If you can't stop the first tire on Rando Junkenstein

Ahhh… another “it’s everyone else’s fault” complaint.


I’m sorry I’m only able to carry 3 people up until the last battle. I know, I’ll get better one of these days.

Besides, If your team can’t kill the absolutely most consistent and easiest to focus tire out of the whole set…

What would you consider their skill level to be, high?

Excuse me, but why should i care? I didnt que for you

Blizzard is in charge of matchmaking, we don’t get to choose.

I know why they do it too. More attempts = more people playing the challenges = less time waiting to join a game.

If you dont trust your team to get the tire, and you know where these tires come from, why dont you just shoot the tire.


I understand, ive been in stupid marches where we have a tracer or genji, but i keep my mouth shut. They are probably children and i never want to rage at kids. Just gives you a chance to be empathetic

Get some friends in a stack and play, or accept the teams you get. Same rules as any mode unless it literally doesn’t have teams

Better yet just don’t play the event modes, with this attitude you don’t seem like the kind of person anyone would want on their team period.

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I don’t get the whole “attitude” part. Consoles don’t have chat. I have no way to tell my team my displeasure.

I could just leave. But I don’t. Because while I know we are going to lose, I at least want to see if I’m right.

And I am. 99% of the time, we get to the last boss group and everyone ignores the door. … and then it just goes.


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Even with chat, you’re not supposed to use it to tell other people how much you think they suck. If you don’t see how that’s an attitude thing, I dunno what to tell you. Just play your best every time and eventually you WILL win. These aren’t designed to be beaten immediately, there’s a whole week to better understand the new strategy.

You think I come to the forums to call out my teammates?

The only one who sucks, besides myself obviously for not being able to carry 3 people who don’t seem to have done any of the challenges before…

Is Blizzard. They’re the ones grouping us up.

no, you’re yelling at the matchmaking for giving you noob players, thus in turn yelling at beginners

I just want a requirement on these things to have completed the original on Expert. That’d solve most of my problems at least.

Yes, don’t waste this person’s time wasting their time on a video game!

Now you get it, arguing on the forums like someone with plenty of time.

The MMR must think you’re pretty bad to be constantly grouping you with people who can’t even kill the first tire on a consistent basis. Like sometimes it happens but, consistently? I don’t have that problem. In 9 games out of 10, we kill the first tire. And if we don’t, we usually get all the others and that one is filed under stuff happens. I haven’t noticed any correlation between that and being able to complete a challenge because it’s not one for me.

I stuff time bills in the g-string of eternity.


I don’t think the MMR has any ideal of what skill level I am. Does POTG matter? Does kills matter? Does deaths, boss kills, ults matter?

I’m pretty sure I’m gold in all of those things when I play, AND I usually hang back to watch the door when my whole team goes to fight bots at one end of the map.

I’m pretty sure everyone agreed with me last time I complained about this that the matchmaking was horrendously mismatched for the first day or so for these, unless you were already ranked in comp somehow.

Not Junkenstein, the game and heroes in general.

considering I don’t play qp or comp, I’m sure my MMR is not what it should be.

That’s on you. If you’re only goofing around on arcade, then you can’t be mad that you’re only grouped with people doing the same or new.

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