to suggest a lot of Valkyrie changes back when the nerfs started. But then I just saw the rework itself was a problem lol.
But I still think it has potential to be a good ultimate. The problem is, they don’t wanna take Res out of her E. If it stays there, she’ll be broken. Because to compensate the power of Res, they gotta tone down every other aspect of her kit…
I think a good option would be making Mercy able to Res only during Valk. Like 2 or 3 charges. And remove some of the buffs SHE receives in Valk, as I stated here before. She’d have her core, Res, it could have counterplay because she can be killed in Valk, and it would be more fun and impactful for the player.

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That’s a very good point.

Each hero, in order to be “balanced” in regards to one another needs to be within a similar power budget. If we assume this standard is 100%, then we need to put say 40% to damage, 30% to self sustain, 30% to mobility, or 40% to healing, 30% to mobility, 30% to damage.

Rez takes up SO MUCH of Mercy’s power budget. How do we get fun, skill expression, etc, considering that? Or is it better to just take it out of the budget all together?

Honestly all I’m hoping from this thread is discussion about Mercy that has NOTHING TO DO with Mass Rez at ALL. Just exploring everything beyond it.

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Like I said, Mercy’s projectiles are slow and easy to avoid. No matter how accurate you are, there’s a very good chance that you’ll miss anyways. Her realistic, effective damage is low, not her potential damage. You can achieve high damage with her, but even attempting to do so is usually antithetical to your role and detrimental to your team, as it requires you to stop doing your main job. It also requires you to get in close to an enemy to have any sort of consistency in your damage, but doing so is incredibly risky, and dying puts your team at a huge disadvantage even if you do get a kill, unless you somehow killed the enemy’s main healer.

Tbh I find discussing Mercy’s damage potential a non issue. There are very few circumstances where the best play as Mercy is to whip out the pistol. You can respond and deal with so many things with less effort without having to whip it out.

That said the pistol is no joke and you can SCHOOL some dps players with it if you just out aim them.


Remove E and Valkyrie right off the bat, and her new Q would be:
For every 1000 health you heal, you gain a charge of rez. You’re able to hold 3 charges at once, and can use them whenever you like. They would be instant cast and not freeze you in place

That’s it. Would be a special ultimate that doesn’t charge over time like everyone else’s

Mercy’s power budget more or less requires that rez be confined to her ult. Mass Rez did this, which is why people consider reversion the easiest option. Doing otherwise requires a form of Valk containing loads of rezzes (which we’ve already had and people complained about…and also feels a little like an unwieldy hybrid), or to remove rez entirely (which is what I’m currently thinking about, but I don’t like any of the replacement ults I’ve come up with).

One upshot of removing rez entirely would be that it allows converting Valk to an E-power feasible. A lot of people talk about having a rezzing ult with Valk as an E-power, but Valk’s maneuverability makes it too good of an “escape hatch” power when one can follow it up with any form of large-scale resurrection.

Beep-Boop, the witch is alive.

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Even tho it involves Mass Res, I saw people suggesting limiting the number of people she ressed to like 3. This could also incentivate the use of Res DURING the fight, not after with full team resses. After all, not the whole team would be ressed.
About other ideas, I suggested the Valkyrie one:

An idea I once suggeste was to make Mercy use her staff like in her ‘‘Caduceus’’ emote and give a super AoE instant heal. Sure she is a single-target healer and I still think is the best for her, but I think this ult could be way better than actual Valk as well. It could be basically Res, but without the dead allies part. So she would not be incentivated to let allies die. It could have a cast time similar to Lucio’s sound barrier, and when it casts, all allies receive an instant HP buff that could be huge as Zeny’s. 600HP might sound crazy, but Trans has 300HP per second, so why not. (I’m not sure it would be the best idea tho).

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It has been close to a year since Mercy was reworked and almost a year and a half since Bastion got nerfed. I just wish at this point that they even say something about these two. I just have doubts it is going to happen ever due to the amount of time that has passed but that is just me.

Hopefully though Torb’s rework doesn’t end up the same way.


I’m unsure. Like… I think this -10hps nerf might have been unnecessary. If we disregard that -10hps nerf, then nothing about Mercy’s base kit as changed since Mercy 1.0 or whatever outside of gaining the spacebar based bunny hop on GA. That’s it. Nothing else about the base kit has changed.

Rez is just now on E (very problematic) and Valk is the ult that has nothing to do with Rez (meh). So… Having a CD based rez might not be too much for her power budget to handle. With current restrictions ofc, instant rez was ridiculous.

That said, you might not need “loads” of rezzes on Q if rez is tied to Q. It’s worth considering. A lot of this comes down to what addresses the “fun” element that so many refer to? That seems to revolve largely around the ability to rez multiple people at a single time. That’s a difficult one to balance. Regardless of 1:1-5 or 1:1.

The difficulty with this is like if I’m in a situation where there’s more people than 3 dead, and Mercy comes in for a rez, if I’m on say Tracer, I’d want to opt out. Low health pool, etc, I can get back to the point quickly. I don’t basically want to be rezzed and then die and have my respawn timer just double for no reason other than feeding the enemy ult charge.

Always kind of comes down to “how is it decided who is rezzed if there is a limit on people rezzed?”

And I don’t want 50% health plz. That’d be… Punishing…

I like the direction you’re thinking in though. Prevention and such, enabling.

My problem with limiting mass rez is, how do you determine who gets rezed? And it’s just sort of something with no precedent. There’s no other AoE with a hard cap to how many people it can affect. IMO, AoE rez and rez having a hard cap are mutually exclusive.

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Also, I feel as though only 3 being able to res 3 is imcredibly underpowered. Let’s not forget that she was already underpowered whilst being able to res up to 5.