If we want 6v6 to stay

A 3rd grader would understand that if you have to cheat on a test then you never should have passed it and moved on in the first place. The test is there for a reason.

Passing it or failing it just proves whether or not you’re ready for more.

Keep nerfing DPS until tank and support are more fun roles by comparison problem solved start with Sombra nerf that low skill fun police hero into the dirt.

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You can’t fix queue times and tank synergy with balance updates.

It’s like you’re not even pretending to try to understand what I’m saying. I said, again in very small words, that if we want 6v6 to be permanently sustainable, we need to permanently avoid making the same mistakes. And before you say “you’ll just be playing the way you don’t want to play” I already am. I don’t want to play 5v5. I’d rather be stuck playing not my preferred role in 6v6 than my preferred role in 5v5

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Fixed that for you.

People already arnt playing tank because it’s not fun. It’s not fun because counters/being shot at by 5 people at a time while having to protect 5 people at a time.

The DPS mentality that it’s okay to screw over one roles enjoyment of the game so that DPS can have more fun is insane to me. We need to think about all the players, not just DPS.


We don’t know what queue times would look like with good balance to the tank role.

Since queue times got introduced, the tank role was in a double shield meta for 3 YEARS. No one wants to play in the role stuck in the same meta for 3 years straight, and a role that had zero strives made toward making the role more appealing / accessible for the average fps player.

Tank synergy… wasn’t an issue! That was a GOOD thing about the game.

Hope this helps.

I understand you mean well, but you can’t ask players to play suboptimally and have them agree to do so. If the optimal thing to do is play [cancer comp de jour], then players are going to play [cancer comp de jour]. It’s just how competition works.

The entire history of the rpg holy trinity says otherwise.

For those who didn’t enjoy it, it was. Again, what you like is what you like, and what others like is what others like. And whoever wins is whoever has the most votes.

And to some extent I get that and agree. But at the same time it’s completely inevitable that some characters/combos will just be plain broken at first because they don’t have significant data to help balance. All I’m asking is that when those things are eventually found, try to avoid them while they get fixed to preserve the fun, because if 6v6 sticks around they’ll be fixed eventually. But if you just spam cancer-comps then it poisons the well for people trying 6v6 for the first time.

And to an extent it is possible to have players play suboptimally to preserve fun. In Counter-Strike, at least in the lower ranks, there’s an unspoken rule that nobody buys the semi-auto sniper because, again at those ranks at least, it’s OP and kills the fun. So if one person uses it, usually the whole enemy team starts using it out of spite, but that constant threat keeps anyone from using it most of the time.

Overwatch isn’t an RPG.

That’s not a format issue. And they were in the minority.

Tank being a miserable experience every tank player has made VERY clear is a format issue. Counter swapping being overly effective against solo tanks has been made VERY clear by tank players… format issue.

These issues were present from day one. People only started to moan about tank synergies once double shield rolled around and it wasn’t even a tank synergy problem.

They plopped a 5v5 solo tank design into the 6v6 game… that is not the fault of the format.

Actually forget any of that, even if you want to argue tank synergies were a problem (they weren’t)… that’s LITERALLY a balance issue LMFAO. You can balance tank synergies.

But it has the rpg holy trinity.

Unsubstantiated claims are unsubstantiated. There’s a reason OW1 lost most of the playerbase after the first two years. The game couldn’t retain those players that left because they either didn’t like the game or had other things they’d rather do. And there’s a reason the release of OW2 had a large influx of players. The game being f2p helps a lot with that, but it also shows that there are people who didn’t think OW1 was worth spending money on.

But it doesn’t play like an RPG.

Tanks usually in RPG’s do jack all and just to sit there and soak up damage doing nothing else. This is not an RPG.

damn I wonder why.

It’s almost like… when you consistently fail to balance your game, and make it better people will stop playing.

It’s almost like when you announce a sequel only 3 years into the life span of the first game, and the sequel is still 3 years away, people will care less.

It’s almost like when you ABANDON YOUR GAME, and make it completely devoid of content for 2 years +… people will leave.

It’s almost like when you go radio silence on the new sequel for years, people will stop caring and leave.

Yea, OW2 is more popular… and it is specifically because of F2P.

Again, 6v6 had problems that could be solved through balance. 5v5 does not. Tank being a miserable experience will never change in solo tank. Counter swapping being too effective, will never change in solo tank.

The tank population is probably at it’s lowest ever. Everyone despises the role, and even the tank players that STICK with the role, also despise it.

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Say whatever you like lol I’m not the one that made a post having to warn people to act a certain way during a test

If 6v6 is so good it shouldn’t need any kind of prep talk

Once again, and I can’t believe how many times I’ve said this now, it’s not just during the test. I’m saying to OTHER POEPLE (NOT YOU) who prefer 6v6 no matter the role above 5v5 no matter the role, that if we want to keep it and it be sustainable, there will be some extremely small sacrifices that we’ll have to make. For people who DON’T prefer 6v6 by that much, then it doesn’t matter to them. But for people LIKE ME (in case that wasn’t clear) who will always prefer playing their off role in 6v6 over their preferred role in 5v5 that we’ll have to sometimes maybe not play our preferred role as often, and if that’s not worth it, then that’s fine and they can do what they’d like. But for ME and people who think like me, that’s more than worth it, so we should do that.

That’s not the point of the issue. Just because the small quantity of tanks miss it doesn’t mean going back will secure us enough tanks. Imagine if we went back and the rank role did it go up in population. It would be a disaster. Just theorizing that they might come back isn’t enough if a guarantee.

Which is why they’re going down the route if in what seems to be around 12-15 months they’ll do a 6v6 test.

Why are you acting like permanently pretending is any less sad than temporarily pretending?

Why have I had to explain 5 times that if you need to act any differently than normal then maybe it’s not sustainable?

You’re just spinning your wheels at this point. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and you’re desperately trying to find traction to get you out of the ditch. I find it unusual that someone would strive so hard to be a pseudointellectual when most people are trying to be the real thing, but I guess that’s what preference is.

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I don’t think I can use smaller words for you, but I’ll try one last time. To us, (that is people who share my opinion, that’s not you if you didn’t notice) who prefer any form of 6v6 to 5v5, sometimes playing a role we don’t want to play quite as much is a more sustainable and more fun than playing 5v5, an entire game we don’t prefer and would rather not play.

Again, to me, and others like me, playing 6v6 tank when I’m feeling dps a little more is still better than playing dps on 5v5. At no point have I ever said anyone needs to pretend anything. I’m talking to the sub-set of the community, which doesn’t include you by the way, that wants 6v6 back more than any change they could make to 5v5. To us, it is a much smaller concession to play a role we still like, but maybe not always as much, than it is to be stuck only with a game that we don’t like as much.

To summarize our entire conversation:
Me: “Hey likeminded people, if we want to get what we’ve been asking for, we’re going to have to behave a little bit differently, and make some very small changes as a community, but everyone can come out on top”
you: “Absolutely not, how dare you suggest that”

Fake engagement.

Fake satisfaction

Watered down gameplay

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It’s not fake engagement, it’s showing that we’re willing to do our part to make it sustainable if we’re given a shot.

Not being toxic is fake satisfaction? Are you only satisfied when spewing vitriol on the forums? Would giving constructive, non-hateful feedback make you feel fake and unsatisfied? Are you only satisfied when being the worst version of yourself?

it’s watered down for people to avoid un-fun comps? So everytime Sombra becomes OP or when the release a new OP character the game is just watered down if that character isn’t played on both teams in every lobby? All those threads of people complaining about seeing X or Y OP character in every lobby are a good thing? You want people to just constantly embrace the cancer?